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20000'7931 <br />EXHIBIT "A" �" + <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a part of rho Soucheast Quarcer of the Northeast <br />Quarter (SEi NE#) of Section Twanry Three (23), Towuship Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Tan (10) West of the 6th P. M. mud a part of Lot One (1). Jeanette Subdivision. <br />all being in the City of Grand. island, 1*11 County, Nebraska, and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast =armor of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeasr <br />Quarter (SEi NEH ; thence N 89° 32' 12" W. alarg and upon the South line of <br />said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SEj NEI), a distance of One <br />'T'houyand Three Hundred Seventeen and Two Tantbs (13L7.20) feet to the southwest <br />corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE# HEJ); thence <br />N oo, 0-a' -- o6' -' -Et along ar"L upon tha west line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (SE} NE$). a distance of Five--fftindrad 7wentg_L3jht - (528.0 <br />feet to the scutbvasc corner of Goods Subdivision; thence 5 89" 34' 49" E, <br />along and upon the south line of said Gorda Subdivision. and also beizag along <br />and upon the prolongation of the north line of Lot One (1). Jeanette <br />Subdivision, a distance of Eight Hundred Ninety Two and Seventy One Sundredths <br />(892.71) feet to a point which is Eigbty Five (85.0) feet west of the northwest <br />corner of said Lot One (1). Jeanette Subdivision; thence S 00' 00' 00" W. <br />par4llel with the West lice of said Lot fine (1) , Jeanette Subdivision, a <br />distance of Oaa Hundred Seventy Four (174.0) feet; thence S 89' 34' 49" E, <br />parallel with and Fifcy (50.0) feet nortb of the south Line of said Lot One <br />(1). .lea-matte Subdivision and its prdlomgaciou, a distaiace of Three Hundreld A <br />Eighty Four (384.0) fact to a point oo :he east line of amid Lot One (1), <br />J'esaette Subdivision; thence S 009 00' 0011 'W, along and upon the east lime of <br />said Lot Out (1). Jeanette Subdivision. a distance of Fifcy (50.0) feet to the <br />southeast corner of "aid Lot Ane (1) , .7ennotte „Subdivision: theaee S 89' 34' <br />49" E. along and upon the south line of Jeanette Subdivision. a Aistaaee of <br />Forty (40.0) feet to the Southeast coratz of raid Jeanette Subdivision, and <br />+also being s point an the east line of amid Southeast Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter (SE, NE}); thence S 00' 00' •Op" w. uaon$ and upwia tho coat of a=id <br />Southeast Quarcer of the Northeast Quarter (SE} NE}), a distance of rh ree <br />Hundred Four and Sixty Seven Hundredths (304.67) feet to the point of <br />beginning, and containing 14.327 acres, more or less, of which 0.231 acres, <br />more or less, ire presently occupied by public: rD.%d right of way. <br />