<br />90- -i0Z351
<br />written contsecte, budnts, Changs orders, feasts and other instrunr►ts atoll be
<br />euweat to and inspectin at any reasanmble ties by Lander. within
<br />sawn (7) drys of Lnder's request, Bonwmr shall tlnr» iah to Under a balano.
<br />ahas+t, a Statement of incxw and or tho uy and a state0000ntC of
<br />donps in finroial position, each in ssawnuble dwtail and certified by
<br />Bar'swre Wide if IandW shall require, by an irdepmm I 1r I OWtifbd public
<br />a000vntent. Bwzmw swill ftmish, within thset (3) days of tader's regwst, a
<br />rant soluNlo fee the Anapsarty, outified by Bortowmar, dmrinq the n um a of each
<br />tmrnmot and, for soch taw*, the spsos ocovpied, the lochs wipiration daft, the
<br />rant pegeable amd the rat paid. In addition to the foregoing, Burrower stroll
<br />Runieh copies of 9=T*w&e federal moose tax rob= (including all scIh@& les)
<br />and such finuclail statannta and other d=muntm w records as requested by
<br />Iamdmr wiftin Dove bdred tmm y (120) dgrs following the close of Borrower's
<br />fiscal yow. All finonmial stata ants and other documents Or raoards p aaaant to
<br />this pu "reph shall be paw ded at Gorr war's sole eMpenos.
<br />j
<br />U. OMMIN M. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of any action or
<br />1 pr oo w ft relating to cy con m onat ion or of ho r tWdr q, utwther direct or
<br />indirect or I&Wther by win ont domain or othrrwiss, of the Property, or part
<br />thereof, and Borrow shell appear in and prosecute arty such action or prooedirg
<br />unless otherwise directed by Tinder in writing. Bor caMmar a **hiss 10*br, at
<br />Larder's option, w att nay-in -fact for Boer weer, to in and
<br />promeoute in Ian derfs or Bo:rzcwor's name, any action or proceeding relating to
<br />any such wation or other taking of the Property, and to mottle or
<br />compromise any claim in corrrctian with such oar other taking. 7ths
<br />of mW &wand, pwima s +C'a cl aizi ate' , +3ir.� " �i �� :' f a! if i
<br />connection with any suds udanstion or other taking of the Property, c r paurt
<br />thawt, � rmeyances in lieu of card onlatian, are hwvby assigned to aryl
<br />be to ladw.
<br />Bcacrawar amthatiam s Xa Aw to apply such amards, payments, p aseds or
<br />dmmm"em, after the dat%sc:tiah of lender's rtpeneem inourred in the aolloctian of
<br />anoh amounts, at larder's option, to restoration or repair of the Proopprty or to
<br />prynrrt of the suss seared by this Instshwm*, whether cr not than due, in the
<br />or 1 x of ealiortiuh sat forth in paragraph 3 hereof, with the balance, if arty,
<br />to Borrower. glass 8orrmAw and Lander othierwise agree in writing, any► not extad or postpone the due date of
<br />ka monthly installmrtts referred ttoinparagraow 1 and 2 harmot or champ the
<br />amount of such beetallmerks. Bwr w r agrees to shmmo uts such flut2her evidence of
<br />assignment of erW aaeards, pv=wdm, dmgss or claim arising in connection with
<br />such oamd. ation cw tskinp as lardw nay require.
<br />12. Me I= 1W RUMGM run time to time, larder may, at
<br />Larder's Option, without giving notion to or obtaining the oOrhsent of Borrower,
<br />Boctwn-'s muccaus as or assigns or of any junitor lisrttrolder or guarantors,
<br />without liability an Ian w's port and notwithstanding Borrower's brvac h of any
<br />I ooNrhmnt or agreesis it of Bor r obar in this Instni mmnt, extard the time for payahent
<br />j of said or any pelt thereof, reduce the payments ttiwxum, release
<br />any Other persons secondarily or otherwise liable an any of said ,
<br />aaaept a ro miel note or motes therefor, modify the terms and time of paymmnrt of
<br />said irkmbtMlhsss, release from the lion of this t any part of the
<br />i3vpwr4r, tab or release other ac tuitional somwit y, rea mwmy at W putt of the
<br />may, monommit to =W vaP or plan of the Picportyr, oorwent to t1w grsr:tinq of
<br />cry pt, join in any ease bmsion or sulxw•;Uma {on ahphemmmseeI , &e d in
<br />writing with ftwrmw to codify the sate of intent or pwU d of aseoo ir.ation of
<br />the Hato or longs the amount of the mornthly installments payable themnder.
<br />Any actions tak n by Lander ■+ yLw to the toot of this cemrm airmp h. 12 d=ll rot
<br />affect the d aliigmt.icn of Borioweer or Borcvwer's auoosseors "or amAgns to pay the
<br />seem se4 1 e I by this Instrunwit and to obveromm the couenmrnts of Bcrtrowar
<br />Oontainad h Kvin, shall not affect the guaranty of any pateoh, oorpor+rtian,
<br />Pwbunelp or other entity for peyeont of the i I secured hereby, and
<br />shall not affect the lion, or priority of lion, hw of an the Pmopwty. Borreker
<br />shall psy Iamslar a reasonable service charge, toheothher with sxfi title inmuranom
<br />Premium ad atborney's fees as may be incurred at Lndar's option, for any such
<br />acttiah if Wbon at Borrower's re pmt.
<br />13. Mr IMMM SM • MZVML No waiver by Lnder of any right
<br />under dais Inatramnt shall be effective unless in writing. Waiver by larder of
<br />any right granted to Loder under this Irwtrhm w* or of any provision of this
<br />Ird*ZM sent as to any tZaneaction or occwu=enoe shall not be deatmd a waiver as to
<br />MINC
<br />