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11111 II <br />201803561 <br />I I <br />i <br />N.W. CORNER W IR NWI>I NE vs <br />O SECTION 13-TIN -RI1W <br />o FOUND 5 MON FIEBAR s. <br />.-1 <br />II <br />a <br />V <br />N <br />O g <br />a1 <br />O° 2 <br />a§ 0 <br />% g m _ <br />goo 14- <br />O �O <br />SSin <br />"a�x4 ca°ue . <br />eAu! 16 <br />:r <br />1 <br />vl <br />5 LO <br />laNr <br />3gi1 <br />DEDICATE 7 FOR - <br />PU61JC ROAD <br />Ake u. RIGHT OF WAY <br />W10 SECTION LINE -y <br />9; + LA (711 :; - - s <br />66155A ^ ¢ <br />S89'ST48'E A Sgy'OZsg-W R2 <br />S.E. CORNER Wl2 NW1N NEW <br />SECTION 13- TIN4MW <br />FOUND S8' IRON I1EBAR WITH <br />PLASTIC CAI: <br />U, <br />0 <br />0 <br />c. <br />N89'ST4WWA. <br />128.9V A. - <br />nn <br />0 <br />CC <br />0 0 <br />cc <br />tu <br />PLATTE Cr <br />13- <br />DRIVE <br />9 -11 <br />S89'ST3SE A. <br />O <br />cc <br />1 ROO (16.5'1 WIDE ROAO RIGHT <br />OF WAY PER WARRANTY DEED <br />BOOK 47. PAGE 202 DATED <br />JANUARY 14. 1911 <br />NIGSECD N UNE-r <br />KIV ER °� R044 I F <br />I 904 <br />ms <br />eG SE CORNER NEIa4 NEV4 <br />SECTION I349N -RI <br />FOUND SURVEY SPIKE WON <br />DISK N ASPI4. <br />JI.A'KE to roles x AXE Mt <br />RrXSEAloft ill MIDI PRE <br />einesi Po AB[ a OWCOBtAPog <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A Hatt of land comprising a port of M. West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Me Northeast Quart or (WI /2 NWI /4 NE1 /4) of Section Thirteen (13). Township Mee (9) <br />North. Rang. Eleven (I I) West of the 6th P.Y.. Neil County. Nebraska, and more particularly closers as follows: <br />First 10 ascertain Me point of b.glening, start of lb. southeast comer of said West Hoff of Me Northwest Quarter of M. Norlh.osl Quarter (WI /2 NWI /4 NEI /4); <br />then. NO0'04'23'E. along and upon Hue east En. of said West Half of Its. Northwest Quarter of the Norlh.osl Quart., (W1 /2 NWI /4 NE1 /4), a dl.tenc. of <br />Sixteen and F7v. Tenths (16.50) feet to e point on Itsb northorty right of way th,e of Plats !elver Road. sold paint being the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence <br />continuing N00ro4'2S along and upon H10 previously d senb.d course. o dislonco of One Thoosond Thirtoen and Thirty Nine Hundredths (1013.39) feet; thence <br />N89'57'481W, parallel with lb. south tine of said West Holt of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (WI /2 NWI /4 N£1 /4), a distance of One Hundred <br />Twenty Eight and timely FM. Hundredths (128.95) feet; thence S01204 parallel with M. oast Noe of said West Half of the Northwest Quarts, of the <br />Northeast Quarter (WI /2 NWI /4 NEI /4), o disianc. of On. Thousand Thirleeo and Thirty inn. Hundredths (1.013.39) feet to a point on lbw northerly right of way <br />Rine of sold Platte River Road, said polo, being Sixeen and FN. Tenths (16.50) bet north of M. south Nne of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quoits (WI /2 NWI /4 NE1 /4); thence 689'57'48'E. along and upon said road right of way and bang Sixteen and rho Tenths (16.50) feel north of <br />and parallel with the south fine of said Met Half of the Northwest (barter of the Northeast Quarter (WI /2 NWI /4 NE1 /4), a distance of On. Hundred Twenty <br />Eight and Mney FN. Hundredths (128.95) test t to the ACTUAL point of ,.ginning and containing 3.000 omen, moan or loss. <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby certify that on___.) u » f . .S 2018. I completed on accurate survey (mode under my supervision) of 'JTW SUBDIVISION HaN County. Nebraska. as <br />shown on Hut accompanying pat lh.reol; Mot the lob, blocks, streets. avenues. alleys, parks. commons and 'other grounds as cenlolned In said subdMslon as shown <br />on M. accompanying plot lhor.of, ore well aid accurately staked all and marked; shot Iron markers were placed at all corners as sh' non its Mat; that each tot <br />bears Its own number end that said survey was mode wWM ',demote to known and recorded monuments. <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that L Frederick R. Weevers, a angle person. being tiem owner of M. and described Moon, have caused some to be <br />subdivided. patted and d.slgnoled os '31W SUBDIVISION', Nall County. Nebraska, as shown on M. accompanying plot thereof. and do hereby dedicot. Me road as <br />shown thereon, to the public for their uss forever, and the easements, If any. for the location. construction and matmenanco of public service uMNyss forever, together <br />will, the right of Ingress and egress ther to, and hereby prohlblHng M. planting of !roes. bushes and shrubs, or placing editor obshuctlons upon. aver. Mang or <br />underneath The surface of such easements. and that the foregoing subdivision as more porllculory d serlb.d In Me descrtptlon hereon os appears on this plot, Is <br />mad. with the free consent and In aecordonce with M. desk., of the undersigned owner and proprietor. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. f hove affixed my signature hereto at C1 1S1fu6 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Sat. of Nebraska <br />County of - N <br />On the liter day of 2018, before m•, T"1cT> a Notary Public within and for sold Count', -� <br />pa..cnody appeared Frederick R. Wepvws, a single person, to m. personalty known to be M. Mica; Orson whose srgnoluro whose, signature, is oflfx.d hereto. and <br />be ,did acknowledge M. execution thereof to be his votunary act and deed. /` k'A[i •: <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my nome and attired my Wicket seal at CV& klab Nebraska. on the dote last <br />elbow wn7ls e <br />ly commission explr ,, .s ,�.[.rbS <br />_gap , tj; nSs ¢t ff thof1L <br />Notary Public <br />ss <br />APPROVALS <br />Submitted to and opprovd by the Regional Planning Commission of Halt County, Grand Island and Wood River. and the Villages of Aida. Cairo and Donlphan, Nebraska. <br />4%, °.�. y � 7iiirf <br />CMJrrnlMn Dote <br />Approved and accepted by M. Halt County flood ey <br />d o1 Supervisors. this � of {'/'/ any%- 2018. <br />n r, se vm.,) � at a <br />y Coun Clark <br />F dciT k R. w. <br />JTW SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />(SEAL) <br />Nebraska. M/sJO day of_JfO. J 2018. <br />511EET 1 OF t <br />