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08;'06/2001 16:33 FAX 14024714429 <br />r <br />f <br />NEBRASKA UCC <br />200107882 <br />UNITED STATES ATTORNEY'S OFFICE <br />1620 DODGE STREET, SUITE 1400 <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68102 -1506 <br />1998Z00390 <br />DEPART NT OF JUS <br />CERTIFICATE TERAUNATIONOF LIEN <br />UNITED STA TTORl`'LY'S ))TICE <br />FOR THE DISTRIC ORNEBRASKA <br />Z002/003 <br />xa so• ri {. +• UCC TOO <br />9961159741 -9 <br />KOKE9 EDWIN <br />Film! 08108/2001 0241 PM <br />I hereby certify that as to the following named debtor the requirements of Section 3613 of <br />Title 18 of the United States Code have been satisfied with respect to the judgment enumerated <br />below, together with all statutory additions; and that the lien for this judgment and statutory <br />additions has thereby been terminated. The proper officer in the office where the Notice of Lien <br />was filed, is hereby authorized to make notation on the books to show the release of said lien, <br />insofar as the lien relates to the following imposition. <br />Name of Defendant: EDWIN E. KOKES <br />Address: 3210 East Gregory, Grand Island, '_NT, 68801 <br />Court Imposing Judgment: U,S, District Court, Nebraska <br />Court Number: 8:96CR65 <br />Amount of fine or penalty: SS0,000.00 (Restitution) & S5,000.00 (Fine) <br />Place of Filing: Secretary of State's Office/UCC <br />P. 0. Box 95104 <br />Lincoln, NE 68509 <br />County: Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska lDe d <br />Instrument No: Hall County Filing: September 11, 1998 at 9:13 AM, Inst. o. 98- 108889 <br />Witness my hand at Onaaha, Nebraska, on this, the 3/4 ay of July, 2001 <br />4M�B TT 417584 <br />Assistant U.S. Attorney <br />District of Nebraska <br />(402) 221 -4774 <br />