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RE.Rwo;Rm12 00008000 200006301 <br />]tmnlgaped propclto, suhjcrt, howcccr. b, anv a •:iynmc11l ,,I (rids in (h) , Ilcf:tull" n1c :uls a dchndt cicchicd Ili, (lie 5ccrchua <br />III,,- insoted pmttg:ogc lcfcroed In hrrcin. IInlil :t dcfa1111 is dcrlmcl violation of Ihis Agrc•c]ttcitt is nol corrected In his still, r....! It <br />miller Ihis AgrccownI. howccer. prtmis•.ion i•: yi:murd I„ t tv, itrr I„ trilhin life lime :dlmvcd by this Ag)cc]tlenl or such fult1l + ilia <br />collect and tclain mill(':-Ihc 1)111%isiolts of Ihis Aylremcut such n me. ;1s nlay he allowed 13y life Sec•rchuy after tvrilten notice; <br />profits, inco11le, :]till charges, 13111 111,1,11 dcfl11oll this pclnliv. ion i•; <br />lenninatcd as In :ill tents doe or eollcoed Ihcicallct, li 1 "Sccti,,n" refers Ul a Section of the Notion ❑) Iluusing Act. <br />as :nllcoded. <br />�. As used in this Al ❑cc:mcnl Ib( Ict m: <br />la) `NIr,Ilpayt" incl11dcs "Mcd of It11•,1'. 'r 11:11111 Ahnl }+:i}•c•'. <br />"Security hednonlenr :old nil "flier •rrmits fill Illc• nrne <br />idcnlilicd hctcnn. ;nod end +tscd I,n in.nt :ntrc n brll I +� 1131 <br />Sccrctarr: <br />(b) "Moog :lgcc" refers to Ihc holder ill Ihc nfullfayc idcafificd <br />lIC101, its sac•ccssors and :Is6plls: <br />(c) "M11crs" 10cts to Ihc I'mm'lls na11lc•d in Ihc lit•.I I,atayt:Il,h <br />hctcnf and ticsivnatcd as M%livp.. Ihrir snrccc ut licit•; :111,1 <br />:Issig]ts: <br />Id) "NIottgavcd I'll lluliv" inrlmlcs :ill 1m l•ct1s. rral. l'u1s.1nal ,rr <br />mixed, c•ovelcd 13y Ilic it nn•tlyayc•; srrntiny. Ihc m•Ic <br />cndorscd fill itn;utancc w hcl:l In Ihc Sr( tctrtc: <br />ft-.) ' I'ro,jccl•' includes Ihc mortgaged and all its olhcr <br />assets of ahaleoctcr mafut(' or Mwif•snelc•r sittmtc•. n•c11 in „: <br />owned 13v Ihc• husinrss c.,ndoc:cd „n sail unnlvaved I,rrgnof�. <br />which husincss is Inot idiny h,-ll'•irlf, :old 011t'l 2rtk ific'; a, :It(. <br />iucidc111:11 IhclOw <br />(f) "Sutl,Ius trash" nicmts ti11v cash oc•mai11i11y Awl: <br />(1) flit- pavnlcat of: <br />(i) All sums due c,r cmucnlh rr.giihvd 1, 13c 1,;10 under Ihc: <br />tcr]tIs of nll ]tnntvagc ur nofc i11slncd m held In IIm: <br />Secrclaty: <br />(ii) All mimotiv; w(ItHird In by deli +silc,l in fife tcst•.nc <br />fund for rcplacculefils; <br />(iii) All Ailipatirms r,f lilt- I,rniccl ofhct fh:m Ibc insured <br />mnitgal!r Inlless f11nds fill Inacmcnt :1117 eel ❑side if <br />deferment of p:rinlcnt has hall :ggionvcd ht Ihc: Scc- <br />rctars <br />(1) the scgirgatioll of: <br />(i) An Iultoumt egtml.lo Ihc ;rgvrcvatc of all special funds <br />required to Ire nntitttnined by the pn,jlet; m[d <br />(ii) All tctimit serulily deposits held. <br />(g) 'Vishillution" ulcmis any wi(lldntn;ol rrt taking of c•tisb or fnry <br />asscls of the pfnicc•l. inc•lu,li]ty Ihc scglcgali „n of cash nr asserts <br />for snhserp!crtl %:01vit:mO within lilt, Iimil:-tinne of 1'alnPtaI'll <br />till) hctcnf, told excluding 1tivn1cnl lot a :nnnahlr cxpcnsci <br />incidc11t In file operation ruin Illai life na11cc of file project. <br />Rltplfices �) IA•24fG which may be usotl until �upltly cxh�]tsltld <br />Ij t "I )ispla('cd I,ctsnns or honilics” shall nn:an it fantilq of families. <br />n a persml di•+l,laccd Imnl :ill mhan o lie"' l tirc.ot. or as the <br />1Csoll of frmcillownl action. ur as a lesult of a ultyor disaster as <br />determined lfy life I'Icsidcnt putsu:ull to life f)is:tslcr Relief Act <br />of 19711. <br />(It-) "Flilmly person" Incluts arty person, luarried or single, who is <br />slxh, two vealti of Ilgc of over. <br />11. 'I his illshvnlcnt shall bind, mid the hcncfils shall inure hl, the <br />resperlive Owflcrs, tbcit hens, 1(:gnl rc.Incscntllllvm executors, <br />adnfinistraloos. successors in office or iuteic;t_ told assigns, told to tbc. <br />Srctctary nod WS SucccSSots Sit loaf! os Ihc Contra('( of moligagc <br />insurnocc continues in cffccL told ('luring such furtbe time as the <br />Sccictary shall he the owner, bolder, or rciosulcr of fbc mmigttgr., or <br />obliptcd to !Cinsulc t1m: nnntgm,c. <br />I <br />15. (hvncrs wart :nd that they have nol, ;old will not, execute any other <br />agrecntc ill will) plovisions enlltradiclory of, or in opposition hl, the <br />I,rovisilnrs hereof, :old that, ill tury event, the rcquift:utenls of this <br />Aylecnlcnl :tic 1,111 :onnunt told.c•onholling its ht file rights and <br />ohlip:11imis set forth and superscdc ally rlttler Icgtlrrellterlls Ill corlfllct <br />thcictvilll. <br />16. 'Ihc illi nlidily of any clause. plot or provisions of this Agreement <br />shall uol affect the vnlldity or [lie imimiui11g poltious thereof. <br />17' Il'e lnllowing Owners: RE!cent , L. L. C. a Nebraska <br />Limited Liability Co., General Partner <br />of French Village Limited Partnership; <br />or it's member manager James G. Rector <br />or it's other member Robert R. Rector; <br />or any limited partners of the French <br />Village Limited Partnership. <br />Do not assume personal liability for <br />payments. du.e under the note and mo.rt- . <br />gage, or for the nnyments to the re- <br />serve for replacements, or for matters <br />not under their control, provided that <br />said Owners shall remain liable under <br />this Agreement only with respect to the <br />matters hereinafter stated; namely: <br />(a) for funds of property of the pro- <br />ject coming into their hands which, <br />by the provisions hereof, they are <br />not entitled to retain; and <br />(b) for their own acts and deeds or <br />acts and deeds of others which -they <br />have authorized in violation of the <br />provisions hereof. <br />To be executed with formalities for <br />Fagotiolti recording a deed to real estate.) <br />