<br />;kmoelell No fNI"
<br />.22204914108
<br />4150 W. CAPITAL AVE
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803
<br />1
<br />9ENEFICIARY: (Mantis and Address)
<br />ISLAND NR 6fiRm
<br />DONNA
<br />1M PMT Deli ON NO OF PAyYrNTe IAe` PIrT DUE ON
<br />11/08/90 120 0/08/00
<br />'PMT AMOUNT I EGeaArl 11th AM k"T 111111011 ARWUIIT
<br />286.58 IS 222.53 (e 222.53
<br />90-- 105529
<br />This Deed 25 19 90 bahfraert F=Xald D. Callihan and Donna K.
<br />Call hen, husJ�rtd and wife? 4150 West Capital Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803
<br />Jer]Cy J. Milner WX 1�ib8, Grand Island�88 ` F3na= 1 Services Treater
<br />and r .. , Trustee and Beneficiary.
<br />By this Dead of Trust, the persons) tllgoing below, the "Truster ", grants and convoys to Trustee In trust with Power of Sole. Subject to the right to collect
<br />pirate, the foliooe tp defcrlbed NO eatats, siluinled in Nebraeke County of Hall .
<br />Part of the hest %If of the Southeast Quarter (Wl,2 SEl /4), of Section 7W
<br />(2), Township Eleven (11) �lorth, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., more
<br />particularly described as follows: beginning at a point on Ltie South line of
<br />said Section 7W 12), said Point being 740.00 feet East of the Southwest corner
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4), thence Northerly perpendicular to said South
<br />line of Section 1'do (2) a distance of 205 fe--t, thence Easterly parallel to
<br />said Sou'tn line of Section TIt>ao (2) a distance of 230 feet, thence Southerly
<br />(
<br />perpendicular to said South line of Section Two (2) a distance of 205 feet to
<br />the South line of said Section Ttielo (2), thence Wasterly along said South line
<br />of said Section Tt+elo (2) a distance of 230 feet to th-- place of beginning, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />(A) Performance of each agreement of Trustor contained herein; (8) payment of the prrncfpal sums with Interest as provided in the terms and provisions of a
<br />Nola, Security Agreament and Disclosure Statement of even date herewith executed by Trustor; and (C) the payment of any money that may be advanced by
<br />Ow Bsnoficlary to Trustor for any reason or to third patties with interest thereon, where the amounts are advanced to protect the Security or to accordance
<br />with this Dead of Trust or an otherwise allowed by law.
<br />I. To keep the property In good condition and repair, not to remove or demohse ai,y ouildfng thereon, to complete or restore promptly and In good and
<br />workmanlike manner any building which may be constructed, damaged. or destroyed thereon, and to pay when due all claims for labor performed and
<br />malmlals lumished therefor, to comply with all taws affecting said properly . r requ ✓•rig any atterat(cns or improvements to be made Wil rew. not to commit or
<br />permit waste thereof; not to commit or permit any act upon the property on violal: :tr' ;tr :jib arc di all otFet Acts which front We character or use of IN%
<br />Property may be reasonably necessary
<br />2. To provide, maintain, and deliver to Benohclary lite msurance satisfactory to ,Inc_ with less payable to Benefiaary The amount collected •.Ira; • any lire or
<br />other Insurance policy may be applied by Beneficiary upon any Indehtedness Secured hereby and In such order its Benehcraty may detonn re, of At opli .r .,,
<br />Beneficiary the entire amount so collected or any port thereof may be released to Ti ustot Such appucaliun or release shell not cure )I wam, chit retain` Cr
<br />notice of Trustee's tale hereunder or Invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice
<br />3. To appea�rf In and defend any aak" or proc0pitfing purporting to affect the security hnreul of the rights or Noloomb vl FWnefrciary ur Ttuscee, aro x pity all
<br />costs and Ntpenm of aenuNclsry and TrOsteal Including cost of evidence of tdlo and allorney s fees to the extent permitted by law. in any sum action or
<br />proceeding in which Beneficiary or TryaiN may appear or be named, and u, any suit brought by denetic, try or Trustee to roe's.use Ihos heW of Trust
<br />4. To pay before delinquent, all taxes and assessments 311el :1110 the property, when due alt vii, unib• -it ,c ors a h,ugea dad harts, with .ntorest, on the pr,)perty
<br />or any part thereof, which appept to be proof of superior heretu ❑II a costs. fw ^s and rxprnse (it thi% Trust nu ,riding wrthnui unut• the life. col Trustee foot
<br />Issuance of any Deed of Partial Relea3e and Parisi Recon.uyano It or Oe(-d of f-telt e3o and F of Itocunveyant w .e,o all lawful chAror,A, rosin. and expenses
<br />In the event of reinstatement of, following default u,. this [lewd of trust nr the nwigaloon% soot winj by this I)P,•d of T ri,a1
<br />.qhn, Id Truallor seta to make any nauarant nr In An any a. t As harr..n nr.tw.l"l than Pr ishr.m y . n T,.,xfw #..1 rn .rn ...w ...., ....... .........
<br />to or demand upon Trut+tor and without releasing Truster Irem Any obligation hentut. may inake or do the sairrift in such manner And to %Ut;h ar'•,nf a4 inlht.,
<br />may doom necessary to protect the security hereof. Reneficlary or Trusloo being authorized to order upon said property, for ouch irut;:oses, appear n, and
<br />defend any action or proceeding purporting to effect the security heteof or the lights or pnwels of Hoitolittary or Trustee, pay, purchase, contest, fit
<br />compromise any encumbrance. charge, or lino which of the Iudgmunt of f•ilhel appears to bit pilot all aupunor hereto. and. ,n exPrus.ng any 'IUCh powers.
<br />pay necessary expenses. employ counsel, and pay his f associable toes, as permitted by law
<br />5. To pay Immediately and without demand all sums expanded by FzenoficoAty m Toublee pursuant In the provieiuris huuvf tvyelfter will, interest from dual ul
<br />expenditure at the some rate as is provided for tit the note secured by this Dued of Trust Any arnowat, so paid by Beneffuiafy or Trustee shad Gr. cairn n ;..r
<br />of the debt secuted by this Dowd of Trust and n hen on said premises of immediately due and payable all Option of Benoilic1ary by Trollies
<br />6 That any award of damages in connection with any condeniriahon or any such taking. o, 1•n mi,uy h flit' prepeity by Iva5uJt of puolm 'se ;' 'tr oanIayes
<br />for prlvale trialoss or Injury Monello, is assigned and shall be paid to Senoticiory a•y further tier ur.ty fur all ubhgal(ons secirled Poirebp lrc:, +r;, ur to it v
<br />Trustor, however, the fight to sue therefor and the ownership thereof sublet t 1, `lit- , rseeu of Trust). And upor •aa';e pT of such friar eyr flert.0 , ,.I nay r..1
<br />the Same as at�h further security, or apply or release the same in the some r„anne, it id with the Same Offer" a1 .qr.' .0 ffrllrrgPd 1r.r j,�pry�,tenr • , • • a w+:
<br />fire or other •r/�rance
<br />7. That time is of the reesence of this Geed of Trust and that by accepting payuiont if n• y s.. V, ...'YT Q _ r efer 't 114 'k • of a . • ,y, ,..
<br />his reg)SiNiher to ►equft promproravfr*Arwhisin diA of all other Sums so secured °' ", :K:d'+ cold •ter fa• . -R t.'. ' ;,.ty
<br />8 Thaf at aN,, trine ,w rt, nw Tim* fn r.,le. and w�fr4.J , ^JhCe. upon written roquwv ' r 7ehef 4 -fary and presevia- . n ut IN!, Unao nule(si cur
<br />er.,lorsement a"d w,t9,y„ r ,apihty therefor• find without affecting the persunai liability ol any person fir payment of the hereby and
<br />with" aMectmij 0* aev.,.nty herttol for the full amount secured hereby tin all pn,potty remilmd,i) suhieCt here•lo ,r„(1 * m. ••,t ttv• o".c ,' ..-ty that :Inv shin
<br />representing free vaa,enr any portion thereof of the property affecled by the Trustee's uttionibe c.tetchltld • m the Indebti,,h,em it.,. I ,,,%tvo may in) ,rteabe rind
<br />feconvey all or any part d said property. (b) consent to the making and toLutdrny. or either, of an, anal• ,,t prat col the piopoly - , to v I,.w wen•vf (Cl rdui .
<br />granting any aaselAoMhereon, id) loon in or tonsant to Any extension agu4tmmol or any ayfetfine, -t •,ul'. It ...,,.n . "C,.nil .1.1n, e, of , hall)*,
<br />9 That upon written request of Benelre.aiy stating that all sums Inc. Wed holeby taro haw, pant. anJ I Ill, n swlendt-, ,,I its, ti Doow'l ,•r 1,, "1 .1„d %a•.t
<br />Trustee for cancellation and retention, and upon payment or do fees. Trustee •shell roleam-,old Iecul,vey without turunant r• w.o .i :q rxi•ovs. ,n 11111ho t V,o
<br />property then held hereunder Tow recitals in sue h rtoconvevante ,,f nn, niatiety .,I ta, t, ,h:in ba i unciusrvn pro.,r',f ,loo I, rtt„ thotwd T tie y,antnn w
<br />such reconveyance may be desolbed as °rite person or polsona legally entitled thertfto 1
<br />.t
<br />QRIC.,ItIAL
<br />7
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