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r <br />incorporation into <br />said action. <br />2. That the <br />and care of the pa; <br />March 31, 1975 and <br />1 <br />I <br />89-- -10282 6 <br />any decree of divorce the Court may render in <br />Petitioner shall have the permanent custody <br />rties' minor children, Jeri Nicole Ross, born <br />Jennifer Jill Ross, born November 27, 19790 <br />subject to the right of reasonable visitation by the Respondent. <br />3. That the Respondent shall pay to the Petitioner for and <br />on behalf of the parties' minor children support payments in the - <br />sum of $100.00 per month per child commencing on the day the De- <br />cree of Dissolution is entered, wF #h a like amount due and <br />payable on the same day of each month thereafter. Said child <br />support payments shall continue for each child until such child <br />dies, becomes of legal age, is self - supporting,. emancipated, <br />adopted, marries or until further .order of the Court,, whichever <br />sooner occurs. All payments shall be made to the Clerk of the <br />District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />4. That title to the following Real Estate shall be qui- <br />eted in the Respondent, to wit: 416 East 16th Street and legally <br />described As: <br />:Tart Eight (8) and the West Half (W 1/2) of Lot Nine (9) <br />of Block Ninety -two (92), Wheeler and Ben''nett's Fourth <br />.Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />subject to the encumbrances thereon and Respondent shall hold Pe- <br />titioner harmless therefrom. <br />5. That the Petitioner shall have all right title and in- <br />terest in and to all household goods and furnishings,'wearing ap- <br />parel, personal'efffects, appliances and fixtures and other per - <br />sonal property of every kind and description now in her <br />2 <br />J <br />r' <br />J!, <br />___1 <br />