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C. All federal, state & county laws will be observed. <br />Parking — <br />A. All permanent parking of vehicles & boats shall be confined to each lot. <br />B. The parking of motor homes, campers and 5th wheel - trailers on lots will be limited <br />to 14 days, after which they will be towed & stored at the owner's expense. <br />C. Parking is not permitted on the common areas, except for emergency temporaly <br />parking. <br />D. Please remind your guests that when they come to visit that the common <br />area is not a parking lot or an extension of your driveway. Limited parking space <br />on your leased lot does not allow you to park your vehicle on the common area. <br />6. Pets — <br />2 ! Kuester Lake, Inc. Rules and Regulations — Updated 4/07/2009 <br />2018035.83 <br />A. Pets such as dogs & cats are permitted, but shall be controlled at all times. <br />B. Complaints of unnecessary barking, destruction, dunging or other destruction <br />caused by pets will be referred to the County Sheriff for action. <br />C. No property shall have more than four dogs and/or cats over four months of age. No <br />more than four pets per household. <br />D. Horses and fowl :are -not . permitted on the lake grounds at any time. <br />7. Wild Animals — <br />A. Beavers or other destructive _animals observed on the lake premises are to be reported <br />immediately so that corrective action can be taken by delegation ofhe Board of <br />Directors. <br />B. Wild migratory waterfowl shall not be molested or hazed while nesting. <br />C. Harassing the congregating birds shall only be done by direction or permission of the <br />Board of Directors. <br />8. Construction - <br />A. No construction or installation of any kind is permitted on common ground areas. <br />B. Permission must be secured from the Board of Directors before construction of any type, <br />including but not limited to additions; garages, boat docks, fences, or new homes. <br />C. Permits must be secured from the Board of Directors & others as applicable for the <br />installation of wells, sewer systems or leaching fields & all rules, federal, county & city <br />• will be followed. <br />D. Extension of any part of a sewer system onto common areas may be undertaken by <br />special permit. <br />E. Cutting through the road pavement for sewer installation is not allowed. A conduit for <br />this purpose must be installed by an approved contractor below the road in such a manner <br />as to not damage or disturb the pavement. <br />F. A map showing the location & descriptions of the sewer elements shall be submitted to <br />the Kuester Lake Board for approval. <br />G. Following construction the ground shall be returned to its prior condition. <br />H. All approved construction shall be completed within a reasonable time and shall conform <br />to the City & County building & health codes. <br />I. No TV dishes 2 ft or larger will be allowed. <br />J. No covered or enclosed structures will be allowed to be constructed into the lake <br />beyond the mean high water mark. <br />