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<br />gg.•»103027
<br />`i%k l/or4pp is entetbd Into between Dwaine R. Lame and Evelyn 1. Lawis,
<br />Husband and Wife (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />Piyg ftinta Bank ( hereW "Mortgagee ").
<br />1%04W Is ladebted to liloetpgse in the pelado sus of >) 311 , NO a Qn , *"donned by 1[ortg%w% note
<br />d" 1993 (h"a `•Note•') peovid" to psytaents of peoWpal and latete$t, with tie babsea of the
<br />iadlrhNdaais, If Dot wooer peld, due aad payable on- Jdirayarabe- '24- 19ag .
<br />To se"n tie Mutant of the Note, with late rot as pr **ded therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />aieaand by Maetp jaoa to protoset the security of tbla liortpp, Dad the perform anee of the coreaanta and igreemall of
<br />On Mwtggw costdawd berein, lfortgWr,• does hereby mortgage ad convey to Mortgagee the following de oibed
<br />P"Wty located in Hall Caetnty, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Tv*A,ty Five (2S), 81w* one ( f) Brentwood Subdivision to the City
<br />of Grand islands Hall County, Nebrooka
<br />Topthes witb all boddia0, improvements, ft tam, streets, atkys. passageway$, easement,, eight$. privilege, and
<br />- ��aaw.. dww�wirr- Iww�iwi�b��w�eiri� ,►e_Iw�wrrei�anret�twiwrf _ n �„„}i l�is�wla_Ir.w- �airwnitlt Y�nwa��wt�rww>wd,,,waa— -- -- -
<br />tiereof, indu&K, but not
<br />limited io, heating sad cooiiep egoipasewt and such peessasi psap$rty fiat is tsitacbed to the
<br />impro"Wel$ so as to onmRitute a future; all of which, including repliwinteta and addition: thereto, Is hereby tfee m d
<br />to be a pact of )w• teal estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as dw
<br />Nftoperty„•
<br />lRortgsgor furtha convenaats and agrees, with Mortgagee, as foHaws:...
<br />1, laym at. To pay Uw indebtedness and the interest thereon as pror%s sin this Mortgage and tike Ntote.
<br />2. TOL Mortgagor is the aasmr,of the ftnw4y, has the .r1#t and ftt#ority to mortpgs two rn"Ay,,std r; :
<br />west Is that dw lien created' s first and prior Urn on the Prg4irrty, eutrpt s may otherSiW b$,.t dleesh MrMs:
<br />Q Mw Property . is sxb*t. to s.Mort W whenia
<br />is the Mortgagee;. accorded at i" ._ . Page or the mod vp Records of. Cotmty,
<br />Nebraska. whim Mortgage is *'ben plot Wo the lien created hereby.
<br />O Other prior liegiu:cw encumbrances:
<br />& Taxes, Asomounts. To pay" wben due all taxes. $peeW messneaw and all other Yfoperty
<br />and, upon wr7ttert deraaad by Norlgoon, to add to the payments requind under the Now secured hereby,: amb amount as
<br />UW be sui6ck" to enable the Mahe- to pay such saxes, sasmaments or other charges as they "±ire.
<br />46 Imenoee. To beg the ingworemients now or hereafter ter located on the real estate deocxilie - herein iasvrwed
<br />agahat dsrlsagis by an and Deceit spew homods as Iiortgape nay require, is amounts and with companies omaptable to the
<br />U - opgae, asst vii loss Payable to the Mortgages. bs lase of loos under such poiiei$s the Mortgagee ir•eu issued to
<br />adW#A, eMMet and in its dieention, aD claims thereunder at its ado option, authodsedtoeitherapply the
<br />paooseb to dw antandioa of dire Property or upon the Indebtedt.am secured hereby, but payments hereunder sW V con -
<br />dom aatil tie suass,,errnt bemby are poid in full.
<br />S. 0 leerow !or Tzw and Imrasnce. Notwithstanding anything contained In paragraphs 8 and `4 hereof to the
<br />ceasttasT,
<br />W ijp gar stall Pas► to tie dart pq at the Ow of payleg the monthly lostadwaats of PelaeiPal glad i WWA,
<br />aao4welftb of the yearly fazes. aueramuts, harard inwrem premiums, and ground teats (it my) which may attaim a
<br />Priority o w this Matpr, all as reasonably estimated from tune to time by the Mortgagee. The amounts so paid shall be
<br />bead by dw Yor%vpe wkJ "t httetwt and applied to the payment of the Items in respect to which such amounts were
<br />L depoaitedl. 'ilea waas paw to ltor4pW lwmnder are *dpd a additl"W security for the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mast". Uartppr dull Pay to Mortgagee the amount of Day deticlency between the actual taxes, amescment$, Insurance
<br />pseraluma ad growsd mats and the deposits hereunder whin 113 days after demmsd is made upon Mortgagor requesting
<br />payffma tbro0a.
<br />dl. Repair. Matataaaaee and Uar. To promptly repair. restore or rebuild any building or improvements now or
<br />l rrxar:. -r :..r the tr*per.y; to keep the hoperty In gaad condition Dad repair. withos: wate. wid Imp from mez.hanle's or
<br />oU%tr Ilene not exprrtaiy subimiinated to the lien hereot; not to make, suffer or permit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin•
<br />kb or impair the vehre of the Property toy any act or omission to act; and to comply with all requirements of law with
<br />rrgoct to tlwr prop -rty.
<br />it
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