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Borrower and Under coorIlltnl and itgfcv ax fetlfowx; <br />1 That Btatuwcr will pay thy; ondorhtctlttc %5, t. hefoothaorc• <br />provided Privilege is re%cr%cd to pav the delit in whole or in part tilt <br />any installment due date <br />2 That, together with. and rn addition I41, the mvrolith pa%mvnl% <br />of principal and interest payahlc under the terms 111 the noa: set tired <br />hereby, the &truwcr will pay u) the Lender, tin the first dear ref each <br />month until the said ntite w I'ully paid, the hvIIo%&uIV %urn, <br />(a) .A %um equal to the ground rents, it anv, nest due, ph,r% lbc <br />premiums that will ne %t hect)mc due and parable nn p►dicuis of fire <br />and other hazard Insurancocrrvenng the property, ph►% taxea and <br />assccsments next due on tht property lull as e►ttntate d MY rifle Lt•nrlur/ <br />tens all sums already paid thefefor divided by the number of munch% <br />to elapse before one (11 month prior to the date when such };round <br />rents, Premiums. tours 811-4 av%c%smenis will hecome dehquvnt. such <br />sums to be held by Lender in iru%t to pay .aid ground rent.. <br />prermams, tares and %p vial amemmerit%. and <br />(h, All payments morntioned in the pfetcvling %uh%ectiontvi thl% <br />Paragraph and all payments to he made under the nuts sctiuled <br />hereby shall he added together, and the aggregate amount th :reol <br />shall Ix paid by the Notrower each month in a single payttrent to tie <br />applied by the Lender,to the following norm% in the order set torah <br />(1) ground rents, taxes, assessment%. fire and other hatarct tn%ur. <br />ance premiums; <br />(111 interest on the note %murcd hetcb %. <br />(1111 amortitaticn uf.thc• prim ipal o) said note, and <br />(IV) late thargeu. <br />Any the amount of %tech aggregate nzontht% payment <br />shall. unless made. good by the Hnrrnwcr prior it) the dw: do4l,tit the next such p ayttsarrl. constitute an event tit default under th:cs <br />mortane. The I:rnAor rna. e_,l1 .t pat. ^ ^:i:ariT�' i•cri i;�c>tcteci fnUT <br />tents (4C) for o:auh dallat IS1 1 of each payment more, fifteen <br />(151 days in aitear% to cue cf the exlta exp11•ev m-; _.};c%; t, L:�iodliug <br />delinquent payments <br />?. That If the total of the payments made N the Horrow,et under <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall e%ceed the a:lu,unt of pavrncnt% <br />actually made by the Lender lilt ground rents, laic %and a%scisiment, <br />or Insurance premium%, as the case inlay be, such c%,L%s, it Ih7 loan 1% <br />current, at the-option of the Porrower, shall he credited by trot+ <br />Lender on suhsequent payments to he made. by the Bl%rfrlwe'L'j or <br />refunded to the Borrower. If. however, the monthly pavmcn•tt, made <br />by the Borrower under fa I of paragraph 2 preceding shali no'I'lic <br />sufficient to pay ground rants, laves and assessment %or insurance <br />premiums, a5 the case may be, when the Wane shall hceome due and <br />payable, then the Borrower %hall pay acs the Lender any arnrount <br />necessary to make up the deficiency, on, or before the date when <br />payment of:%uch ground rents, taxes, a%.kssment%, or insuramw <br />Premiums shall he due 11 at any time the 1i►urnwer %halt tender to <br />the Lender, in accordance with the pri1vi%ions of the r.,,tr, %&ured <br />hereby, full'payment of the entire indebtedness represented,'hcrrh%. <br />the Lendet•%hafl, in computing the amount of such indehtcdnes%. <br />credit to the account of the Borrower anv balance remainr,rig in the <br />funds accumulated under the provisions of (a I of paragral:Oi 2 hereof <br />If there shall be a default under any of the prov►sri,n% of !bite. <br />dw!rurnecnt-resulting in public: sale of the premliel,co:criiil herehc <br />;�..,. 102807 <br />oe If the 1, 11th 1 Itopnos flm prly►c11% olhcnvnc after default, the <br />cndt1 .11,111 ,11,1,1% at Ihr tune 1d the conu11cnu'oa'nt of %uth <br />ptoaccdmg %. o) tit Ihr hole the pnyerly I%olherwor acquired, the <br />halamT then rentatrunp It) 11W forhl%'it titnnlated undet (ai of <br />parageaph . pecocdml;, as is %Irdit alta►mt the amount of principal <br />then rcn)anuity unp,ud uncle, %;oil lion• <br />4 Ihat the 111-114 1 will It," pnnunl rcpt %, tc1 %c%, a%%c%%mcnts, <br />water rate,. and other goycrnnrcnlal o► mums opal charge%, fine,,, or <br />IIIIIN Ruin%, fill which ptioo moil ha% not (seen made herem)xfore, <br />and in default theu•od the 1 cudcr m1v la% the same, and that the <br />Milli wee %vdl pi,11np11y ►Mhvet Ihr olhc 141 lecctpt% therefor to the <br />ender <br />S the Borrowcl will pa% all laws whoh n)av be levied upon the <br />1 ender'% ►nlerc%i u) scud real a %tale and Improvement%, and which <br />ma% he tc•vu•d Moor Ili% in %Uument or the debt sorcured herchy (t,..t <br />only to the e%tcnl that %ut h t% 1111, proh)hgcd by law and only to the <br />extent that %tich will not make this loan u%uriou%), but excluding any <br />income tall, State or I ederai, onpolud tin I ender, and will file the <br />official receipt showng %uch payment with the 1 ender. Upon <br />violation tit this undertaking. or it the flcurower 1% prohibited by any <br />law now or hereafter eunting from pa%inl the whole or any portion <br />of the afore %aid la %e%, or upati) the rendering of anv coral decree <br />pioh►hiling the payment bv the Borrower of alp, such late%. or if <br />such law ur dec fee provide.. that anv amount %o paid h% the <br />Borrower %hall to credited on the debt, the I ender shall have the <br />right to give mnety day%' written notice to the owner of the premises, <br />requiring the payment tit the debt If wrh notice he gocn, the said <br />debt %hall become due, payable and collectible at the expiration of <br />said ninety day% <br />6 I hat %hould the (follower lad to pav an% Milt) tit keep am <br />covenant pro%oded lilt in this in %human!, then the I ender. at it% <br />option, may pay or pertorm the same, and all expenditures so made <br />%hall he added to the principal sum owing on the said note, shall <br />he secured hereby_ and %hall hear ,nleirem al the rata W. 11 <br />tin iii iftc <br />said note, until paid. <br />7 1 hat the Borrower herchy a-mgm, tran%lers and sets over to the <br />Lender, to he applied toward the payment of the note and all sum% <br />secured hereby in Cate of a default on the performance of any of the <br />terms and condilum% of this Instrument of the %aid note, all the rents. <br />revenue% and income to he dert%ed from the said premises during <br />such time a% the ir)dehtedne%% %hall remain unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall have plower to appoint aril- agent or agents it may de%ue for the <br />Purpose tit repairing said premise% and of renting the same and <br />colletting the rents. revenues and Income, and it may pay out of %•aid <br />ntomc% all expense% of repairing said prernsw% and necessary <br />I ommrssion, and c•xpen %c% ins uured in renting and managing the <br />same and rtf collecting rental% therefrom; the balance remaining, it <br />any. to to applied !toward the di%tharge of said indebtedness <br />It That the Borrower will keep the Improvement% flow C%I%ling fit <br />hereafter crested on the properly. insured as ma% tic required frorn <br />time to time h% the lender agam%t It h% lire and other hazard%, <br />ca%ualtie% and I ontmgencie% in Much amounts and for wrh pc•rnal% ;r% <br />ma% he required h% the Lender and wdI pay prilmptly. when due: <br />am premiums on such insurance. pro%ision for payment of which <br />has not been made herenbefore All insurance %hall bt• earned 11, <br />compante% approiged by the 1 c ndcr and the pohur% and renewal., <br />thereof shall be held by the I ender and Ita%r attached thcruji, toss <br />l%a%ahic clau %or% in fa%or of and in form acu•ptahte to Ihi' I cndcr In <br />Page 7 of 5 <br />HUD 92143b1 t <br />i=t, <br />