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You are directed to: <br />DATE: July 11, 2017 <br />BY THE COURT: <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Letters of Guardianship fora Ward/Incapacitated <br />Person <br />CC 16:2.3.1 Rev 09/15 <br />f1 <br />County J ►dge <br />(SEAL) <br />201804213 <br />• You shall not make ATM withdrawals or receive cash back on debit transactions without a court <br />order. The Office of Public Guardian is prohibited from making ATM withdrawals or receiving <br />cash back on debit transactions. <br />• Other restrictions: Edward Jones assets are to be restricted - no withdrawals without a Court order. <br />• If you are authorized to handle any of the ward's /incapacitated person's assets, give a copy of these <br />Letters to all financial institutions where the ward /incapacitated person has an account/assets. You <br />must file with the court an Acknowledgement of Financial Institution form along with a Personal and <br />Financial Information for Guardianships and Conservatorships form with full account numbers. <br />• If you are authorized to handle any of the ward's /incapacitated person's assets, file with the court a <br />Notice of Newly Discovered Asset form within 30 days of becoming aware of additional assets, gifts, <br />awards, settlements, or inheritances over $500.00 not disclosed in the current inventory. You must also <br />file with the court a Certificate of Mailing showing you mailed the Notice of Newly Discovered Asset form <br />by first class mail, postage pre -paid, to all interested persons along with a Notice of Right to Object <br />form. <br />• File a copy of the Letters of Guardianship with the Register of Deeds in any county where the <br />ward /incapacitated person has real property or an interest in real property. <br />• File a Condition of Ward Report, an Updated Inventory, a complete accounting of your administration of <br />the ward's /incapacitated person's money, assets, possessions or income (including social security or <br />other benefits), if you have possession of such, along with the required fee, bank statements and /or <br />brokerage statements for the accounting period with personal information (social security number, date <br />of birth, etc.) blacked out, Notice of Right to Object form, and a Certificate of Mailing showing copies <br />were sent to all interested - persons, including the bonding company, by first -class mail, postage prepaid, <br />not later than 30 days after the expiration of one year after the date of these Letters and annually <br />thereafter. If you are filing an accounting, the accounting shall include Certificates of Proof of <br />Possession for all money, assets, possessions or income (including social security or other benefits) <br />existing at the end of the accounting period. <br />