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89--a 103275 91603 -1 -30 <br />MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />The following are addenda to the Mortgage. Plane check the applicable addendum. The <br />I addendum checked shall be incorporated Into, and recorded with, the Mortgage. The term "Mortgage" <br />WWI be deemed to include "Deed of Trust," If applicable. <br />FHA ADDENDUM <br />As long se the is outstanding, the Lender may declare all sums secured by the <br />Mortgage to be ImmedLst'sty- du* and psysMe H: <br />than by <br />devise, ddesccont � q a&m property. <br />ot taw) -by sWBor" or otherwise tp �sra or othm (other ,nssfereee: <br />(1) who cannot reasonably W ctod .to occupy the property as a principal <br />residence within a reasonable time aitMr thi: satyr or transfer, all as provided <br />In 3ectiog 143(c) and 143(1)(2) of the iotMin� 'Revenue Code of 1984, as amended-, or <br />(11) who ham had a present ownership interest In a principal residence <br />during any # fee tfet�eeryear period ending on the date of the ads or transfer, <br />all as provie tn.Sebtion 1+13 {d) and.143(i)(2) of-the internal Revenue code (except <br />that ties iang4eage "100 percerex' shMi. be substituted for '95 percent or more" where <br />the latter sppeara in Section f43 {d)(11); or <br />(1111) at an acquisition cost which is greater than 90% of the average area <br />purchase price Greater than 110% for targeted area residences), all as provided in <br />Section 143(e) and 113(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code; or <br />(iv) who has an income in excess of that established by the Nebraska <br />Investment Firwnce Authority under its applicable regulations or program guidelines <br />ht effect on the date of the sale or transfer; or <br />(b) Borrower fails to occupy the property descd.bL dd In the Mortgage without Lender's prior <br />written consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omit or misrepresents a materlal fact in an application for the Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect on the date of execution of the <br />mortgage and are doomed to include! the Implementing requisitions._ -- - - - -- -- - <br />�_ VA MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />M, so long as the Mortgage Is outstanding, ON or any part of the property is sold or transferred by <br />Borrower without L oWer's prior written consent, other than a transfer by devise, descent or by operation <br />of kw, the Lender may, at Liender's option, declare all the sums secured by the Mortgage to be immediately <br />payable. <br />June 21„ 1989 <br />Date . <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />County of Hall j ss <br />The: foregoing instrument was acknowledged Before me this 27th day of June , 1989 , <br />by <br />Andrew T. Carlson and Nsncy :K. Carlson, husband and wife, <br />Witness my hand and notarial goal at Grand Island, Nebraska In said county, the date aforesaid. <br />My Commission Expires: <br />G�,State o1 Nebruh . <br />fit iaa by pd. 11.10. Notary Public <br />MFA 19M Swift O. (Force MFAMA.pfm) <br />i <br />�. `r <br />
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