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103531 <br />Sala a �a kal %t l "i'rust �, � - _ .._ ... _..... ". <br />321 - 1297454 -703 <br />The Deal at Trwd Me.thw ey trt tii�? i°tti `jr.iH raaid� an JULY 10TH <br />19 89 . Thee Mator tx (+SAY E" ". 4 AND SONDRA J. POHLMEIER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />,.... ' , . ,, ( "&srrowtr "). The trtntet is <br />CO!lfERGIAL F1�Lt M., SAVZX&S A*� l'�IAN ASSOCIATION ( "Trustee "). The beneficiary A <br />HOIRWZST 111AN ; NEBRA �.: *Aviv* iL ASSOCIATION <br />under the laws�af TAE UNITSO ITATES OP AMERICA . and whose address h ,which is organieoct and exiaing <br />202 WEST' THIRD STREETS dlkAWD 1S1,AND, hDWRASKA 68801 ( "Lender "). <br />wboomeft 11rat the Borrower lees. On"nem of kV debt *W hest kmnaher described and created. and the sum of One Dollar 41), to <br />Mitt in Awl pid by the Trustee, tho tti Ppe of it hereby uknawledgod, does by tkw presents pant, bs *n' and felt, convey and <br />t on&m. unto the Trustee in trust, *j &*w 0(*&, forever, all of the following described real estate. oitrrstod lying and being in the County of <br />HALL -ad $01iot Nebnrlca, to wit: <br />LOT NINE (9), IN BLOB ' M- i*g'(21). PACKER AND BARR'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HE SICA . <br />"THIS I5 A i XOCRASE MONEY DEED'.OF TRUSVI <br />THE RIDER TO THE DUM OF TRUST A,'I,TIACHIM HERETUI A.N11 EXECUTED OF EM DATE HEREWITH IS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN AND' THR' C()WAUMS AND AGREEMENTS TO THE RIDER SHALL AMEND AND <br />SUPPLEMENT THE COVF1WTS -, AND AGREEHIITS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />NORTH - <br />wiich rot, of 229 /C :ItEY GRAND ISLAND <br />Qt1r419 ' (cdryl <br />Nexmk& 68803 r7Nrodr) (Property AddreW ): <br />To !liw W I% Nm me lirerhifes above daces with an the apputte2iavm thmunto belonging and including all hating, plumbing and <br />ligMirtg fixtures and equipment now or hereaAer attnd*d to or uvd in connection with said real estate unto the Trustee and to its successors <br />sad aaaigas. forever. The Borrower reproes w, sot! aomVensnhs'A th, the Trtata. that the Borrower has good right to sd and convey said <br />-�� � t�� ve Sr-- �11 an—_ � IrI�.Y Y� � �Ne rM� W W-m�A,e'ted he M� ,1 • 1 • <br />r •.,... ....� .�..� t... <br />whormumi acrd the mud Borrower hereby relinqu4mat tots of homestesA wid ap marital rig1N, tidier in law or in equity, and all rAher <br />eontiageat inierestc of the Borrower in aces to the sbmdeecrrbed gfrembes, sod; iattattion being to convey hereby an absolute tide. in fee simple, <br />iaclu" I AN rigAa or home wiA and other f*h s sad i tsest9 s� ai`nreslpd. <br />thari/rw Always. sad these preheats are exaMW sadd averedd aanfir tlstTraaMae, in truss, however for the tdlowirt� purposes <br />whor as, tk Borrower on the 10111 ,8y of JULY .1989 , borrowed from the Lender <br />the sago of THIRTY SIX THOUSAND TWD 'VMDRF.D AND 000 1-00--------------------------------------- <br />----------------------- .�– _..:..,..--- -0( ±Fi . 36,E ©0.00 ), roe which <br />suit the Borrower An tx&VW swat' delivered to the 4aft Borrow% a% pmiwo aft of even date, besting Werw or dhe raced EIGHT AND 880 / 1000pci axspm ( -4.880 96) per ansam on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />TAe aid prioeioai sad wArmm sA g be paye* as ft owe of WRWEST .LAZ C NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />202 WEST THIRD STREET <br />in GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801 , or at such other place as the holder or the note <br />may desilluse in %tkiag, in rnomMy installments of • TW* HUNDRED; EIGM EIGHT AND 16/100 -------------- — ------ <br />— -- ------- - -DnMM (S 288.16 ), conuna"V on the first day of SEPTEMBER <br />19 89 . and 9a the fiend day of mcb Moab thwcalher va*,! cite prisw�:i* and- Wierese are fully paid, excep that the find payment of principal <br />sad iaierrst, if as mom paid. shah be due and peyabit ce) the finttdky of AUGUST <br />This loan b used in connection with mortgages insured under the one- to ftw. -tamoy pre Vows of" National Housing Act (including <br />Sections 203(b) and 0)) wMCh rsriulre a One -Titre Mortgage Insurance Pteak m payffwt in'accordance with the regulations for those <br />programs <br />^irxm HUO4M42-0T.1(3-88 sdifon) <br />Pape t of 5 21 CFR 203.17(x) <br />1 <br />t4 <br />