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The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE'/4NW'/4) and the Northeast Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (NPASW1/4) of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Ten (10) North, Range <br />Nine (9), West of the Sixth P.M., in Doniphan Township, Hall County, Nebraska; EXCEPT <br />• <br />• • <br />tienhti,!ileiltpiand tract of lend located in the Her <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ) tlention 28, tfownship 10 North, Range 9, West Of <br />tht Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, icrebraska, and more particularly described as <br />Auttunencing at the Southeaet corner of the Southwest Quarter (HA) of said Section 20, theatee <br />ktitning North along the East line of the West Half (W1/4) of said Section 28 a distance of inie <br />thousand three hundred twenty and twenty one hundredths (1320.21) feet to the Southeast harrier <br />of the Ifortheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (MOW of said Section 28, said Corner <br />being the actual point of beginning; thence deflecting left ninety degrees and . thlrfili• <br />(90 Mad running West along the Routh line of the ilortheast Quarter of the SeuthWeet quarter <br />(0§104) of said Section 28 a distance of twa hundred forty and no hundredths (240.00) feet, <br />thence deflecting right ninety degrees and thirty six minutes (90 and running N.cirth a <br />dietetic° of twa hundred seventy three and no hundredths C2/340) feet, thence defleirtink right <br />eighty nine degrees and twenty four lainutes (89 and running East a distance of two htindred <br />forty and no hundredths feet to a point on the East lice of the Vent Half (14) of said Bat inn <br />.28, thence deflecting right ninety degrees end thirty eix minutee (90 and running Mouth <br />said Et .line of the Wit Helf.(14) of said Section 26 a distance of two hundred' seventy <br />thtee and no hunireithe (273400 feettrtd the actual pint of beginning. said tract of Inaid <br />containing 1.50 Iona, more or lean. <br />-- <br />EXHIBIT A <br />201804758 <br />