<br />Mt
<br />90-- 1051352
<br />1 lM "M ice, Walter C. Rtwd owdd III and Diane K. Biwkm#xki whose
<br />addtems is Route No. 3 Boot 5 A 1 , ("Assignor") ,��Y
<br />graftes firs and NMdloy 68901 Ass
<br />( the ant � 9 � � �� ltidaal savings and Loin
<br />" WerQe�nt Street, Plattalxn�, New York 12901,
<br />�") ingest of Assign a r are Lessor in aid to the leases
<br />? lists an E dWAt "A" attsailed hereto and by thU reflrenroe mode a part hwwf
<br />tQgetlssr with all leers, sublaases, ilcenseex, aa�oessians or other agreres►ts
<br />lrerea4'tat enlrersd into fbr all ae arm pet of the ptw ses ("Premier. p) sera
<br />PutiCAJAWlY de*cribed as cn M&Wt "N" attactod huNtp and by this reforilnm
<br />P tt hWWf ("Lases "11 togaftw with all reran, into ma, iwww and
<br />arioirag flaw the Isesss, aid aurc ' rerwwsli thereof " girl
<br />.r' with all rwta, i , issutas aid profits ar:WM from the use and
<br />O=V tian of the PsWAss aid from any preperfiy 0mMWgW by the Is"=, whether
<br />real, Pursonel, mixed mac intaikp ble.
<br />This Aw4q =w* is inten3rd to be, and shall be aoretrued as, c rft tkq an
<br />"Auk assignmrt unto Assignee, and net as an assignment as swaritV, n %-d to
<br />am* nacarto * dull be raloaxiitiaeal and irrevom le e000ept as hereirrafter proida
<br />to tba oarVtt'ax'Y. In oasection with and as a part of this Assiguremacat, Arignoc
<br />A any wwrento, represents, and agrees to and with Assiynae as follawss
<br />1. Assignor has te- 'e lY haxw.Athz :iiC.IIis$W and dallwx md to
<br />Assignee a certain Pt+osissory Note in the larinaipal amount of $182,750.00
<br />( "Noss ) . In order to swum payment of the Deere, Assignor, as tnwtor, has
<br />ea'rtemparan - slY herewith eooeouted a certain Dees! of Trust to rank J. Mihdkn,
<br />attomy at law, as Trustee, in favor of Ass4vis as Beneficiary ("Daed of
<br />TbAIst ") • Uhless and until ti�er+e shall how occ�utrad a default in the performance
<br />liaitmian the any of its duties or obligations, including, but without
<br />payer of moray, arising under the Note or the Deed of Trust,
<br />Assig = my collect at the time of, but in no s1M* moan than two (2) mantle
<br />before, the date provided for pay=*, all rents, ink00e and profits arising
<br />under the 14008 aid regain the use of and enjoy the seers subject to the
<br />ptvvisfrors =stained in the Deed of Trust. Upon or at any time after any suds
<br />default, Assignee may, at its option, by giving written notice thereof to
<br />Assignor and without regard to the adequacy of any somwity for the payment or
<br />1P1'ZfQnMRnW Of Tnmtt, either a1W douses and abl igatiars arisirq under the Notre and the Deed of
<br />per om or by agent, with or without bringing any action or
<br />pt'vaseAinq, or by receiver appointed by a taut, take possession of the Premises
<br />aM held, manage, let and operate the same an such terms and for such period of
<br />time as Assignee may deem proper and, with or without taking possession of the
<br />POINNUMIN, dsmsnn le an for, or otherwise orrl.lsct all rents, iirconoe aid profits of
<br />the Lessee and the Pteeism, including those past due aid repaid, with full pacer
<br />to modify, exte d or teraineta sedating Lases, to emoute new Losses, and to
<br />=30 from time to time sraeh alterations, r+snovatiore, repairs and replaoementa as
<br />ssY seise Pr1* r to Assignee, and apply amb rents, in== and profits to the
<br />Payment of all eotpenees of swing, operating and mmi,ntaininq the Leases and the
<br />IN A Vase, all oa<peness incident to taking mend retaining possession of the
<br />pxradseer, and the principal, interest, and other evidwaW and/or
<br />oecurod by the Note and the Deed of Trust together with all mists and attorniys,
<br />fees inianTW bye Assignee in carection with any of the foregoing matters, in the
<br />Order of priCrity' set foe;th in the Dead of Trust, any statue, law, mates, or
<br />l_ J
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