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201803545 <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />KAISONE KHANTHAVYAY, <br />Petitioner; ) Case No. CIO2 -130 <br />Ni 6 2003 <br />vs. <br />VALOfIIE BENDiXP ° ° DECREE <br />KHAMLAY KHANTHAVOMploisTalgr COURT <br />Respondent. ) <br />NOW on this 22nd day of April, 2003, this matter comes <br />on before the Court for trial. The Petitioner is present and <br />represented by her attorney, James A. Wentz. The Respondent is <br />present and represented by his attorney, John R. Higgins, Jr. The <br />Petitioner produces evidence and rests. The Respondent produces <br />evidence and rests. Whereupon the matter is submitted to the Court <br />and the Court, being duly advised in the premises, finds as follows: <br />L The Respondent is now and has been for more than one (1) <br />year prior to the commencement of this action, a resident and <br />inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />2. This Court has jurisdiction of both parties and the subject <br />matter of this action. <br />3. Neither party is a member of the armed forces of the <br />United States or its allies. <br />4. More than sixty (60) days have elapsed since the <br />perfection of service of process herein. <br />5. The parties were married on the 20th day of April, 1988, <br />and the custody and welfare of the following children born to said <br />union will be affected by these proceedings: <br />Chindalone Sandie Khanthavixay d /o /b December 6, 1988 <br />Vannakone Peter Khanthavixay d /o /b November 25, 1990 <br />Franky Khanthavixay d /o /b march 8, 1993 <br />6. From the evidence it appears that every reasonable effort <br />to effect reconciliation has been made, without success, and that the <br />marriage of the Petitioner and Respondent is irretrievably broken and <br />should be dissolved. <br />1 <br />