<br />89-PmIO2788 BENEFICIARY
<br />w�c. oun♦ sou` nfjw �1
<br />GRANTORI`+l: 30[IVf111; "�
<br />)soli wfhf Holt 14a.f► LffT wwYi rlwft IglTlw►
<br />IrSs
<br />arcrr,Tr. R ,1 :1L't t;RTFF A 1425 ;;. 1:rr.I1 IiAJ;`
<br />-MRS 4DOw1166 l-1 :• 1Twf• it ►CO0•
<br />RURAL ROUTi: 2 MX 202, 1.101:11r "Illf7R vF. 68883 CMI- n IS LAMP NEBRASKA
<br />THIS DFFD 01 TRUST, Made this __ CIL_ day of i+ 49 f S A�� 7 1)
<br />>�' - - , 1V between --
<br />hereinafter calked TRUSTOR, whose address is—El at _Zi1L.Tr 2 110K 202 1:'OnD RIt'F.Ita NIE 6118
<br />- -- - - -- , hereinafter called T'RUSTFF, whose address J065 y 115 ST.,__SVTTF 100. O "AAA w C 68154
<br />and AVCO IINANCIAL_ SFRVICFS INTERNATIONAL. INC., a Nebraska corporation, hereinafter called BFNFFICIARV, whom address is
<br />`'2P 13
<br />WITNESSLT11: That tiustot GRANTS, CONVEYS, SFt LS AND WARRANTS TO TRt STFI., IN TRt ;ST, 119TH P01VI -R OF SAL[, the following described
<br />Property. situated in 121 - -1, -.- _ - Crlurttg, Nebraska
<br />ATT',r .,1
<br />atsaltnotvnas ��: - 1 r - ^�� tl,•O t. _s ... 1
<br />(Number and Street) ,
<br />11%Wthell with all buddings and 1111PI"nements apT.'or hcnvftcr erected thereon and all s,recm. dw;iittru. s04cs, s*uim. sash and blinds, and heating,.lighting,
<br />plti;�,bing, gas, electric, ventilating, refrigerating and art- conditioning equipment used in rortgection the esv4th, all ui" wwhich, fur the purpose of tills: lJeard of
<br />Ts-40, shall he deemed ftw.tures and subject to the hen hercot, and the lieiedstamcnts and tiapuftenanees pertatntrrg to the property above describ►Yf, rind all
<br />steilst;t, lanes, alley s, passages• ways, waters, water ►uurtcs, rights, liberties and privileges, u•(tats,cscr thereunto belonging or in any appertaining and the
<br />rese,rsicsns and remainders, all of which is referred to hereinafter as the "premises _ _
<br />TO TIAW AND TO 0hi-6 the afxm- described Fmmrccs, with tire alipurh•nan"n and ii%tu =cs, unto the �W.d fenefi0ary, its successomand assigns, forever, for
<br />the purposes and uses herein set forth, free (tom all rights and t+cnetrts uruler and •bv sinus of any Ifnmi•croad F %ertrotics l : s: ;rf the Siair of ivt brasi;a
<br />»asell .-ray t.: vtia,icd. %hi.-h siltj risitla and benefits the card Ittrstor doe, fic- by evpressit release and wakes.
<br />Traitor also assigns to Beneficiary all tents, issues and profits of said premises, granting theriprrt to collect a.'id use the tianle, with or without taking possession of
<br />file prilmdws. during continuance of default hereunder, and during continuance of. such default authorirJns Reueflciaty in enter upon said premises and/or to collect
<br />and enforce the same without regard to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness herclST secured by anf• lawful means including appointment of a receiver in
<br />nest secured of any patty hereto, and to a,:0; - file saute less costs and cspcnscs of operation and cullcction, utituiitng twson,rble attotsry's fees, upon any indebted-
<br />nesslaured hereby, in such order as BertfL-s;,niay determine.
<br />i
<br />IOft THE PURPOSI. Ui ' } P,;itutinance of each agtccntent of Truster r+:rrained herein; (2) Payment of the principals with interest, as
<br />pro:ivcd in accordance With,J11ir.lprrtss and• procurons of a Promissory 'rote; Loan,.rluecntenl thereinafter referred to as "prumitswry note") dated
<br />,.t .tea n�c hetcwith csccuted by Trustor and payable n? the Q14W of i
<br />Ncnef , in the Principal sum of
<br />S a — .---__ . and h vtn2 lire d Fie' „f its final pay mcnr sfui..,:n �_ 1 s 11'' or as extended,
<br />deferred or ress'heilitkd by renessal or refvran y-, Of Pairnent of any additiS,rril Jtantxs, With inteie'li, I breon as may hereafter br ibaned by Beneficiary
<br />to Truitot in a maminum sure of S11 u :L as
<br />+_-- within 15 years from the date of this Deed of Trust; however,
<br />this, pu4graph does not tonshtote d comrnitrnent by lier+,c'ticirrry to make future advanu s. 14) The payment of dny umney that may be advanced by the r'
<br />Beneft::an to Truster for any reason or to thud p:ailics Aurh IDIclest thereon. where the acwunts are .idvanced to protect the Security to accordance with the
<br />covenants of this Deed tut Trust. 151 Ant reneW-a;. refinancing or el,tension of card promissory note, rt 111y other agreement it, pay which may be substituted
<br />therefor.
<br />All payments made by 'I rustor on tits obispation s.:. ured t•y fhss Deed of f rust shall be applied in the folluvting order:
<br />FIRST: To the payment of tapes end asses,ment, that ,,is he I,sied and as,c sod against said premises, insurance premiums, repair,, and all ocher Sharges
<br />and expenses agreed to he paid by rile Irustur
<br />SLCnND. To the payment o1 interest due on said loan.
<br />THIRD To the payment of principal.
<br />TO PROIF(I 1HF SF(LRITV WHIM, TRUSIOR(Ss (OVINANIS AND • %GRFLS- ill to keep vrd prcmrscs insured against loss by fire and other
<br />hazards, casuahy Arid ct +ntmEenctcs up I„ the full talue of Al enpn,tculenfs I” rile protection of Benefcrary in such manner, F suds amounts• and in such
<br />rt.mppanres as Benefit:ur'y inay hum rime 1•s time appttnc, and that loss proceeds (lets expense art :olluctlon) shall, at Beneficiary's options be applied on said
<br />indctit.cdness, whether due or nor „r i,l the rstetatrun u! %JJJ impa•untettn. In even) •,f laws TrUSTer will give tmnledutc nuhcc by snail to the kencftstiary,
<br />rsitn•mat make prto•f of lt• s if ac! rn:de ;arc =raptly by Iru,ior, and rich ins•.sranre company .oncurned is hereby authofiecd and directed to make payment for
<br />Such loss directly to the Beneficiary m,rrad of to the duster (21 To pay all taxes and s{x.tal a,sessnrcnt, of any kind that have been or may he levied or
<br />seised upon said rrcmnes. and t,, dehtcny a. Beneficiary, upon rcquc,t of the BcnVfILIJry, the •dfittdl receipt tliowing payment of all such taxes and
<br />imsueerttL 13) In the event of 4efauli by 1ruator under Paragraphs 1 nr 2 alx,ve. Beneficial-,, at its t.ptl,rn. mar Jai place and keep suth insurance above
<br />provided for in forte thwuilrout The lt!e of tills 10ced i•t Trost and pal fhc rcasonahle pienrmnr, and .harges therefor. Ohl pay all card Oases and assessments
<br />ttithoat determining the tatiduy 111civol. and it► Pas such hen, and all such d ,humcnients shall be deemed :part art the indebtedness secured hi this Deed of
<br />Trust and shall be tmnredtarely due and f•aydhlc by Ir95lrrf n• Bcr,;-fr,rars t4f To keep the buildines.and other improvements now csntme or hereafter
<br />crested in gorwl tondiTr,n and repair. n,it ro .ornrnr; or suffer an: oafs ,•r ,r,t use of .jilt ,nrnu,r, ,un,rir1 to resrn,lu,ris :•t re. •od .n .• whir, lu lain, and
<br />III prrrnit llenrts.tary n- enter of all rcas„nablC tones for fhc purl,. 1 tr, pr,,,ri• rive premies, not to remote or dcmoh,h an, t•uildutt +hcreen. 1n tesn•n _ - -:
<br />NOMPSY and in a rood and wotkutdnlike manner any buddings which rile) be ddinaged or desiruycd thereon, and to pay. Wlicrt die,,dl .I.nnrs G -r i,bor F c,r.,r,r,td
<br />and matarW% furntshed miefnr, fey That if a signer of the Promissory %etc. he Brill pay, promptly the indebtedness secured fivreby. and perform all other obliga-
<br />•kans in full eomp)tarxe vtith the forms of said prnnrrsl.ory Nntc and. this Dyed of Trust. (b 1 Tltat the hntr o1 payment of file indrbtedncsc hereby scv ured, or of any
<br />portion thereat, may be ratcnded art tencs►ed, anq any portirss o1 tyre prcrnises herein destahcd rnay. ssrthout noti.e. he released fr „nl the Ifefilicit.4. without
<br />-d” irt)f or affecting rile prison) liability of any person tit the proaity „f tilts Ucrd of Trust i 7) T7rar he does I1en by foteter %arrant and sod: f on see defend the
<br />title and possession thrrcof against the lawful claims of any and all whatsnrver
<br />it IS 1(LTL'AI LY AGRM), MAT- a{jrsa'#r
<br />•l0 Sh ,uld ltut!er fad hr •'like ant ; .yf „c•nt t r d + trls J r J, fir, rt:r, 1.l- toad rt .,•„ J. r.••tr r.rn • d S•Jn.h ••.,ur ttJlls .rift.
<br />(Ien ?h.ten't tn'crest m fill- Yr auecs Ih.n Bcrcti.tars ..r l +u,•,., hu• cSnh.'fr t•i:: ,'r f, f d•, re;l r,,.,�. n nr .
<br />-si,l]tuf ••l: dsrr,� irusr. -t Ih•m sir} :.t. d•, ,.,r,J up.•n irustor. an.)
<br />L�.rr„n bur 1.trsJ. t.:-•at :.r,:kr . -t d . •t .. ........ ....1 ..,.. r,S ..,,• r, . t : .., r,: . ,� •.f :..t�.. l-..,1,.
<br />r lti•n. which m tier I:ra;•:�rnt ,1 riN.r a • 7Jr. h. .rHc Sr :i, ... . .
<br />d 1 J {.. n.) m , „r, i.,n; ns ,,, h i• 1 .'•S 1 . •.p. ,d t:h .•'t. • r., . ,nf•..r
<br />Jn l-,4 .a •1 ft:Gr,,.rn1, .,• ).:r -•.c .fa.,• •.iJt ! a c• , �., ,..rrt'•,r �1'i
<br />..n •. 1 - ,t .�r., tt i< ,,. ,, ,rt r iru. •., f ,I. r
<br />1, 0`3 ,tit jrc.l2nd a:.:t •rdi-,rt•!s disc and ,nit'!. f. r: t.i :his• ,.u, { -u •• •! r : t, .: f •. , „!•s
<br />1 i lvu...• th.rlf t,: , t
<br />rl 4!: ,aLl 'f:(' fl-. 1i1:, -, .. 411% 1.0 tferrr 1 1•; r,Ji• r -: J• i. ,Ll• ,e.Jq_' ::1l- o ,. .. - r ,, .....r, ''.,��•�
<br />•4< •i1: i�Jr 1 of w, 'I XT. f.,. •Jnd _ 1,11% •tor x;r• . n J. ,J. 1 r
<br />Sr fs, � ,p.1,.. , a.• ,sr.r e,'. f , r'
<br />