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a 110WAM Dsossile. Lander is hereby esugned All compenlelnon. awards. datnaps i and olhat payments of relief thereinafter PIOCee1111') In conwCllon snits <br />coedo mnllfonwolha taking 61 the Propalyot part the fool. Or locodveyarfcem lieu ofcondemnation Lander shall be entitled al its option locamle enCe. Appear in&no <br />Pfon@Umlnftmmr4mmonvoctimotp-ac regs. and shall &ISO bill entitled to majige any compromise or settlement in connections veillie such taking or damage In the <br />ewer any portion of the ►ropefly is so taken or daefaped. lender ~ have the option, In Its soft and absolule dlacfalfon. to apply all such Proceeds, abler disductlrig <br />M+MSlranamcosMwWosis yseincurredbydfnconMdbnwit hStichproceeds. uponOnyooWsdMSSSacutadherebyandInsuchorderasLendermaydelermins .orto h� +: <br />apply ale such /rw:eeds. afw such OakiC11OM. to the OWDratlOn 01 IM Property upon Such condition$ as Lender may IleterestiM f1.ny application of PIODON to <br />wAMftda srfaN not exlard a poetpoere IM due dale of any paynlenls under the Nose. at curs any default thereunder or hereunder <br />T Pooloamosise by Leadeir, In theshoont of Borrower a failure to perform SAY of thiscoveaerele herein or make anyosyments required hereby. or it any act is Me" of <br />0901 n, conamenicald which nationally 81118CIS Leolejapi I inihis Propose IV. Lander may in asoporrodiscreflotes, but without obligation to do so. and vAlhoull notice <br />1oeirestan"upenlfolr8 saf fwithoutrNeASingllorratrer) reamanyobligation, doAnySolwhichtheFlornoser hasagreWbutfallstodoandmayalsodoanyotheractit <br />i deeans 1NCeeeary Id prohlla IhaMtunty IereOf rorroMe shag. Immedlatety upondsmand therefor by Lender. pay to Lender all cone and expenses Incurred and sums <br />awpentle- byLMMerincoascho" wrMflMesueNebyLanderoftheloregolnpnghts. togetherwithinterestthefeonattherate p rovidedintheNot*.NAIk:1I1 Wlbeaddedlo <br />fb WA%budrww secured hereby Lender SW tel fescue any personal Igblgly becADbe at Anything It may do or Deal to do Mreunde► <br />IN BMW as D$WWL The following shall corwtitule an event of default udder this Deed of Trust p <br />1 (a) FallutalopayanyInstallation! of principal orinierlestoranyothersumascuredhaebywhendue. orfailuretopaywhsndusanyolhoww4ebssdmm4* t <br />1 iaNiwe► to LWKW. <br />Orel (b) A Meech of at default under my provision contained In No Nole, thk Oasts of Treat, any document which slcurse Ilia NOW. enm say olttso <br />etnoWllMara:erlposdvslrfopeMy: <br />(c) which shaNbeeomeellenonlhe ►reportyaaayporslaw ; <br />NlNool or MleraM enemies: ' <br />Ldp Th" Male to hied by or agalnbt 8p!rowYr Atli scbon rµl(ler any present or future federal, stale of other Statute. taw of r"wi4bon f"We to <br />bankngWV. MwotvmyorothermWfor deMors. oriter eshaHbsappcwbdamytrustes. reoaver orliquaatorofooaowwo rofollwanypatelowpw avor <br />O the realoo. teens w OroW thawof. or Borrows shall make any geneeN asmi)rMlenl for the borWif of creditors <br />(e) The eat/, transla. assignment. conveyance Of forth« encumbrance Of all or any part of or any Inlaeat in the Properly. edlra vrlttelraanv or <br />I IrwNmMUSy. WWNAW We eapnea written Content of Lads <br />tit it Ow- were is reason individual. the sale, transfer. asslgrin ens. conveyance or encumbrance of more than _ . —_ percent of Itt ie corporation+ ifs <br />lesit" gaol onr4sionding Moen or ill a partnership) — . . parcMi of pannershtp inserests <br />g. Newatlf MealosMMlNest Upset Dob&dL In the event of any Event of Default Lender may declare all lndebandafm u tired hereby to W dueana payable and the <br />,. MNN shall soWgm a becowwdw end payable without any postal tnent. demand. protest or notice of any kind Tifeeaha Larder may <br />Cap DanandthatTtusiMexercion the POWEROF SALE granted heroin and Trustee shall 1herestleecausio6wrotsa'smla all In thePosoawcylol+asaltl <br />ale tine proceeds 10 be distrfbused. an In the manner provided In the Nebraska Trull Deals Act <br />raps Edhee in person of by agent. with or wilhoul bringing any ethanol proceeding, or by s receiver appolntad by a court artd w+thcwt regard fO IM <br />sdoquoicrof its AeCUndy, enter upon andtakepossop ~of the Properly or any part Cher eon. in its own name wln the Pont* of the Trustee. enddoanyaCtawhlch <br />It doom rfecossery, or desirable to prooMVa IM value. marketability or rentability of Ihs Properly. or part thereof of Interest thereon increase the Income <br />tlfanlw! noaproNcttheSecuritytwac" 1.^, f. wthawllhouttakingpossessiono fOhsProperly sue for orolherwlsecollecl the (onto.issionsendprobtslhawf. <br />InclLWW4)tha"paN dwand unpald.,W0 «ply the same. Man costs and expenses of operation and collection including atlwneys'lees. upon any Indebtedness <br />secured hereby, all In such order► Ali Landow may dels►m•.no The entering upon and taking possession of the Property. the coda l" of Such rents. d4usearld <br />prohs and Irvsapabcabsesvwa OW as afaasaid. Shall nol,:w 9•s at waive env default or notice of delaLll hereunder or Invauealf•eny Act done in response to such <br />dNaoll or pursuant b suett aiow" M default and. notitille,tyr.fing the continuance in ppsi titicen of the Property or the oAvsetion fascoopl acrd app11G11M of <br />note. Issues w proltle taLtllrha Jr Lerftyar shall bat MIdlOrda a nrcow every right ptov14U2 rnr .r any of tins Loan Inslrumehts or by law upon occurrence of any r <br />agnt of et~. fncludong Me m9hl to exascias the power ev rifle am _ <br />CCl ' .umerimm M Aclbn to tow4ne nos Deed of Trust as a morlgagf appulnl a rue lft er •7r iltw mtrAily enforce any of the covenants him". <br />W i smipgyhaMnfro n' 1Mredupowr aMrvodtoTruslMOrLenderisintendedtobee■ rho• vnrlfiv. ynlnle, remedyheromurbylowprovidedatpermitted .Ibuleachshallbe <br />curet' "Ve. shed be in addition to every elver remedy given hereunder Or now or hereafter o■Ishna im w• or In equity or by statute and may be exeecltled concurrently. ' 1 <br />Mdlplaldsndy Of *A -4$aw" •� <br />to TatatM• yha Trualee may resign at any time without cause and Lender may al any lime and illhoul cause appoml a successor or subsldule TruslN Trustee - - <br />stele not be Nabls for any losaw dams" unless due lOKtionable negligence w wdHUl misconduct. and shall not be fsqu,red to lase any action In confection with the <br />wdwc ment of ftoL and of Tfuat unsm indemnllled. in wilting, for NI costs. compontallbn or expanses which maybe associated thelmyvllh Ife alditton. Trustoa nley - <br />h-r:Oavoapu►C11MWat anyUseofthe Peopertylludi clofaunderthe power of" tograntedherei n). poupOrroOhssale ofallot anyportionoftheploperly .asProvid dbylaw. <br />or OW /ire Prgoody as a whole. or m separate Pescara of lots <br />ft. PYblleAdaMSea. Upon lMtM►etolf eltywon. Lander may atdsnpbon make add, vonal and future advaurts and readvances toDOrrower Suchadvancesand <br />sup"r+aaa. with 1nterM thereon. Ship It t'o Metered by the$ Dead of 'fruit I At no Irma shall the ptincipal amount M the indeblednitso secured by this Deed of Trust not m• <br />CMAN�yp>♦ WtleadlxeeCedsepraMCItMMCwdyof this Doped at Trust. exceed Ohs wlginalprmapal amount stat ild heroin. oil-- _- 29.040.1QY..... whichaystiS <br />To. Waed"s'4Apeetlllese. <br />la) set anwNo IMlasn" EalMSan of the film for payment m mntlrlouuon of amostotatocon of the turns secured by this Deer) ifs Trust granted by <br />i - LwKW to any Successor In Mletwl of 110fOlpl shall not operate to release in any manor. file Ifah,bly OI the original eorfn.var and ©otrosref's successor$ In a <br />' mUm a Lender sfeH not os requited tocommencee ploceMingt against$ic h bloc AStor lit retitle lnegand time our paymeh l or afherwise modify antoflyatloil _ <br />01 the atf a secahed by this Dead of Trust by mown of Any demands made by the ong9het 8otrnwer and Sorrovree % %tire assors ,n onlNMt <br />Ibl Lead 4Pewee. WithouTAtractingthe liabddyofanyotherperst3 nliable forthepave+ entofenvobligationhereinmenion edandwdhoutaNeClfng <br />no lion ere Chage olthte Deed of Trust upon any portion of ten Property #101 1114" air lhetelofors tolerated as see untle for the kill am ounl of all unpaid obligations. <br />lend« slay, from ISM to lime and without notice (is ►Haste any per%on so liable list exlend the maturely nr alter any of stiff seems of any such obligation$. I1u1 <br />gtanlolhasndulgenceM .s{ +l►MMNOrIKDnrey orcowo! omnlwwdortegmMYMdal any limealLendera options any toaster poetionMauoltheproperly <br />IV) takeorroman any other or additional so ctolty for env obligation !lose nmeeNiorMd onviimakacompOMhunsof other OfImnganNnt % with debtors inrotation <br />' g1aa1O . <br />ICI PabseelaaebyLwWwl$ Ola wadwt. Any lifroesrance hit Lendet. nexerr one right fit r /moldyhetmunder OrUlhHwfahalhlldedbyeDplicable <br />law, ShsllnotboawaiverolorpeeffudelheryxetoseofAnySuchr ighlwtairiedy Theprutufehtet.tofona• pene s, ltshipp aynKntofleasaMOthe rlionsorcharges <br />by Lends area not M a wavile attainder t right 10 acce4rate the maturity oft" Indeblildnrfaf Wufed by this Dead 01 704,41 z <br />1 (dl Nrssassaw etM AMMas Nei.M: Mae sooll Mwnl LUNW; CaPUOM. The i uverisull and agesements heroin c unNrried Shan bind and In* eights � .. <br />!1 hwowww owmwe to. ten lMlwilveSuccessors and aetryM of Lander eno OuffayMt. sullem I to the ptu..souns of pAfagraphY toss hernot An covenantse and <br />sgmaMnleolBofyowe shall be joint end several The captionslddhoodingkofthepelageMph% ofIntoDeedofTouNnlffo reonvNUentennlyaudaranoilobe <br />used to ihlapt" of define the WOVisfona heed <br />(e) YgMtaMlaffyeyeM. The parties hereby repue$t lMlatopyo! any nc iloie ill datSldlfMfpunder anti aG Upyof any notite tit sale ttvreiauar sky matlad10 <br />1 <br />wh parlyto this Deed *I Trust at the 40141114611 Sol totlh above in the manner PrObc titled by dItIll't 111141t, I@y, Ca cepi lot anynthernuhtersrlwrndnnderapplicable <br />Il lee to be given in another eeMey. any notice Posit tied tot .h )hit Deed or To teat shall he given by meeting Su h nolmo by (for 1,1, d mstI atMfesMA to the other <br />parties. M ten address at $will above <br />Any nisli a pon do for in tests Dead of Trual ~be daebtred to have seen givee. to Sofro", to La,emt when g,ven in the nf.fnrise designated hot at" <br />(f) ( sagea gm. L~ may make ootauaalobeetsderseSonsbhn enit#" upon @nOinspal lions of the Prope,ev ptOr'dedthNlendooshallowe6op, a** <br />"' " � nOlea prig 10 any RtCn trirpecni... aVii:i:y.r.q :iiwiiw.iFia iw:: n�::o: ,::7.`..'.:v :� : • : � «• :::...- ....�.�..; <br />(g) Noe enwyMet. Upon PAY e N111Of all Well ae(u twit by thou OWofIf S ItendH% hal lrrhueslIt We* tit rh- unveovtruvPr(iWelv and Shall fwfdndm <br />this Deed of Trust and all er► seswWaneinoubWlednes► a +r filed by this 00"ofIit,Sl tit TIUatsr TrusrM% hallo( linysylnlPrupe /tywdhoulwar.artre ^d <br />fedh&A Charge to 1n* peroWi w porwm legally onlNMd IaMMO flush Perron or IN'lttnl •r• ail prey all tools on Iscurdatiun .1 to y <br />ins ( neteMasPega ly. EeeYeMyApMMnL Ali additional *Kul d y for the paymcntof the lWHa all tn tweslhiu, pmentendo !nerparyrV:alc�ylrt.•suc' <br />Inconreclgnwdh MNtwleala*orw?VOM~talaAled!MgWI and not ulhMwl0s declared at deemed to be apart Of the rem 0908111t!*' u'+t^•rnMbv tral iV <br />su blepot too eecunty, intoe ttm favor M the len aM under " Nebtatbet )nifprmC.,mrnfll-slClhl* Tr i. s• nslrurn+ nl shall bet,onsteuW 'asN:.ncv,-ftAtrMmem7 • <br />i under sad Code. and the Lander shall here sli the, tights Aral lNnedoas W a lea lived Patti, under sa,d l udp add•bon no the f,fthtt t• d •n+o0.c• 4.1 t rNMO vnAM <br />slid mccoreed Ihs I~ putevoll to in$% Deed of Trust <br />' col dQMSbWy In tle eMM that any WOV.soeM W this tlsed of Trust con91.t: I %%,lr. apv,f; Ohio low tit A -0 elat largo •• + ++r a 4thcrw sue we.,fn•• .I. <br />conhtltor ihwlndidy"not Affect ten ofhef Peak 040114, of to is Deed oft rust or the Noem wn,rn, sn ben U.'#"09144 1 *.its • • "'Ins tptH.q pruv H•V^ J' +•1'' : ,:'i 9 f <br />sad Ifs ptovlaoaN d IM De+d d Ttuat "the Hole are doe terse to a saveemhte <br />I swessew has eascated out bead of Trust ire alive written abons <br />40 b <br />CWllry @:� alalsek 1 vise.. <br />t w. afiisek) ti .... ifnl" <br />Y <br />