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<br />to
<br />Wi- "111aONO RsAL aaTATlt MORTOAOF --Tox Clause (Revised 1162) no Hriwas tirwel t #+grit i
<br />KNOW ML M$N BY THZU PRESENT& THAT I or WE, Richard ±e and Naurei rs Mtliaisr
<br />39" Hampton
<br />liltsW Island. 1111 68803
<br />at HLU r"fnmty and Otafr• of N ObTYls , in ron ereflon of th++ tarn M
<br />M b�mi Tbomad and WA do + rs* UL/.L1 O way ttoto LAM L. Sad patirUla Ne Jobaaas ��
<br />loasIndtono i'llisols 61701 .�
<br />, IuoortsNgaa). ,
<br />of MOLsaa County. and state of do tdloriring daadbsd premier
<br />aifwtad In Kau County. Ned folute of Nebraska, retell:
<br />LOU= III in BO= lI1aL1r Or ra IWOi1TINW Q1 hen !1
<br />Cr Ta (Ll}xll 330 or t1111B'P7 cs
<br />TOM nu (25), TOOSM »T.81►lili (11) licit $ &ME
<br />ow (1o) vnT cr ra sim cell., w& costae, I;
<br />,
<br />TW rWAnWri using to rnnvs-Y herrhy an aboolute tillr in fee simple incliwling all the rights of homestead and dower. II
<br />1,) AVE AND 'IV) 111)1.1) the oremium shrove der rtlwrl, with all the a
<br />11 #}3 I ppurtennnem thereunto helonging unto the said r;=
<br />rtreiYgxr�e or murtpagw'a peel to hi■, her or their heirs and amitine, forever, provxled always, and these presents are upon rho
<br />exprtrw,Vnillikm ,jh�at It the said mortgagor or mortxagors, his, her ur their heirn, evrrutore, administrators or assigns shalt psy
<br />or cium* to'bo tvAw,l to the said mortgagee ur mortgageroo anol W his, her or their `dire, eteruton. administrators or ssssigns, this �I i
<br />term ot Taa ' • fiyssand and no /10Otbs t ` * Millen, payable as folkows, to-wit:
<br />0" llwdrsd Twenty and 03 /100ths dollars ( =120.03) pt:r statute ist Paynent is as II
<br />!Qotobsr 159 1990, a11 subsequent payssnts dies an or before the 15th of the scathe
<br />f,
<br />Tbsre shall be no p,aalty for early priaaiple payssstse Maxilsss amber of payments 11
<br />shall be 180 santits.
<br />*'t;: interest thereon at 12 otor rent Iwr aniwm, pa4Air Monthly US= air -ordWe ter the Uwwr and effect of the ii
<br />M�tiOlisd promissory rwote With internal raoulw,n■ attached of said Mortgagors, heaving: ~ date with these pre as is, end :'
<br />shall pay all lasts. and any inlereal on. or malurrnx installrrtenta ,d priwi)rl, due on any prior teodgsgs and sesewasents
<br />levied upon aaW real estate ■rwl all rrliw -r tssry. I.•VIPS t rwl am I-srments Irrvrwl ulWrn this reengage or the rwrle whk h this SENIOR
<br />mortgage is given to sscurv. hislorr• the .suns Iwtiwnrw dr•luryuent and kwgr the buildings on said promisee insured for the sum
<br />41 7`56000e0 loss. ;ff ay. peyably to *wit Oral nuotrtRagais ur " mooftmoe, or Rath, thew tJnae preasste be void.
<br />o(brwlse to Ire and ranain ip Q u11 il%rre.
<br />TP 19 FURTHER AGlltTV? it) 'A"ral if the said mortgagor othall fail to pay such taxmen and such intefeet on, nr matorin
<br />hm"Uments of prUkipal, clue n env pains nworlgattr awl lona•uw svt.h insurance. then tlw wadgagre msY say wuh fates
<br />wt:h intenwt on, or nuturily W of principal, due on vetch prior nwrytage smi 1•rof-w4v such lnwrsnce; aprl tlwr wan
<br />oa mdvanrvd with interest at %kv%e per rent shall lw Bawl by said mortgagor, am this murlamr shall staiO ss wt dily for the
<br />maw. 12) That a Warr to 14y any of said monry. rilhrr penciled or interest tin this or anv other tmwr uwrtme, when the
<br />same becuoee due or a failure to comply with anv of Use• forekoina sprremente, awl amuse the whol.o Wass of rowwy henio a:
<br />a mrW to boarnme due and rullertible at one• at the uptami of thenwrtgatire.
<br />IT 16 PYRTHER A(i1ZEFD That '144 mortgag4w, lw-rdrny l,•ror•irwry of this mortgage and after darer aM pmWing
<br />stay theroon rM aa7VwW therefnxn sect tom v:w sale of prernuw•s am+rig;dged, tray pay such twits and maturity inter*m sir poatur•
<br />isig itndaltmrab df principal. on prier motigagm, tom -ure out-it rr,ivrinvo owl touil sum* shall be added to the aumunt due on
<br />I scut upon "Afl:ttvaty.rn all sale by the r.,urt nrderai taken rut „f prawwnda of sale; or d ndtwaed during stop, appal
<br />or sane. a" eta aunts dWW Nv ,t61'k+crtMl fm AMW aw lfkWgIC it were s part of aw;), astmm. I!
<br />skew this tip 7th day a Snow"slr ",)90
<br />iN pressaCt .all
<br />sees. sees.. .. t.4 • r �`1%:...- ,f . i,$•�,;,� ...../_�. —�. - -. i
<br />� f
<br />STA'L'E OF rTI �1l ,rir+i a l'.ousty tit 11/9, ii
<br />801ef!ts sue, a autwry POUK io QANd for and tvunty, persMally =no � t..+. l ( Lf. Q , .� 41 if-,
<br />. a -
<br />/N.*":rA%k Ad 14_1; V%O e-
<br />kaara to rat to be rho ktentical pomo. ur twt*twu who Wised Uie fofegfix" "mates said wrbnnw)satged she twutian
<br />tktseof tto be his, her or lkvtr yulamary .*rr meld dwa ��X —M=W ir 11011111 ii
<br />%VUMn any lured sad aotarisl real wr 7i`9i `.w� . 19 ; i
<br />my t'ta nni.tiim traptrss:
<br />*TATh OF E:alerotd oe nunwitiol in ox aril &led (`r record
<br />C.wtity w in the 16vistor 4 i>r.ds tltfxv d aswl t'.)unly the
<br />I
<br />day ul IN at .,'.tack stet rurnut.s M.
<br />sad rstunled is liuok of at (nsge r .
<br />Reg 44 I tr•rals
<br />liv 1*11uly
<br />_77 ._.,� ,. - .• u_
<br />