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<br />Grantor:
<br />Grantee
<br />200'008032
<br />for
<br />Scenic Use and Other Purposes
<br />Lynn M. Meyer, Owner of Lots 29 and 30, Amick Acres East Subdivision
<br />Hall County, Nebraska. Wife of Ronny A. Meyer.
<br />Lynn M. Meyer, and all future owners of Lot 30, Amick Acres East
<br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Property Affected: Lots 29 and 30, Amick Acres East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Comes Now, Lynn M. Meyer, hereafter referred to as the "Owner," hereby states
<br />and affirms that she is the sole owner of record of both Lot 29 and Lot 30 of the Amick
<br />Acres East Subdivision located in Hall County, Nebraska as of this — 31,44 day of
<br />August, 2000. Hereafter, all references to "Lot 29" shall mean Lot 29 of the Amick Acres
<br />East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, and all references to "Lot 30" shall mean Lot 30
<br />of the Amick Acres East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />As the Owner of Lot 29, Lynn M. Meyer, hereby grants to herself for her benefit,
<br />and the benefit all future purchasers, assigns, designees, and holders of Lot 30, a "scenic
<br />easement" upon and across a certain portion of Lot 29, legally described in Exhibit "A"
<br />and attached hereto and recorded with this easement. Hereafter and throughout this
<br />easement, that portion of Lot 29 which shall be encumbered by this easement and which is
<br />legally described in Exhibit "A" shall be referred to as the "Parcel."
<br />The conditions, restrictions, and obligations of this easement shall include the
<br />following:
<br />1. No Construction Above or Below Ground Level. Notwithstanding any rights or
<br />privileges concerning the construction and/or the use of property that may be permissible
<br />under the Agreement for Amick Acres East Home Owners Association, Inc. Restrictive
<br />Covenants and Conditions, executed on the 30th day of October, 1992, and filed with the
<br />Register of Deeds in Hall County, Nebraska, and any subsequent amendments to the
<br />Covenants approved by either the Amick Acres East Homeowners Association, its
<br />members, or Board of Directors, the Owner now and forever shall restrict, prohibit, and
<br />forbid the construction of any kind of building, or the placement of any kind of structure,
<br />either above, or below ground on the Parcel, except for the following:
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<br />for
<br />Scenic Use and Other Purposes
<br />Lynn M. Meyer, Owner of Lots 29 and 30, Amick Acres East Subdivision
<br />Hall County, Nebraska. Wife of Ronny A. Meyer.
<br />Lynn M. Meyer, and all future owners of Lot 30, Amick Acres East
<br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Property Affected: Lots 29 and 30, Amick Acres East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Comes Now, Lynn M. Meyer, hereafter referred to as the "Owner," hereby states
<br />and affirms that she is the sole owner of record of both Lot 29 and Lot 30 of the Amick
<br />Acres East Subdivision located in Hall County, Nebraska as of this — 31,44 day of
<br />August, 2000. Hereafter, all references to "Lot 29" shall mean Lot 29 of the Amick Acres
<br />East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, and all references to "Lot 30" shall mean Lot 30
<br />of the Amick Acres East Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />As the Owner of Lot 29, Lynn M. Meyer, hereby grants to herself for her benefit,
<br />and the benefit all future purchasers, assigns, designees, and holders of Lot 30, a "scenic
<br />easement" upon and across a certain portion of Lot 29, legally described in Exhibit "A"
<br />and attached hereto and recorded with this easement. Hereafter and throughout this
<br />easement, that portion of Lot 29 which shall be encumbered by this easement and which is
<br />legally described in Exhibit "A" shall be referred to as the "Parcel."
<br />The conditions, restrictions, and obligations of this easement shall include the
<br />following:
<br />1. No Construction Above or Below Ground Level. Notwithstanding any rights or
<br />privileges concerning the construction and/or the use of property that may be permissible
<br />under the Agreement for Amick Acres East Home Owners Association, Inc. Restrictive
<br />Covenants and Conditions, executed on the 30th day of October, 1992, and filed with the
<br />Register of Deeds in Hall County, Nebraska, and any subsequent amendments to the
<br />Covenants approved by either the Amick Acres East Homeowners Association, its
<br />members, or Board of Directors, the Owner now and forever shall restrict, prohibit, and
<br />forbid the construction of any kind of building, or the placement of any kind of structure,
<br />either above, or below ground on the Parcel, except for the following:
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