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H•rcaRO�o 89 102888 <br />the <br />(1►1 •% %lint itt Ir,rouud rent %. 11 ally, nexl title, pill% the premiums that will next heconke due and payable till <br />11141rto% of lift' antl olhot llavattl Illslttatice cowcrilig the properly, plus Iarc% and assessments next due tin the property lull <br />,t► t,u►utulr;l lit 1Aot l.ntkvl IV%%,di sums alreadft paid therefor divided its the number of month-; to elapse before one (1) <br />nuntth pinu lot the data shell suth Itutund rent►, premiums, taxe.c'und assessment,; will become delinquent, such sums to <br />IV held h) I.rlitlef In MIA tt, Isj) said ground rents, premiums, taxer and special assessments; and <br />C9 (h) All Ila) nivntr ntcnilitmcd tit the preceding subsectinn of this paragraph and all payments to be made under the note <br />O srcmfcvl lWit4ty «hail IV athlot (AW. titer, ar)c1 tilt aggregate lai tuns thereof shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a <br />simile psytlx nl ho 1w nppitrd ha file I.endcr to the following items in the order set firth: <br />11) gunuhl rem%. Ut%c%, ar,r•sn>cnts, fire and other haaard insurance premiums; <br />1111 interest twit the tkota secured hereby; and <br />till) +momratton of dH principal of said note. <br />Any dcfit:ien%) fit the amount of ,u%;h aggregate• nonthly payment shall, unless made gcxact by the Iknrrower prior to <br />the due date tit the isn`t %tleh paynient, constitute an event of,def hilt under this mortgage. The Fender raky %xillect a "{ate <br />charge" not to exceed four cents (4e.) for each dtlllar ($I) of each payment more than faftcen (15).gays in arrears to a* <br />the extra expense involved fit handling delinquent - payments. <br />.t. That if tike total of the p3) menet, made by the Borrower under (tit of paragraph 2 pre vdittg shall exceed the amount <br />tit payment% actually made by the lender flit ground rents, taxes and assessments or insuranc%: premiums, as the case may <br />be, such c%cc %s. If the loan 1% current, at the option of the Botrower. shall he credited by the Lender on subsequent payments <br />to he made by the B►troaer, or refunded to the Borrower, It's however, the monthly payments made by the Borrower under <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufG+cient to pay ground rents. taxer and assessments or insurance premiums. as <br />the case may tr, when the %anw. shall become due and payable, then the Borrower shall pay to the Lender any amount necessary, <br />to make up the dcticiency, tin or before the date when payment of such ground rents, taxes, assessments, or insurance premiums <br />shall be due. If it any time the Brrouer shall tenderao the Lender, in accordance with the provisions of the note secured <br />hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby. the Lender shall, in computing the amount of such in- <br />dtelitedness, credit to the account of tote Borrower any balance remaining in the funds accumulated under the provisions of <br />(a► of paragraph 2 hereol. If there %hall IV I default under any tit the provisions of this+ instruntent resultiki in a public sale <br />%-if the premises covered herchy . or it the Lender acquires the property otherwise after default, the Under shall apply, at <br />the time of the commencement of such pntceedinyn. of at the time. the property is otherwise acquired; the balance then re- <br />maining in the funds accumulated under (it) tit paragraph 2 preceding. as a credit against the animunt of principal then remain- <br />ing unpaid under aid note. <br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rents. tatics, asses %Iltcnt5, water rates, and other governmental or municipal chaT , <br />tines. or impositions, for which prosi %ton has not been made hereinbefore. and in default thereof the Lcadcr may pry allot <br />same. and that the Brrowcr will promptly dcliver the 446;ial receipts therefor to the Lender. <br />5. The Borrower will pay all taxc% whwh nlay he lei led upon; who: Lender's interest in said real estate and improvernems, <br />and which may be levied upon this tlt%trtunent or the debt secured herchy (hut only to the extent that such is not prohibited <br />N. taw and only to the extent that %uch will not nt.tkc flit% loan u%urtousi, but excluding any income tax. State or Federal, <br />unposed on Lender, and will Isle the offs ial receipt .how Iny tilde pay mcnt with the lender. Upon violation of this undertak- <br />ing, or if the Borrower is prohibited by an) law mtw tor hcrealter ctitsting from paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid • <br />taxes. or upon the rendering tit any court decree pruhdtlting, the payment h) the Borrower of any such taxes, or is such law <br />or decree provides that any amount %(I paid h% the Itotnower sliall he credited tin the debt. the lender shall have the right <br />togive ninety days' written notice to the owner tot the prenuses, requiring the payment of the debt. If such notice be given.. <br />the said debt shall become due. payahle and collectible at life copddtion fit %aid ninety days. <br />6. That should the Borrower tail to pay -fits Will of I%ccp an) iisenjill provided for in this instrument, then the Lender. <br />at its option, may pay or perform the •ante. and all o%pcndnures %o made shall he added to the principal sum owing on the <br />above note, shall he secured hcrehy. ..Ind shall Imir Interest at flit: rate set totth in the said note, until paid. <br />7. That the Borrower hereby assigns. monster% .into sctc tier to the Lender, to he applied toward the payment of the <br />note and all sums secured hcrehy tit ca %c of .I detduli Ill tit' Ixrtorin.tll%c .11 any of the terms and conditions of this instrument <br />or the said note, all the rents. resenuc %and Incoult: at IR• kictillcd tarn fife said premises during such time as the indebtedness <br />.half remain unpaid. and the Lcndcr shall trill., I1: =J. t ii, appiont art; ag; a! or :%gent% it may desire for the purpose of repairing <br />said premises and of renting the -,.fine and %.olle%mrig thl: tents. n•l.cmues and income. and it may pay out of said incomes <br />all expenses of repairing said premises and nece %sary .imunissu ors and ct<pensc% incurred in renting and managing the same <br />and of collecting rentals therefrom, the lmla iuc li'llu iny. if ,illy, to h: apphcd inward the d► %charge of said uldebtedne%S <br />ii. That the borrower will 14cep the unpnlst 11ue11% w1t4 C. ruling of twicaltei erected on rite property. insured as may <br />Ix required front Una to bnle by flu Lender al;,utr,t loss h) lite .usd other harard%. casualties and contingencies in such <br />antounts and for Such perttlds as may IV telltntcd its the I,01def ant) well pay pionipily, -Allen due, any premium, on such <br />insurance provision for payntent sit t%iu.h 11.1% 11411 I'Vol It1.ItlC All onuramc shall tic carried 1n compansc% .Ip <br />prnl.ed by the I.entler and the fi olivic% did Ivilct%dl, 011: toll 41,111 114. 11t'i,l h4 Iht• I ender and hasc attached thereto Ills% payable <br />cla11w4 In fasor of and m forin it Lcloallic it) Ill.• Lcliller In , scot of 111 %% 11.11r1ntol will f1116C utlnlediatr notice by :nail bt <br />the I cnder.who niay make prowl of io %% 11 not mado pton111tis 1 ,, i . ,rIJ t d. M 111 %drone, etllripany conccmcd r(, hcrehy <br />aulhimired and dlrct:tld to 111.1141• pa)llltaa lilt %ttt11 1u.4 duk-ol. 11. Ills' I t'n,ICI 111 %IC.Id ill In rift• 1{11111Iwei and Its.• Itindcr <br />to lltly. and Ihs nt%uranl.c pr//teeds, of a11s p.lrl theroll. Inas IIC appli' t ifs the I t-ndol at 11% +,pt[nn tether to the 1c41u4tlnn <br />111 the mdehtcdiiv %% herchy %el tired .If (It Ific ro.ioratl+.n tit ►t- 11.111 of Ili, p1 1pClit dalpl.lycd Ill t -toll ul 11114L.tlll%wife 1st till' <br />Irl'.trunicnt fir other tran.fer of tllie tit 1114. 111r11t1•.ti ill (avl.,'tt,1 us r tt11,. ,Ir1,n1:'11t . 1 011 tntl ;hlcllilt %, , Melt Itt'rcbt ,111 Buhl <br />1111,' .1111) ItllClt'41 1st till { {ur[ot %4.1 111 .tltd (tr .1311 111.t11JIs' 1 ix ,!;. It Ill. -'• I+I r. •t. •%1.111 11.1 1. Its, 1`1:1. 11,1 +t l +t1 1'f a1hY' <br />► d +.n 1.iI:1•`r .ln(l 4461.111 I'll + ;.dill) Ir.1 fh, 1.1tun u' •I 1r., +. - 1 S •i1 ..11.• 1•' 1+.,1+1114 du, ult,a'1 <br />!A1 1u 1d1w"l nl tit,• it rrnta, f ilcti 11. ,,a 111 1111• I • r..I I 111 1.1 .t.1 +,, 1.1 . ,0111 11111, 11'..1, . t un1 I- - <br />rl , 1 {1 •t t,•avail 111.11 r ali.. j1'.1 .r!I .•r) ,ur.,l , d h .1 s r.1. .,t;.: !`l; .t :.10 it. ,1..1 r.. , 11 1 1, .1 Ill. . , w . 'Illd <br />�� ;�,., s 1 1111(101tAJfkt1... ,• 1 I•. <br />s . . <br />'tom <br />its <br />1.� <br />'i <br />Cr! <br />