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fnteT as <br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code <br />(2) Sthrs of Property Sj*d To Caen -Far purposes of <br />- <br />secretary f ad "�" � °1e ntetrar°�. <br />wftdinrogutaBansKWObyfheSecretary) " <br />parag3phs(1) and ( 4), properyshafibe deemed tobe situated <br />(A) Real Properly - In itre case of real property, at b <br />a change in the taxpayers residence, A a noftol salt Mn <br />Sec. 6321. Uen For Taxes <br />physical Iocalaw, or <br />is asp filed in accordance wftt strbeeWm M In"StMe <br />N any person cable to pay any tax rtegkets or refuses to pay <br />(a) Persona! Property - in the case et personal property, <br />in which suds re111011ce is billed, <br />`'r r r` rJ <br />• <br />f3) i3iyuii0, �."� =iit�- <br />- <br />dbW etnarn. <br />whh arty etnta ABM may etccnte In addition thereto) shall be a <br />to <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (B), the residence of a corparatan <br />or shall be deemed to be the place at which ftte pan• <br />of any notice of lien, the terrn'Yegtrtred Mag period' m"Ife <br />(A) ft or"ut pefbd ond'+tp 30 days Maths expkllon <br />�� <br />.r <br />of a yeah after the ride of Ate eeeerenertt d Ace ter, Ind <br />(B) the or"ur W*d uhdrtp VM Cte 11111111111 ft Of E <br />\� <br />States 09 be deemed to be In the District of Columba. <br />to <br />yeas after the on of lhepreraed)ftgtt W rte&V hid <br />lien <br />Sa <br />Sire <br />lhesa another tale is spocifoa ly fixed by lain, the Ron (rte <br />6321 shall arse at the time the assessment <br />in subsection (a) GTW be presctNd by the Secretary. Sudt <br />noftice, shall be valid notvn+hstandmg any other prarlsion of law <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />peed by section <br />is made and shall Continue until the liaWity for the amount Coo <br />regarding the form or content of a rotas of lien. <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />g&Wto <br />assessed (or a Judgmem against the taxpayer arising off of such. <br />AebiL•ry)issa SW or becomes unenforceabteby reasonofmpse <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection <br />(a) Release Of Lien. Such M9uW <br />the secretary may preschW, the secretary shau UA <br />of tints <br />for certain interests even though notice of <br />lions as <br />e certificate of release of any fen Imposed with respect to any <br />I <br />Sep. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />lien imposed by section 6321 is fled with <br />internal revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />NIA <br />respect to. <br />vrhf(1 <br />p) IaabitirySa6sfiedorUnen 'oreosble�The3ecretaryfirds <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Oi Securi in- <br />Mechame s Llenors, And udg• <br />t. Securities <br />2. 6totor veh.:cies <br />7r.'1. r)!: r,GitnC <br />tercets, <br />3. Personal property p=hased at retail <br />fart <br />ment Lien Creditors. —The lion Imposed by section <br />4. Personal property purchased In casual sate <br />(2) Bond Accepted-There is fumishod to the Secretary and <br />6321 shag not be valid as against any purchaser. ho'der of a <br />5 Personal property sub,, ecled to possessory I:en <br />accepted by him a bond that I9 eondf fled upon the payment <br />uarityintlrest, mechanic's lienor, or Judgment Gen creditor until <br />6- Real property tax and special assessment liens <br />of the amount assessA together with all Interest 11 respect <br />raw thereof which meets the requlromelt3 of subsection (0 <br />7 Ras::ontai property subiect to. a mechanic's <br />theroof, within the time proscribed by law (including any extort- <br />heebeen fled by the Secretary. <br /> (pr certain repairs and ,mpra;ements <br />lion of such time), and that t3 in acacrdr4af with such require' <br />8. Avorne J'9' ens <br />ment3 relating to ternt3, 0oridifons, and form of the bord and <br />(o Piave For Filing Notice; Form.— <br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code <br />(2) Sthrs of Property Sj*d To Caen -Far purposes of <br />- <br />secretary f ad "�" � °1e ntetrar°�. <br />wftdinrogutaBansKWObyfheSecretary) " <br />parag3phs(1) and ( 4), properyshafibe deemed tobe situated <br />(A) Real Properly - In itre case of real property, at b <br />a change in the taxpayers residence, A a noftol salt Mn <br />Sec. 6321. Uen For Taxes <br />physical Iocalaw, or <br />is asp filed in accordance wftt strbeeWm M In"StMe <br />N any person cable to pay any tax rtegkets or refuses to pay <br />(a) Persona! Property - in the case et personal property, <br />in which suds re111011ce is billed, <br />- — -- -- t> o S= after f+umW the aawumt {mrJudmg any ipteresf, ad - - - <br />&$Aon to bix or assessable penalty, loge <br />- -- - _ whether tangible at intangible, at the residence of me tax - <br />payor at= UMWM Dome it ow is red: - - -- - — <br />f3) i3iyuii0, �."� =iit�- <br />- <br />dbW etnarn. <br />whh arty etnta ABM may etccnte In addition thereto) shall be a <br />to <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (B), the residence of a corparatan <br />or shall be deemed to be the place at which ftte pan• <br />of any notice of lien, the terrn'Yegtrtred Mag period' m"Ife <br />(A) ft or"ut pefbd ond'+tp 30 days Maths expkllon <br />iIn Infavor at AN Ur#Ad Stan upon an property and rights <br />properly, wltetltet tilt a prrsaW, betorhging to such person. <br />partnership <br />rlpaf executive office dl•fhe business is loeMed, end 4te rest• <br />derlce of a taxpayer whose residence is ymilout ttA united <br />of a yeah after the ride of Ate eeeerenertt d Ace ter, Ind <br />(B) the or"ur W*d uhdrtp VM Cte 11111111111 ft Of E <br />Sic. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />States 09 be deemed to be In the District of Columba. <br />to <br />yeas after the on of lhepreraed)ftgtt W rte&V hid <br />lien <br />(3) Form • The form and eoment of the notice referred <br />for such noise of <br />lhesa another tale is spocifoa ly fixed by lain, the Ron (rte <br />6321 shall arse at the time the assessment <br />in subsection (a) GTW be presctNd by the Secretary. Sudt <br />noftice, shall be valid notvn+hstandmg any other prarlsion of law <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />peed by section <br />is made and shall Continue until the liaWity for the amount Coo <br />regarding the form or content of a rotas of lien. <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />g&Wto <br />assessed (or a Judgmem against the taxpayer arising off of such. <br />AebiL•ry)issa SW or becomes unenforceabteby reasonofmpse <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection <br />(a) Release Of Lien. Such M9uW <br />the secretary may preschW, the secretary shau UA <br />of tints <br />for certain interests even though notice of <br />lions as <br />e certificate of release of any fen Imposed with respect to any <br />I <br />Sep. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />lien imposed by section 6321 is fled with <br />internal revenue tax not later than 30 days after the day on <br />Certain Persons. <br />respect to. <br />vrhf(1 <br />p) IaabitirySa6sfiedorUnen 'oreosble�The3ecretaryfirds <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Oi Securi in- <br />Mechame s Llenors, And udg• <br />t. Securities <br />2. 6totor veh.:cies <br />that the ffabili y for the amount assessed. together alto ell In. <br />tartest in respect thereof, has been fully satisfied or has become <br />tercets, <br />3. Personal property p=hased at retail <br />legally unenforceable; or <br />ment Lien Creditors. —The lion Imposed by section <br />4. Personal property purchased In casual sate <br />(2) Bond Accepted-There is fumishod to the Secretary and <br />6321 shag not be valid as against any purchaser. ho'der of a <br />5 Personal property sub,, ecled to possessory I:en <br />accepted by him a bond that I9 eondf fled upon the payment <br />uarityintlrest, mechanic's lienor, or Judgment Gen creditor until <br />6- Real property tax and special assessment liens <br />of the amount assessA together with all Interest 11 respect <br />raw thereof which meets the requlromelt3 of subsection (0 <br />7 Ras::ontai property subiect to. a mechanic's <br />theroof, within the time proscribed by law (including any extort- <br />heebeen fled by the Secretary. <br /> (pr certain repairs and ,mpra;ements <br />lion of such time), and that t3 in acacrdr4af with such require' <br />8. Avorne J'9' ens <br />ment3 relating to ternt3, 0oridifons, and form of the bord and <br />(o Piave For Filing Notice; Form.— <br />g. Carta n insurance cor'rads <br />surot:es thereon, as may be speciftad by such regulaUans. <br />(1) Place For Firing -The notice referred to in subsection <br />10. Passtxh0k t43n3 <br />See. 6103. Confidentiality and <br />(e) shall be filed • <br />taws <br />(g) Refiling Of Notice. — Far p.--c.,03 of this <br />Disclosure of Returns and Return <br />(A) Undbt state <br />@ Real Propety - In the case of real property, in ora <br />re l.�n . <br />informs (on. <br />office witren the state (or tiro county, or other gorernrre �!ai <br />subdivlstan), as designated by the lu,3 of such State, in <br />(t) General Rule.— Un'Css nol -ce of lien , (of' d <br />in the manner presorted in Ga- ,y gh i2) during the requ:te0 <br />, <br />(k) Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />which the property sub ect to the ran is situated; and <br />rel; ,ng period. such ro�Ce 01 V s. ^•a' be !rC3iCd a3 f, au o� <br />Return information For Tax Administrai, <br />(J) Personal Pr(jperty - In tho aaso of personal prep- <br />arty, whether tangible or Intangible, in one oft.ce rtifh:n the <br />To dab on vduch d -3 t.!C9 f n tic ;r, ^.a ^Ce 7.r 1 sut W On M) <br />oiler the expiration of su•h rolli ng pGrt<,d. <br />tion Purposes: <br />State (or tho county, or otter goremmen!al s bd :rs,onr. as <br />designated by the la'w3 of Stith Slate, m v,h ch!, a propcny <br />(2) Place For Filing. —A nolio of i.Cn roh'ed dur- <br />„v rcGa rL.r ng sn; a to cif. ;t• :cpn!y <br />(2). Disclosure of amount of oLvard,ng fien. -if a notice of <br />subjett to tho lien i3 sdua!ed; of <br />:eJ �,,.f� _.. - -. -. <br />"' <br />_ _ <br />1.6n has been CCd'pafsuant to section 6323(1), the arnount of --- - - - --- - - - <br />(B) With Clerk 01 District Coutt ln !ho of!ev :t ire f.'C:M <br />(A) <br />: ti r :g;n o' ,rn r, Frtrrd m d� o ce : i r,r ch <br />t!.CO is! andrgOD' g3fOnsocuredbyeuchfionmaybedisoiosed <br />wti Vaclory vrritten Worica that <br />of the Unnad Sates d. :trct coon tar rnu t,,. :at de lit m rd: ct+ <br />Ale prapedy sub ,,ecl to sn Is Situated, vf:Cnevbr tho Sta'o has <br />To p,wr no::co 0' ften wan, Cod. and <br />! ca so of trial c,, -rtt ro ,act of ro!.; ng r; <br />to any person nho ur:=3 <br />ho has a r,gh! in tho prop3rty $0010cl to such lien or u Curds to <br />not by lain des!ynatod ono OM.0 vin';h mCCta the rCy';:.Cmen:; <br />Cr' ^o9 ;v;;f re:udC•J .n a^ � �.fCw to tn0 cxtc,' rCrl r.r5y Cy- <br />U9!a -n a rtyht m such prapCRt. <br />Of subparagraph (AL or <br />(C) With Recorder of UaM3 Of Trod 1!7.,* Or Cu'urr ,:r <br />s g) ;n act case r. :n. Sg days of mofo pFo, n tno dale <br />to the atF,CO of the ROLG'd3r Gt P�eos 0! ir0 C S!r4t cf Co',:ma:a. <br />the D `. of <br />G! v rC :,.'7 <br />A the property sub,Cd 10 iha ;led in ]!' <br />. <br />f <br />Co'.umbia <br />I <br />fi <br />t <br />r <br />R91 <br />