<br />,
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<br />gyp_.- 105462
<br />F_
<br />OFNI F10ARY
<br />INURNA7 iUNAL, IW.
<br />(MANTORt S1: 449400039
<br />.w . ORSE ..W= LAST NAME 661111 Iftel.Arl ielis
<br />I
<br />'THIS DEED OF TRUST. Mans• tki —MIL_ day of AMIST 19QG._ hCINeCn —��
<br />Ikaialualbr t:aWf THUSTOA. teIt, address lt?301 N WAYU7 ,L. s MR.- — and C1AV H ROGRita� --.-
<br />. he relnafter called TRUSTFF, whose address h 106% N I15 ST- - SlITZE 11010. GUM. US 60154
<br />mead AVCO FINAWIAI. SFRVIk'ES INTFRNATIONAL. INC., a Nebraska corporaeha. 1ere"fter called BkNttICIARV. *hots addteaa is
<br />1425 NORTH WB,BB ROAD. G>! ISLAiIDa
<br />tYiT1:E SM: 'fiat: Tnutet GRANTS. C•OkVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANTS TO T RUSTCk. IN TRUST. WITH POWI•R Ot SALE, oils forowia{ described
<br />property. t�iaasfle}liix Mal County. Nebaska:
<br />CWNTY, K8$IRAl3KA
<br />'ta &t.11to with ell buildinits and Improvements now or hereafter crecled thereon and As *4ivcnr, awnings, shades, +i>ur.. sash and blinds, and heating, li)thtint,
<br />- tmisW�t�. ps. electrk, ventUaUrsX, refri iathil and ale— conJetnning equipment used on I,•,- nnccuun Iherewilh, all el which, for the purpusc of this Deed of
<br />11 pt. dtaq be fixtures and subject to the lien hereof, and the hereditaments and appurtenances pertaminR to the fatolwity above described, and all
<br />stteete. laaeb .*ply Weser wider worms. rlthis, libertka Gad privdeptcs. %hatsorver therrunto belonging or in anywhe appertaining; and Use
<br />reversions and re F n I�pf. �sCi14 ryiAlnd �n M�remafter as the "ptr macs '.
<br />TO HAVE AND LD w11hIM >Rtt. with the apputthtwces and fixtures, unto the uid Heneftciaty, Us succemors and assign. forever. for
<br />the plsrposn u 4jr' j/ ' ighns and benefits Under and bs vutue of any Homestead kxmnpilon Imes of the State of Nsbfa*a
<br />tNlicll nay be {ii►� wsd I'vauror does hereby ebaprcxq1v release and waives.
<br />'i1'trtot into astl�tlt to Seftetk�aify aU nnn, Bison and ptttfits e't: said pprettpbea, Treating the rijtat to collet srsd use ibe {tame, with or vfrit)iout taklat n of
<br />tin pttrnisee. dueilRcoadattsooa of ddaalt hereunder. send dttriltj contlntaapi: a o: such default autlarlrattg t�MR►iattyy •re enter upon acid premises and or to ctaUeet
<br />Gad safotos We•atrnr, withtwt seined to adegtucy of nay sxurity for the ia.dlt +r•7edness hereby secured h) u.t. hnvfui means includissE appainranent of s rocNver in
<br />tie assns d paTC+ psi.•.7q hereto. and to apply the same tea costa and expenitew'�P' aperatlon and s:oYsctloa, tl:ati'attmfS tasoaseWe attoraey'a fees. upon any issdsbted•
<br />tMAt.tAawd AttN,1lY;.va'tlroh order tit Bees /klary may determine.
<br />I% THE, OF SECURING: (I) Pttformsusaw of each agreattent of Trustot .estoUsd hiss(n l2b.byT,ta1i: of the pripwipel suns with interest, as
<br />PM*Ikd is ttlssoe with tie prase owl provisions of a Ptomatosy Note I Loan Aprtoangt dheretna(tae tdFnred to as "promissory rate ") dated
<br />GUST yp au990 hamith rwru,ed by Trustor and pa)abU Ro th! A)rdsi of tfenaficiary. is the Prbcipal sum of
<br />A.31. oalia.3ai and ho Bart the date of its final paytntnr 44w'iin' a' f]AO or tit extended,
<br />` oftrad or neohainled by itut•. w•al or refinance: (3) Payment of any additional advances, with t isms •twoon rue ,..r.ry hereafter be loaned bs fWasificiary
<br />io Yruuor In a ." Van sum us' S 19af1AD_ 2 within 1'9 years from the date of this Dead of Trust:. Wwever,
<br />Ub h .dt1qn not eotsutute a OotatntI% by beneficiary to stake future adsanas: 11) The , a!•asent of any money that may be adsanced by the
<br />to i.liislot for say reason or to third parties, with interest ibe:eon. where the amounts err .u::,;Am sd to protect the it:curity in acconlancs with the
<br />eovismis of tow Dead of Trod: (S) Any reaewaf, ref lmociaR or extaemi a of said prombsory note, of nay other agreement to pay which may be substituted
<br />tb*W r.
<br />ALpttymeans made by Troator on the obligation secured t•) elate, /linger ,+r i tu.t shall he applied to tifr toUow snF 4 Idea
<br />FIRSi. To the payment of fixes and aucuments that maw, too, k-vwd and assessed spainst said pnn'itscs, tmurawt premiums. repairs, and all anther chattel
<br />uW expenses spiard to be paid by the Tnualr.
<br />SECOND: To, ►yt payment of interest due on said loan.
<br />THIRD: To W, lintymeni of principal.
<br />TO PR07WF JillS S(iCtlil M IERFOF. TRUSTOIWk COVENANTS AND AGREES: (1 j T o ►step scab .Sxvudm stared ail;am log by firs and ogler 1
<br />asualI Gad a ndIS00*6 up tm, foe full valste of air Wi provewersia for dw protrxtior of bendicisry p curb uslasim, w stub tanouna, and in each cs:wotpwotes as
<br />Heaadlciars
<br />amp teens tints oo tialti =hwn tail t!M lose pramwls ffesa e3pnaw of eoRediosoh sittll. at RaaetiCiafry'a opibwt be appikd on tea indebtsdners. whether
<br />doe of not boo pit swttlratiasa d tsysassta fn east of bin Truism WI notice by said to the Beneficiary. who may make proof of loss if not . oecatglnsry canosned r ltrrtt;rj eitlimesaad acrd directed to •make psyrwatt for such lon dimly to this try feMead oil
<br />to tb a T�o ps�� teams tied epotiaU arelseatesaeaf any loaf tfOss lave bees or say be levied ear tnatsred upon sod seisms Gad to delivery BsaefRiary.
<br />tt on t tstM tin DsOeffeiary. an offkW g=kx tdwa+wfp�rpsrm of ax each pea and awes ew. 131 Is the event of defauk by Tr ustor trader Psussnpla I or 2
<br />rase - - �... as..a.....� ►..� I..rrrr.. nice,. ore' -fie r....,. - alllm a!o ad. " ob" rs..,a ..r Tva m ..J .....►. _` - °•
<br />p t�f tpsd tC ry testae: lb) •fay a amid taiasb aa�irte�ents rritliaW dastt>,Mistt tie validity tbareor'. Gad (c) psy lath Bias ad an nsach disbtrseoeau sW be
<br />iaiaeatl to genii tti'tis Waieadra asaated ilia Deed o/ Ttwa arW shay be ltneaetW W' dwand tnayabis iy Taasxot btr Maeiicirry (d) To pay wfw due any ike on the
<br />peqatly telici V etoior to rile lien d Gad, am aaddiiani{{ aalt��r or option ptarttd by aaq eemar Ins at by &a senior Ilessboidsr to peYwit The vriocivat
<br />lrlrlob talCi uidee Yla q Trtasarr toot permit the prfsipal balance of nay tteaior Yale to iacrsrce shove tie Waroe al ilia rise of tine Inkiy of skis T ax
<br />Dread tttaW Ob TM Dtd Ad him bean paid its fWL 13) To keep dw bit Wasp awl arise isaproveaanra Now a siecsy or herebfter elected in fwd Condition sad repsa r'.
<br />aid la atf■atk or afTir may waste or aq m of aim piesaiem c0a4a17 to rwttictiona of eeioerd a �sttvar) to taw. Gad n pennil Boefldw to enter at tall teason�r
<br />titan for tie patfpose of Itsrpetainp tie Wwwsa s: oot w reaso�e a dseftraiiai nay buildiy thereon: to reawre promptly and in a good And tsorkis aatike menaer sav
<br />bnfidiap trhirY satay w dreaapsd or dsaroyed thraeoa. and to ppaayp. *ban deer. aU d diem for {shot lism iGrtnld and "movials Avvi stied tberefa, lbl Thu. d'a sipper of fhe
<br />lavaimay Meet 4 +stir pq� the IaiMedans tttcvred iwwby. and perfoem aY other obii fis6m in full Willa Ike •etas of said PAXW eosy Note
<br />aad.tW awR'�1rttM.(7 %, t110 a 4 d d tY inMaadnp bseby aruaard. or at any pow" *Amor. as�e�eaded at sees -d. sad rr po!bovs of ter
<br />Dam/ eft TIiM. (s ea for Meb!► � afa ll V"M � dilate do po rite m onvol �Yibe�iatrim clshm of my sad all pe oft
<br />law
<br />a 1) _Aholald Trwtae fad to PuM any paym�cnt or do as act as beer* ppr.nisnf, or a an) a.tM.n or {{luwcaedufN it ..-mrnees�c+f rhwh matetulf) atlnts
<br />'s iste cu In the Preairs, thm sttreiiekuy ae �rvsttte. Mot with,wt ..hits 1kin to du M., anal eith,wt notwt fit or dtntanal upon Traslot, snJ
<br />ntitltaat seleairfp Tn"W fwm ANY 6abtipats0Q iteteutedrr. fray make or des the vase. Gad teats pa). putchase. ,,.meat or comlimmtee nay twumbrative..irarp
<br />or Van. tWh in The )okinest of tothtc appeits to tfle.t aid pnspett), seal a rxeaismp An) eo,lr p.raeta, sn,ar AVIV hAtr6t) anal egvisif rkaletef am,.unts in
<br />Axe afarolale ftecsetiva of bne(scsar) aw 1'ewMe either may derma nhewr) tArreGx Au ss►ms s a fa.ctred .•t estwrkkJ b) Henetwuo of booster QN41 M
<br />titian danaad isstaWdisi) sloe anal payable % lrustor, dull hear mter"t it taxi (rrRlirsi ta:.r pettnitted t.► um Jn,t .hall hr r,utej hrtr!,V
<br />12) Sbsoutd the Prewdon of any post rhtrt.4 be talrn h) traw.n ..t an) u.e,krtsi►st ►es pi. +ecdsne. krrrlh,J•. .hA!i he snouted All „•mpen.rrwet. J•HJ•
<br />Mai advert pa, meats mini*. 04 1.1 eppty 11st vast in the uwkilledttsH...,..•r t heret•e
<br />130 r) uctpttag Polawal .d cry wm hterb) ewwed alter its der Jilr, of A!tee ttst Wiry I., n•,t..e ,-1 d 641t ar.t ek,:s,w t•• wol. herKthsaq "i . —I
<br />wares its Not fo rtytlrt pr.,enpl pd`IoW4nl trArw &* 01 air otbtr want t.. WIUNJ, ••t r., daft: r ,ivt..II t, • •a4.'r • ..• t s. , • t ,r•.1 •t.h the .t:, real+•
<br />asst' %b4i WAWr al AtfwlI Gad of ek,%twle n, tr►1.Ioe aey uapaoJ has n,v .,f %44 md6fed1tr., It W;, I. •.•, '.•!d, a td.tt•. •.,i ear.,.•. I I-, Am "i,;A•.
<br />seewtef tstttiy, tT May tortme Ott Will t%"4ft•( at sts..pu..eo. tithe► twr.vr, ,.Tter,iw,•JM' •4.h ..n t' .err ..A• n .T'adr h••ynh.i 1
<br />te^tara 1014110. 1"01 Na • taaNNft^L. usYrtr LAW
<br />��L._3dlYUS.m' }.��(n{•V,'.r�, .li'' I ,. - ., .7? '. - h`�.....'r ,t:.,. .`
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