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f `s. �ti <br />S90010111 10341.4 <br />10, ssfresesw Not flsliaalw� :7'Mbmomi w E «� � a YWtv.r' E "ws>s"� of the taw fix pavm.nt or MV � : of of lhr sums Waited by th;s Secvnly InytrurtvnI <br />WAAW by t.eruto to any s+ccos" in wnk.resf of Porrawrw sham not opera% to feleae@ Via hatswitty of me of grnal f:orT.mir or (lprrowet•s Suck ssar11 in wfiwes! Lendet 11ryt1 not b@ re9u` ed <br />to commence MocY «lips sowxt any w­-cosw in wkw#ot or rol'u" to •xNrxt time tar poymsnt a otherwise mcdti - of tare suns sacww7 ey thts Security tn$tnj,1W-1 by ro*W <br />of any demand mad* by"arp"80"WJW Of F4"O w'0 succe«as in miterest Any fatfearanc@ by LONW in exsrc.5•nq any nght m m rAbdy stall nol be a wAv Mt of or PAKf lda tot <br />exercm of any fight a remedy Th4 oovonanio wfd agr•amotNe at thte Socunty inFtnNiMflf sate% bind •rid bonfiM MO 1VJCC1faM arxt <br />11. evem4we am A«iMra sslMld. Jew VA Milk Lf AM!. C:a•a1�11af. <br />a@wptfe a Lender anal porrowor. s+fb(si t tb also peowlsloni at parag'aPme t i. laprr0 , 'saevanen"- s�pea4eny snb+f�+ftnal eorm war t�wrle� a sn�Mia�Pr+� !1t � K�r. x t1u�a+'� <br />blri dOM she Nou (a) w caMgnfnO Mw !!@ctxftY lffaffurrwwfl orffY to n+«1Qaw• ffferk and <br />(101 M not 0 @re0fn111q coho lad b Pall 9% sums somwt by fns sacur4y inswu m. and (C) aprssa MwM tandem and any otMr ftorrawat rr►ay 94ff+ff a exler><i, heowtrtyt knfbsar ux rtMl+s enY <br />aCOOnnwo 40m WA Nwd 1b M latnia atom wwtdy kNkts++eeN ur fns miffs vwyltUlA {hat f)icfrroewee's cenasnl. <br />IL Laaa l�lafl1sa V fns bin tl@carsd by Mrs Security ke11ktfnwk N Mlbp6K a a law wlfkh «fa AmWm rm bon chow i o. and "Mw is wor w+tofxeMd so Meal Me. stmenM a seen meant <br />rita�as rA , I.d or to be oo4cCM1 n COnt+aMOn with the loan @acaad VW POr1~ fkeae, linen. (a► any such ban cmttlfga dwM /1f1 red►wcsd by Ma amo►a1l ft@t@saary a rer1110im V1s dlsrga <br />em prM NO owed undo 1114 Now making a Psyfnonl Oorrowwsr. N a 4*0414tk- PriffC*m. ** wducaan we be soaked aaas s PW" Cllnl+lhr#ttsm w0 mfi elf p.PSYfeMM C1+arq <br />under Va — AINtMas towwa Muff. N efiecolm tr ampiremn d •ppk#A" isws has We egad of rwdowrp any VWiaiOn of life No* a IM Sat " Rhein* untsr>lamsabM <br />s--pnl l m lo No ltl iv Lendw. al N4 option. msY nmpsrs ilm - aM I Pop W Gl tars of ON 11tenM NeCtrrad by lhfs Secxs+ey lnshtmMM •rid fnmy kfvok@ any 11111 01" Psnfy110d by polvicln tf. <br />M Laafl asotta@a tlua option. Lander"16ke M+s slops spaNNsd in Me *Kona paragraph of Paragraph V <br />14. N1Mna Any now So spnewar P ovdsd for in Via locally kokull'+sla ofd fn QM t by defww+ng k a by merlrp A by final lass n1d unllw.s oi%11ictlb16 ltlw nlctslros ass of arloMla <br />dw�to0. The rnaa r 00 bs docled a N» Property AMNM a any a11wo adds« Oarowwf d«ignai« by notice m L Swwft u^ msnfbM+ ba imMad a hom W*nt 10 bbo WW « <br />addwss eMMd hmifeke a any oMta afte s Lvdw dWWWOS by fwoVC� fo Ilarona. Any ntlboo 14ov <br />Ledo elan Oven M P1 dvN4d in Vw16 ovewsph <br />It. QaflarlMmis Law. ownro ". The B.=uMy WAKPI O MM be governed by federal law and the law of *@ funsd+cbon in whO t s Pmpanty is local@d. in Vw ram 111% any Provision <br />or clemas of 11 is Security knshrummo k 0r Vw Now conflicts wwkh opt. - p .-I fav" ouch C"ftl shah nd of ft, o*W provdmj of this So"my lnwumom or the Nom which con be QIKW @fled <br />wwo" Vn empicMng p *,,IWn. To Wfa end M prow om of Mfie Socurklf kw11ktrrnerd and the Not@ are declared 10 be 11e10111"Aft <br />it re CWf. f iovm shall be won one tonfo .—I copy of this Nole and of txs S@cunty tnsNUm '. <br />17. 1AMafar M alts Nnpsny M • MNIISIM fln4mM1 in emmm. M as a any Part of tf. Property or any wnNtast in a N SM or transtsrtW (or A a beneficial mlersst in Bonow.f is sold <br />Or Vw,-A-nsd and sarosr.t is not a nomal pow) will-1-1 Lender's prior written corimmk. Lender may, at A11 MWO. mqurs wnmedi•Ie peyrnent m tux of aN sums secured by "ft <br />Ssa+firy <br />Rukanark. tfOwrawal, MNa apron OW not be sr+nrcoW by Undo M @r Vcm to pref+flffsd by fecwal law as of the dale of that Socurdy nakuna IL <br />H Lander a"miage VYe eoflon. Lerlder *0 gw so 0WIN nowt of accoleraton The ntoWe shall McKS01 a powd of not bsa Veen 30 days from the dale M notice is ds N0111d Of mailed <br />wiam ~ E OWN ftm Pay M mm "Ctwd by flea Sow" t 8orrowwer teilb ft pay thm sums prior tot" oxpw•hae of tfws pw*d. Lender may writ*@ *riff tem11dfM Pwmithd <br />t>jl f/N4 Seux" k11RIkmlatM Y1NIOfA krn>r v roads or demand on Qontwer. <br />11)• MnOwo a ISM M AoY1e1Mw M "low nweMs c@rtan con3bom. Bommv shah raw tae nghl ro hops ertWrcemerH e! taw Srrcunty disCOtelkNtsd at any MM to <br />lies sanio of: (a) a days (Or wCh cost Pow as oophCam law may specrfV for rewnta%nwll bom saw of tl@ Ptopew iii pursuant io any power of sale tallekt@d on if" 'Somfty this Som* hgnffWd and the <br />N W had no acOMK� oapirw� l CLM afn y of any Dot co a egmmll . (a) p YiN.Ypenws wwic fw! in 9"forCwwg 116 _c4cur ly 7inYburnorvi. kw *iding• but not " !4 <br />Ia. f @--a Otis ellcpwA' Use: and (d) Wise wch actin ad Lender may 1*140CAb Y rseluws a assum mat two free Of this Security trisne wfl. Lando's rob in tn. Prop" and BanNAWS <br />a fift, shaim t yt ��ro eseunsd Mrsby ehaN <br />me r lof llor ocamod ►awwMs ngM to e oUpon na aOPN cam Sorrowsr of OCCOW� Ra►�ap�3 7 <br />NON-11filW0AM COVENANTS Smva r and Lander UOW o0wnnt and 1011124184 looms <br />1!. Aowlafdlnr. Malaillaa. L MW sllso on afwN to oil OWN— a _U 1111~ 1O f ormwWa llmoot of &m cewwtaM a agfsaMat M 1Ms si@olKlly Mleklmsefk <br />(MA eaa M sstfeMemaftaw 1s16r psrestapM 1s cad t7 talfsns appMlMfa iNw ptltwfMa <br />0). The eflMas @Neff specift (ar the f1O1s1N1; p) the smam tsiqdmsd M taw Ma <br />dslelft {N a deli, artist lion Own w dep Ow Iola 416111110119 *awe la MIIaI b (1pfM11Na►. w Dell k Ma dM1sfN equal be clued: awl/ (d► amid 1.111" b olss ells dWMYI en a balof@ <br />ells dole yraMw Jar tlla asrea �w�ssM�f mNedt b essid lMn el elf. Qsws aaswN *vow firrorify lim* nraeM atom sale of the ►1p4e►�l'• TM room affaN fifrMlor k m1a swroww of <br />rile Mole to "boom offer arssfams(@a 8" ft MdM N. wklg a •slut scum" s•aw ' fin ran1 at14Mmlas 0f a dolwM en any @Yl4r dMsns. of emeawer M «11- MMkfs aw fits. N <br />titwa MIe11t N wee owl M w selemeSle dta4 @MeaiMlr11 fn 116 fMIMe. Laldar M Ma aNNaml lay morn WmAdWe p%*wa Ml Iffe af M awme mound &# tds Of -- Ny MlWWWA k <br />wMs1RRs*arMsMflaM taarirfwffa>r1s pMwr st!tMosffd>wM eM4rtlwwMM pafraMMd Mra(lpilaadMlm LaMar Mao bo o wYM 1O o~ MlespwAn isrurms 11" PWOUW0 <br />>M wafwtae psaMMd all •110 MfrAegA Mi. M111mlis11. IVA 11e1 MOIpMd t.. anomble a11Me1ays Illeas sited state of YIY svfdono@. <br />s nlr paw M ew rr Mlleew. lltww I" hsw*a noYos of dyMtfl M each caw ft M wtrkigfT, •tor Merl M rla ►ropmfy 16 kteatw and shall mo 00pl s of swtw AWN M 00 <br />_..._... ...r...,�.........e.sacsuw.rr.. �a..w..s.edd.+frM.NarwllrlaN4 AAatt llla llmsa maSaYSd w ap'NOaMIs lawn ))ilea <br />a" PAN welts <br />' •,••,••••• --•-•• --�-- - Isets <br />*wow wWAUl dwainw an swimm. S � ea vo /le"W o iranls �iff�ff wail. iei11ils.� iiioer wi ww: <br />@t aatal.w pmeaasswdlatM asaaaa.psarliei0lr + r <br />ti mead /Mss amid laldae M Ialale Mayaolad In !M m1aiM of "Sala la awe a Mars p•nssis auad M any amMr 1t11slas dMf1mf11Mfas. llsgn wt4y peoMaas eels d aM a ff>y pafoN <br />mM tits hsMmM fe() /Mss •wnatMleafNatll M Ms role old plea a/ *try pmwNsllMy scholLfte ale. Lander m us daayflas slap INfreffsM efa IMOMf11f N any sal. <br />!! e...laa ad !al�d ref alts •1lse fW.1111safn s1Aaf1 del W fm Mfs.lwerelt«er thm4ara't 04M.otweayMls St MpaelfF Tlls fit @ilafs M tlla tfww • dew s11ss M prMlta /ap16 <br />srt+itlells. M tlla tnAA M flrr a141sslasls dead• 1NamMls T1reMa elf W tf ws proasas ati eu aaia•irr t n.;taiww::..� i :> n M •:,••-a:: M • « b"l • <br />a Mrewfe.rt <br />Mo � Mm+Alwsd M aMNIOMIN Mn sw/ mssawlsW Mwrl�Mpt' teas: IIR) to aM isle aeelesar w MM lsoumw Mtakwaemfb and le) anY eases. M 116 pafsen r p aono <br />wow sr <br />� <br />� tl!@ fernPwty finds) to person. by ageht a by hfddtly aPPtretev wd to <br />AL lAMs trj M fs- N Upon sweloaboWow. paragraph 19 of sbandOn+ t <br />"W upon. sal* =mmw fen Of WWI m ms the pow* Yrpnd lo 0ow got" of 0*1114204rflf fi1C*>I rg,MfpN4 past due Any twN11 eosoceld by Lends► cr the rscertwR shall be appfiod W <br />fp•"Wasm w ffto 00016 of 1flOft a om of re Pta"VIVI VW =ssc ion of raft, i "joing W nor tlRrkad t> twfwer. fan. prertMUms on nceiwrr•s bands ono' rs«ontlre aooffwo' Nos. &-A <br />Rta2r4 Mq.ufns eacutd M Vws SilafrAy trasurrnerk. , <br />m lbeffa "mifen Upon pwmom M at m orm as wfat �aY.thw 9rrau >`y. kwatrurrwerff Lender shah rogtwaslt Trvslse 10 reeafwsy ohs Properly and st►aN Mxrerxler ifr14 <br />warranty "WOW plaa &cons, <br />astolos stAdaneig 411* DWAW by lis SOW" Tnw@ aallorw" ri@ Property witOA chug@ b a kwMturn•rk 4rwry <br />hlgaly @rrliMOd lQ . <br />it. Such parson Of "Pay any raC0rdlaomcabsr <br />V!. StoomAe ~ Lender. at"opw, Mey: Liss» inw a tans ranwowe Trustee and appowrn a suctessa trustee to any Truelte rppoinled hsra (X*.,ay an itfektxifak recorded in 91i. <br />tacky n which Mile 8a"* klakurMnl a mwttlad. 4+1400 eoruwsyanc+ Of tf» Property. Via sutoessor trwtas wm ara:eed loss tomb. Pmt and dW141EStoomre0 upon Tnr416@ hoesim <br />said by appacri16 Vac <br />b, tftewlaal tar "@*so 1. W,owa fepu«fs mat Cop« of the no of defa ilt end 5810 b@ WA 10 8aroww's address wwhich .s the Property Adtlille eorrawver fu1Vf.1 regteests tJwsl <br />t0p}.+1 ago. fwo4ets of d.fuo wd sale t1@ sort fo each Person wino r • party me" M line adds« of such Pusan «t 00m heirom. . <br />tt. oil" 1616 sansw kowm lsaa. ff pea or nor@ nders am eaaeuled by 8o mvill t and Nodded logallm wwdh awe Sw:faity IMkunwent. ale eowAtrea and agreemerf16 of each suds <br />nder sh@N be vveopermod na and sf Wt al,or wJ %VpWr e l Vw.Oownarss a rid opwr ok. of Vns sKurly nsswnsaol us d tae rocW(s) wwe a Pet at ttws Sea+rkY Inetnmsafl. (Cfweds <br />sppao4bM bpa(@itl j <br />T� AdJwtabl@ F1aN Rid-- t ' CadCmnum Nwdsr O 2.4 Farrfily Rh`fet <br />(3raduaMd P"MOnl ta+del PU rdW Una Development Rider <br />0 011+41(11) (sPrCNl <br />BY SIGN00 BELOW W PM M aonpls and ►%ifflefs to sew farm ono wmnmftlf eontawned n Bwis Socr`inty � trumer�l and AnY r ) ex by 8offmw and recordod WO it. <br />/ _1 <br />- - ecn0»r <br />[specs Below T)Me Lk* For Aelutow 14011m tI <br />Soft of fWb e" 1 <br />Courky wpm Nall � so <br />on oft _ 28th day of .,Una _ 1929.b4w1 M.aNOU"Pub:wcwtteeSt81e0! Nebraska _ <br />owwnavvwow•d- Mike Anderson and Linda Anderson- husband and wife <br />t-. m. q:ry±neMy ar+Sfr/► to is Mae pnornCtJ named m er+d wwtt0 easG.'fe0 tfte 'oregow+g .ni•'Jtr'fttML and adwrowYe6�ed Chas --- .- -- -_-- executed ammo sarntt es -- <br />vokukar/ as one Mod <br />NaA tNO Ail .a@e1 <br />my CIOm mm Eayee fRE1AANE M SC ft NOTARY P_ U H`LC <br />My CGgfaaJe 29. •. .� � �F � <br />e <br />sum of NOW"" 1 <br />/114 <br />C,arwy <br />of - e <br />Oft Cf . <br />to pAtr•rn r^� ;)'i :C�tV Pr' ! r .? �,' :.a, . <br />c•+�r:r.w�rr ssGGwrrw�wi <br />•--q CA- t.,!'t r••(i►" f<) to wo rie'w1•F'%, - •br*vl M XV? f'.: 001!- v ",j •- 3 - a'u, .. h...,..,M <br />:A... . <br />