<br />103407
<br />I D F I I U I i f. 11 41 t-le
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<br />Uo-u por it t it) 0, -1 PI1 V f j I 4,A) I CLI (JIt I Catt Coll, j:hf-• r,j-rj-.• pf tric, fir!-.t part, XV)
<br />voioj,iideration of thl •-itlnl Of
<br />Fifty Ftitur Thatutavid, YWO •ILMOTPO and No/ 100i;VoL�-
<br />bollar-i to it in haild pa.-tij by
<br />low INC. 1420 VICEROY VALLASo TX 75235
<br />ca C t
<br />oTporaion, of the S,flvorld part, 'revei pt wherecif it.
<br />hereby aCI►IJowledgL-d, ha• granted, atixgvivd, and •pansfur•odoo and, by
<br />these preSentS, dDef, 4-r-Mt, ixvf:invl% avid t'r 11 "V, f er unto the part of the
<br />second part, its and assigns, as evirtain T mtst Deed, whOreill
<br />the said Central Mortgage Corpoo•vatiori :Ls
<br />is Truster, and I JE;OR I 11LL INSORANCL CONPANY is Trttstee,
<br />which Trust Deed was dated thou 16, t11 day of III a -1, c 11 113
<br />19 dOCUment #
<br />and revur0ed the Clay L
<br />-tty q NFUROSKA
<br />Mi,.)-ptqaqi Rect rds of HftLL com
<br />v%;�h-L% title aytEl i.rjtC,,pc%�,t to ttiv. property t h ei v, e. n descrei bed
<br />1-01- LINE (.0 WE1,z;VLRN HUI-XffHc• lt•lft)) WALL CQUN )'Y, N F BRASAN A
<br />cent- maul,' 1703 t.ViRlor LANE k•R9ND ESLMiD lqli 6500:?
<br />1,04etr►tacr with tfi*-- I, ronix c-bo-ry %1CA f, tr, c v e x n de%crVied, and tne money
<br />Out? or to become 43 Lk 0 $'10 r (` Ll 11 ILI P T t tto i )-14 xviotf?.rp_"it L-Itereml, fittbJect
<br />0 1-11 Y to thf.? V#CCJVI 4 m,_'t 11 d t n C? I To E' V 1-1 tX I Yk PCI
<br />.. At
<br />TW_UT -rhW-qR _UWRVOI-�__ I liv- Lvilt i- al Flor L ilaUL, Uujrj2u ratitxil* a , J oil-, h, s
<br />catl6ed this Cis5ignment u f i g. to L Pf -i'Ll i0 be executi'd by its Vice
<br />prosin4rit 'U43
<br />affixt'd that" 10 MAY 89
<br />flifil. PO VOR T U-16 1) AMP
<br />BY
<br />V va"O" 1DERr
<br />__rm 11M
<br />IF
<br />SIA rl:: OF 111 rh i qavj
<br />COUNTY OP Ilauowo
<br />Ovt th I S, 10 061Y C. -f MAY before' nip
<br />a Notary PU b i I C Cl to I i-4.11119JI ,,I olle d aiid qita10.iJ -tici mild -fc7vr said camity
<br />MpjM C.., CjjAj:tj;tL-M JM IMM R. FAM
<br />arid i:.tatf-•, fjur?,Eivlcoilly the aDuvc,
<br />(3 f Gm-vtral 11 o r t q 'i q 3 or p 4 3 ra t I ort W1,10 ace vilown to me to Oe
<br />Lhe identiv.il ji(•TS•016S. vjrjce�,•j. llctnlNt. jjrp Eifr.Lxeo tu ttiv artuve-, Ar.s,2Ep1n1E•nt
<br />of Tr"st Dcjed as ttle VICE MMEW &VICE FROMM of Sa.,td r.,Orporat2on
<br />Rroci (i ry a.t allu uvvci
<br />th y atA�j'icsw1cvdgv tne )VIst(mment tcl DO thr-.2'r volurpte,
<br />or p o v a I i:vo
<br />Ot S,%ld 1.r
<br />.
<br />1411NE_E,.Z roy hetirics avow ulificial tr-v_&I� at; 'MA(?CM All !:-azu
<br />Couriti, thfz d,xte
<br />rly 07-22-92
<br />mul t13age �Iitoo Jif- 4804ZI
<br />KRE
<br />