<br />) ss:
<br />Dated: June 11, 2018.
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. August 30, 2021
<br />Once recorded, please return to:
<br />Parker, Grossart, Bahensky, Beucke, Bowman & Symington, L.L.P.
<br />PO Box 1600, Kearney, NE 68848 -1600
<br />Notary Public
<br />CD
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<br />Darold L. Carman, being first duly sworn upon his or her oath, deposes and says:
<br />1. That the Affiant is the trustee of the Janet Carman Revocable Trust dated February
<br />3, 1994, as amended, and that following the death of Janet Carman became known as the Janet
<br />Carman Administration Trust (hereinafter referred to as the "said Trust ").
<br />2. That on March 11, 2018, Janet Carman, aka Janet Marlene Carman, the settlor and
<br />initial trustee of said Trust, passed away a certified copy of her death certificate is attached as Exhibit
<br />3. That the Affiant remains the sole trustee of the said Trust as of this date.
<br />4. That among the assets of the said Trust is the following described real property:
<br />An undivided one -half ( /2) interest in and to a tract of land comprising a part
<br />of the S 1 /2 SW 1 /4 of Section 29, Township 11 North, Range 11 West of the 6
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, less and except the following described property
<br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said S % SW 1 /4, said point being 678.0
<br />feet East of the Southwest Corner of said S 1 /2 SW 1 /4; thence running Easterly,
<br />along and upon the South line of said S 1 /2 SW 1 /, a distance of 1,411.0 feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00' 00" and running northerly, a distance of
<br />262.76 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00' 00" and running westerly,
<br />parallel with the south line of said S 1 /2 SW 1 /4, a distance of 869.82 feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 90 degrees 00' 00" and running northerly, perpendicular to the
<br />south line of said S 1 /2 SW %4, a distance of 149.42 feet; thence deflecting left 90
<br />degrees 00' 00" and running westerly, parallel with the south line of said S 1 /2
<br />SW 1 /4, a distance of 474.0 feet; thence deflecting left 90 degrees 00' 00" and
<br />running southerly, perpendicular to the south line of said S'/2 SW 1 /4, a distance
<br />of 140.0 feet; thence deflecting right 45 degrees 00' 00" and running
<br />southwesterly, a distance of 95.0 feet; thence deflecting left 45 degrees 00' 00"
<br />and running southerly, perpendicular to the south line of said S 1 /2 SW 1 A, a
<br />distance of 205.0 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />5. That pursuant to the terms of the said Trust and §30-3881(2) of the Nebraska Uniform
<br />Trust Code, the trustee of the said Trust has the power, without court authorization, to acquire or
<br />sell property, for cash or on credit, at public or private sale.
<br />6. That neither the said Trust or the trust instrument creating the said Trust, nor any part
<br />thereof, has been revoked, amended, or terminated, and the above statements constitute a full
<br />disclosure of all provisions concerning those items.
<br />arold L. Carman
<br />SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me o June 11, 2018, by Darold L. Carman.
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