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I° -1 <br />stab. of NOW41 8 . Deed of Trust <br />321 - 1305232 -748 <br />TNa Deed of Trust. ( "Security Instrument ") is made on, June 23 89. 103224, <br />19 89 The trustor is ANTHONY Q MARTINEZ AND • JANET A NARTINH Z HUSBM. Awl) WIFE <br />( "Borrower "). The trustee is <br />COM M IC IAL >'SDRRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ( "Trustee "). The beneficiary is <br />COLUMBUS FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK , which is organized and existing <br />under the laws of NEBRASKA , and whose addfess is 1371 26TH AVENUE <br />COLUMBUS$ NE 68601 ( "Lender "). <br />Witisto Nb: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust, hereinafter described and created, and the sum of One Dollar <br />($I). to him in hand paid by the Trustee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain and sell, <br />convey amid confirm. unto the Trustee, forever. all of the following described real estate. situated lying and being in the 'County of <br />HALL , and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />LOT FOUR (4),: IN BLACK FORTY —SIX' 46), OF RUSSEL WHEELER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND,,HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />—. -.. .... -- -Tim LDERS -To TME__IE1SD_0F_TK11bT-A7TACHED HERKTO"AND- EXECU7Eff OF EVEN DAZE- LIEIWKTA I5 <br />I NDOBPORATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE RIDER SHALL AMEND ANO <br />SUPPLEMENT THE GWWrXNANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. '- <br />which has the address of 619 W 12TH GRAND ISLAND <br />Nebraska 5$8(il t "Property Address " %; <br />To Hsve and To Hold the premises above described, with all the appurtenances therta' ato belonging and including all he3 z' %g. <br />plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used im unnnection with said real estate unto the <br />Trustee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Borrower represerx¢ to, and revenants with, the Trustee. that the Borrower <br />has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from, encumbrance; and that the Borrower will warrant a�.d defend . <br />the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the s W_ Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and ' <br />all marital rights, eWler in law or in equity, atld all other contingent inrerests of the Borrower in and to the above- describe4 premises, <br />the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, including all rights of homestead. and other.. rights and interests <br />as aforesaid. <br />Proti" Alwttl s., and these presents are executed and delivered unto the Trustee, in trust, however for the following purp&es: <br />Wbereas, the Bbrrwker on the 23rd , day of its., 19 89 , borrowed from, tt44 Lender <br />the sum of Thirty—Wo Thousand lForur Hundred and No /100 ----------------------- ------- ------ <br />_ _ _ __ __ Dollars IS 32,400.00 ).:for which <br />sum the Borrower has executed acd% elivered to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even date, bearing <br />interest at the rate of E ight acid `kightY -02 ifitt A1gndredtha 8.8800 010 per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be pa�ahlj� at the office of COLUMBUS FEDERAL. SAVINGS BANK <br />iti COLUMBUS, NE or at such other place as the hoider'of the note <br />may designate in writing, in manthiy .insttlfrri:erts of Two. Hundred Fifty — Seven and 91(100 --=_-w --------- - -- <br />Dollars (5 257.91 ). comtnrw -,ing on the first day of .. �,, <br />19 89 and on the first day of each mentii; tlsereafter until the principal and interest -are fully paid, except thai-thf (teal payment of <br />principal and interest, if not sooner paid, shaft be due and payable on the first day of July <br />20 19 <br />This form is used in connection with mortgages insured under the one- to four - family piigrams of the National Housing Act which pro- <br />vide for periodic Mortgage Insurance Premium payments <br />Forme HUD -9211 D 9 Ed" nn) <br />Page t of 5 24CFR 203.17(a) <br />IN <br />iw <br />s( <br />I <br />�.J <br />