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F <br />l <br />FC00501i <br />Page 2 o! 2 <br />Truslor(s) and each of tliom futther covenants and agreas with Bonef(c(ary M follows: <br />(1) To pay at seas, judgments• or other assoaemants against the PrOP rry, ant tD pay W M duo NI miossmenn., nulls, toes, or chargess upon the property or <br />under any base. permit. ioerhN, or p(tw op a"Igrlad 10 Berweoery as adtiieoeN 1 WWII m IPA& Trust Dead, lrrd udng Chow in or on pubic domrm. <br />(2) To "We arhd keel) vwxad buedrrgs and oithsr irriprouwtrvtits irk-W.n-j flatures enel AtIlCht vents now on or Moeller Raced on the property 10 the satisfaction of <br />Dom". Such insurance wt be approved by and depostod ef.1h Benel<ix". aced etxis(sed with loss payable clause 10 Any sums so received by Balm" <br />MAY ife teed a pay for raoenttitr6M of tfhe dose set tmprotv:nanu o: it Mt to.p; WS may be applied, at the upi;on of Binetwiary. In o- jr.ront of any indebtedness <br />matured at infrared waxed by this Trust Deed. <br />V% To NM 61 build}nps, tat res. anaciNments. and other inn wrlwments Mm on (y MereahK Plsc46 on the DfOperty oct-4W and In good repair, ma!nts WA% and <br />eortitien and a nsidetr 001110111 nor pemlil &V act. of waata IK any intpakment of the vwus of the P(apuly. 111MVIciary may enter upon the property to inspect the same or 10 <br />poctmh any acts a(Arort:ed hreie or in the loan oWsorniongs). <br />(e ) in ft ovens Truslor(a) flits to pity any Bans, ~ente. ast(sacMM. taxes. tents, less. or charges or maintain any Insurance on the property, buildings. fixkrras, <br />4TWORM1111, or kf$Mvamenta as provided herein of in the loan proernen ;(H), Benefk:•ar!•, st its option, may make such payments a provide insurance, mainionanot. or <br />re"1111 and any wotrits paid lhuellx will became put of the principal hntlebterdstess awwod hereby. be ImmWtafey duo and payable and bow Interest at the default rate <br />wovidad in de notes) from rte date of paymwm unti poid. The advanoament bit Baneltdoy at any such amounts will In no manner limit the right of Boneildary to de tars <br />Trustor(s) In defrull or exercise any of BsnedldWs otter rights mid remedies. <br />(3) h Me scent IMn Moil ry Is a party to any litigation &Modng the properq or the rren of ft Trust Dead. Including any action by Beneficiary to enforce this Trust OW or <br />any suit in whi0h ill tirai col Is named a dsi* oft t (ftud(a1 Condemnation and bsntvupty proceedings) BsneAciary may incur expanses end advance payments for abelrsra <br />Nee, alt liolfa lose (la fte extent allowed bylaw). costs, expense. appraisal Mot, and other chawe end any amounts so advanced WP Wow" port of the principal <br />Indebtedness mom" harMy. be knntediaIlly duo and pwtnable and bear Interest so, fhi" default tote provided in the noes(s) from the ate of advance tars► paid. <br />(!) Any awards mods a Trustor(s) or their successors by the exercise of er. r►ir M domain are hereby "signed to Sonelkfaryi and Baneliciary Is harow authorized a <br />CM WNW Of any inAabMdnwss, macro or unr mursd. wood by this Trust Dead. <br />(7q h b avant Trustsr(s) defrxrha in to psymaM wMet1 dire of a y lame aacared hereby (principal. Inane, advancsmonts, or proaecthra advances), or hit to porfo m or <br />otur" any NvorenMa sad o�Wrwe contained Main, in era rntieKt,% loan agrasfn ril(ab or stay other Instrunwts, or any P(00 TW is brought by or against T9ator(s) <br />tridinr M+kzrlploy Iowa, llanalldary. at rte COW% copy declom ft 9nlre YudeblldnIt a soared herby to be Immediately due and paprablo and 1M whole wM bear kMUast <br />W ft W" rstdh M provided M the 9010(x) and 134naldary May pmnsdiattiy euttbnta Tfustoa r *Darden ft Parer of Sale gra;.lad benNn in the marAV provided in the <br />tvGtOgroiAaTirotfl Dmade Actor. at the optimal du Sonrtieivy. majf lorwJose the Tvr Owed in fah manner provided bp taw for Ins %mck"u o ai mosgeges an real Property, <br />katy 11'4 •' = <br />of a Receiver upon On 9" apWaicit. rxtsoa bsklg hwafra *Woo* v*ved. Wkhhout reptrd to the value oh rho property or the eulltaany thereof b <br />dlxfiR9rs tt'sir rindsstsdnsso soared hereby or h tent bare aprasrltsre(a). Dally i9 exerxaaiirre its dghts upon dslardt wit rot be consruod as a walm teaneaf and <br />wwarx o(Settsie:ry —011111-7 •Pocif4d del cult will not be oonetrued as a walurr of any future dr°+clmt. M the promeds under such saps a forscbeuro wo kauflcwm b pay <br />e+e total bedebtednets soared hereby. Trustor(s) do here" ogre to be psrsonaly bound to pay the unpaid belanice. and Beneficiary unit be onbtfed to a deficiency Judgment <br />Oal(8) ate into g "� ell elect than *exercise** <br />by * wif in le r wrrrr�w. �lb� �N nosy Trustee who wal record, publish, and dNlver to Trwlor(a) such tbtios of <br />provided by low. see Ins propwty at the time end play of solo fixed in flu MN* of Sate, either n o <br />whole or In separaM tote. peroois, or items and in such order as Trustee rril doom expedient. Any person may bid at the sale tockvding Trustor(s). Trustee. or Berhefidery, <br />(f) IMM(s) hereby reouilete a copy of cry Notice of D~ a PI1II' of SW hereunder lobe mailed by cortiAed mail Io Tnrstor(s) at ew addfwn(es) set forth hersh. <br />s(A(11d0o)rtgUpar(dof K an MadMy. oher in peraom or by arp ft with or without bringing any steer or praaa6np ate win a without ryard toting voluo a tls prnpollf of fins <br />of fs Trustee 4 V do � —p-bd /usny rna It doer nenecessary or 6011"i ft o protect or preowft the vakipyasooff tthe d ec p py In its own erne r h the nine <br />kIC01 I0@igi and "rite or rtralhotA ProPorty or any s. prof ts. and 0r UWn"i the <br />IaNkg pceeraseion of piss property Ie aurthoriied a era for a OtflenMdN edNet the rents, levees. crops. proate, end hconla thereof, <br />Indufinp trees punt cite and unptid. rd apply the soma upon any rrdeotednaos secured horsby or in the loan egreaeetn(s). <br />No ranady herak+ cc le W upon a reMnrsd a Trutwo or gw*Wary i e :rWnded lo bo sitclwivo of any over tw4dy hwprn « by law prpvidsd a parmritted, but <br />each will be curmatve. will be in adoWn to every ow remedy given herourder or now a Mnaher exining at law or in equif, or r Use PO and cosy G exercised <br />con0urrenty. I(W"orderhfy or aueoosolvay. <br />(t1) Tfhster(s) aduvoiledpss to Me Ouhae and oWr even of Truetas wii ba a&fmvwd so(stia by to expsas provialons of this Trust Osod or ft Nebraska Ttuat Deady <br />Aar and Trustee of not be loblooxoept for ft perfomnarxts of such duties and abUp MM as are specifically est forth therein, and no implied owm arts or obligations ail be <br />im61 UIM TMM . T1utM cur riot be Iiabis for ate anon by d In rood ledh aM r"Ganahty hard ew it an" �pw�s,..w �..�»ru.l �w� : ,y w <br />coefted rpm Hit!' this Trust Deed or slate low. - <br />(12) The NMWIV old responsibility of Trustor(s) consriwaIl a part of the consideration for the obligations secured hereby. Should Trustor(s) eeil, transfer. or convey ft <br />prWrr 1 M cl henke. without prior wnlbn ooneerx of Banatiriary, BersApory. at Res option, may dodare tite entire Indebtedness immediaWy due and payable and may <br />peoasd h rte srdoroemor+t of a riphMf <br />as an cry otter oetauft. <br />(1=) :�-Wi iA rwWo irrokrding Prsoaade of Unoral Loso c Trustor(s) hereby assigns. trarwNrs, and wafts to Ben skmy at rants. royalist. bonuses. and delay <br />rnmwyt or 0Qe►1troole Cl cwt may Mom time a Brits MCM* dus end payable u"W cry (16111 .51010 aeon cr under any oil, ges, gravel, redo, or adnsr mirnraf lease of any <br />kind incitAft psOtermal rescumso now exiefkrg or that may hereafter Como .u^u efnstence, covering tw prop" a any pan thereof. V sudr sums so renewed by <br />BomMciary wit be applied to the Indebtedness secured hereby; or Bsneersary, er( its Mon, miry On over and deim to Trustor(s) or emr sucoealxo%;n interest. any Ord of <br />such surfM wiflout pr*Aca to any of BenaAOayt; rights to sole and retain hdue sums. and without Pr"RIGa b any Of its Other rights under t ei True; Dood. This atdpMlent <br />wO bo wnWusd io be a provWm Nr de Plymom or reducticn O1 the debt subject a Qe BW*kwYs option m hoiokboto provided, lndepwxW or ra Won the p mpnry. <br />tiles Payrfls11 in Mi101 fie debt and fie noonveyance cl ethic Trust Dead of record. t a assigrima!a w A bosoms noperatvs and of rw further force andat'f M <br />{tor) TM oovsnarnaconteired in this Trust Osed will be deemed lobs eMranle: In I s event chat any portion of this Treat Deed fs datem fined 1D biova0'or uenbrosable. <br />ff� armMnsion wrN not attsct a! fie nnwring otons of Trust Osd <br />t <br />` o ri <br />-0 -1 Liz- <br />Martinv. E. :d s e Patricia Su <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF Pert I P. ) ss <br />On This tly of v1 /, ne. A.D., 19 $q before me, a N <br />s:baty Public, personally aeared <br />Martin R. Maaske and P;t}ricja. „r,,je.. Maaskp, h„Shanri anti wi fa <br />110 Etta ittow b to rid persons) named in and wteo exearbsa ft foreg0itt$ Acknowdedgm M and Trust and that they <br />encuisd 8s sxtrrlea at thei r voluntary art and deed <br />po or print name under signature) <br />y / Notary Public in and for said County and State <br />AAjf oornrtitaiorl expk" Ili <br />IR <br />if <br />i! <br />-1 <br />tifififi� <br />os�► <br />M <br />N <br />C7 <br />Y t'1 <br />CC <br />fry <br />b <br />n "D <br />n <br />v <br />x <br />`u�. <br />v W <br />IFJ <br />o <br />n <br />o cy <br />.y <br />',J <br />• r <br />L Cr <br />J <br />L) <br />C • <br />;;- <br />� r R} <br />-1 <br />tifififi� <br />os�► <br />M <br />IFJ <br />.y <br />