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<br />IF
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<br />JS 172,
<br />I9 T
<br />Excerpts From .internal Revenue Code
<br />(2) Sffus of Property Subject To Lien - For purposes of
<br />Secreary ctec" wMert rftl oft (h ft matetttr pA
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes
<br />parag A0341) and (4). prOperty e?!all to deemed to be sduued. •
<br />(A) Real Property - In ate cane of real property, n Its
<br />etc{Db In re o� ►puld py yw s�C,�cltj sq�
<br />ter 161 fat�ayeri Haro6oeolaudttterl
<br />H my prm 11" to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay
<br />physleal location: or
<br />(a) Personal Property- In the case of personal propu(y,
<br />Is dw filed In swortWo wm itiond n (I) h the StaM
<br />in which w ttidM to bcdoa
<br />QN tulle der denlerd, the &mourn prtpuding any fnitKest, ad•
<br />-- - -- lori -A- ' -e wK- I...e:53�s�i
<br />*0 any cow that
<br />' vrttether langiVe or intangible, at the residence of the talc-
<br />— - --fw; w0 ;n«t:�r atderrisulatt - - --
<br />_
<br />(3) p.,.1 kW Refill - - d d. - - - - -- - ; - --
<br />`� � ��'�„
<br />- -
<br />may WMA In atftidm thereto) shall be a
<br />felt h favor d if* Wed Md" upon aS property and rights to
<br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (0), the residence of a ccrporattan
<br />or partnership shall be deemed to be the place at which,, the prGt
<br />� als
<br />Of "Mike Of Hen, the Yrm 5'a*M MWG padod' mwe -
<br />VWq w1leHrerr tut of Mrs orA betngtng to such person,
<br />CON eaawtive oMa of the ttudee59 is i000d, and the red-
<br />(A) the OI1 WPKlOd wft 30 days dW ffM et�irdfort
<br />of 6 years offer Cie do of the aeeeetmertt a bte U& aril
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien'
<br />denco of a taxpayer whose residence is without the United
<br />states Shall be doomed to be in the Distrta of COJWTa
<br />(B) a1e O71°ye'r v� srav with a" eve;' Ilmn ate
<br />Unless another date is specifically fixed by tar:, its s8n ln} •
<br />..
<br />{3" Form - The form and content of the Ntlea fefdred to
<br />in subsection (a) shall to prescribed by the Secretory. Such
<br />Yen aver Oboe of QN DAD 11�>fw r111*4 t1Mbd
<br />for such notice of fierL
<br />POW by aectim 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment
<br />b made end shat cordUtue until the liability for the amount so
<br />notice shag be valid natAthstanding any other proAs!on of law
<br />regarding the torn or content of a rotke of Hen.
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />i
<br />Guessed (or al udgment against ths taxpayer staling out ofsuch
<br />J il adsGedorbecdmesunenforceahletryroasonoflapse
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />fWrie.
<br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection
<br />(a) Release Of Lien. — Subject to suchmgult
<br />%c. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />for certain interests even though notice of
<br />fen imposed by section 6321 Is filed with
<br />lions as the Secretary may prescribe, the Swaim sw issue
<br />release Pon withal f row to
<br />atematcar
<br />-
<br />Certain Persons.
<br />3OW
<br />enue eas not facet own
<br />vfi!ch -
<br />(a1Purchaser'$, Holders Of Security In..
<br />I. securities
<br />(1) Lkbj4Satisredc4Unenformabie- TlteSecowyffnds
<br />y
<br />tere$t$, Mechanics Uenore, And fudg-
<br />z- [Actor veh ?ales
<br />that -the liability for me amount assessed, together with an (n•
<br />Irlent Lien CireditofS. —The hen imposed by section
<br />3. Personal property purchased at remit
<br />forest in resped'thareof, has been fully satisfied or has become
<br />021 shall not be vaW as against any purchaser, hader of a
<br />aecufity.interest mechanic's honer, or Judgment lion creditor until
<br />4. Personal property purchased in casual Sato
<br />5. PC SON! property sub ected to pcsseasory fen
<br />legally unenforceable; or
<br />(2) Bond Accepted-There Is tumished to ale Secretary and
<br />WJW thereof which mM the recilrements of subsection (Q.
<br />tlaa been filed by the Secretary.
<br />6. Real property tax and special assessment liens
<br />7• RoVdenlial property subject to a urethan :c's
<br />accepted by him a bond that is Cortddloned upon the paynNm
<br />of the amount assessed, together wi?i all Into in respect
<br />Lon for certain repairs and irrii wemews
<br />thereof, within the time prescribed by la's (intruding any extort
<br />'
<br />m Place For Flling Notice; Form. —
<br />6. Attorneys hang
<br />9" Certa;n insurance contracts
<br />s10n of such bins), and that is in accordance with such /BQU!fb
<br />ments relating to terms, conditions and form of the bond and
<br />s
<br />�
<br />(1) Place For Filng -The noGCe referred to in subsection
<br />10" Passbook loans
<br />sureties thereon, as may bo specified by such regula9one.
<br />(a) eha l I» find .
<br />- (A) Under State laws
<br />fgr Refiting Of Notice. —For purpo:o3 of this
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiali and
<br />m Real Property • to the case of real proaorty, In ore
<br />section •
<br />Disclosure of Returns andeturn
<br />office wth:n the State (or the county, or 0!har g..errmen ±al
<br />eubdivislon), as des! grated b/ a o i3s o! such State, m
<br />(1) General Rulo.-- un!oss r.:;,ca c! I :e rt i3 re.iled
<br />information.
<br />which the property suDJtell to the Gen 13 situated; and
<br />i
<br />(ii) Personal Property • In the case of personal -prop.
<br />in the manner proscribed in paragraph (2) during the required
<br />refilm � .; !
<br />g pined. such nO!.ce or fen sh31 be veal ed as Wad on
<br />k
<br />O Disclosure of Certain Returns and
<br />arty, 0other tangible or intangib!o, in ore office within the
<br />State (or the county,
<br />the date on v nich it Is tiled (in accordance vmh sutisect.an (1))
<br />after the cxp.rai.cn of t.u.h r f.'.ng period,
<br />Return information For Tax Administra-
<br />ti0n Purposes.—
<br />or other governmental subd:vis!on), as
<br />dssgnated by the laws of such State, in v h;ch the property
<br />(2) Place For Filing. —A ro! ce of Lin re5 :ed dur•
<br />p
<br />subject to the Len 13 situated; or
<br />(13) With Clerk 01 District COUrt•ln the alfi.o the tc
<br />r,.g bn required ft Rng pared 5na7 to e!ttc'vo cr:/ • ..- _ -.- . _ --
<br />iAI !
<br />(21 D.ur swo or OmOUrd el outstanding hen.-if a rotiee Of
<br />I•en
<br />ui cre
<br />d tt . United States district COUA for the jud %.rat d•str.Cl in wh Ch
<br />f-I ;with r. ;!'ce o! Lon is re. '_d m (he 0!'.:e in *hhcn
<br />has been f.'Od pursuant to sect :on 6323(q, the amount of
<br />the OulStand.rg Obligaton secured by such Wrt may bedsdosed
<br />ate prop" s0lect to lien 19 Situated, whohaver the State has
<br />not by law QeSigna!Od one Otte vfiich moots the rege:rements,
<br />1110 prlOr r,Otice Of lien was filed, and
<br />(•r) ^ ! ?^ A1s0 of real neoper"y t!t0 fast of ref ing is
<br />t0 any per,0n who fUJRI5h09 salislactory vrrit on evidence alai '
<br />he ha3 a r N in the property 56bject to sucil Lon or intends to
<br />- Ot subparagraph•(A), or
<br />(C) With Recorder Of Deeds Of The District Of CO:umbia•
<br />or.. !cj ar'd rc1'.'ded in an index to tr0 exient required by
<br />cut:ecton (f) (4), and
<br />e5!3:n a fight In such prOp61' /.
<br />IA the off;$ of Me Recorder of Deeds of rho D,Strict Of Co'umb!a,
<br />.(a) 1.1 any case In whah, 90 days of mcro prler to the date
<br />H ate pfOperty subject to the Len Is Situated In the 0' Ifict of
<br />Of d re5_.rg Of nJftO Of Len uILe• suuaraaraph (A), Lho
<br />-
<br />Cdumbs.
<br />.. L - . _1
<br />