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F <br />matt: shall bed J40 !o ;h: prin, 1,a1 •um .,%\ul< .%~i The <br />mite, shalt be ,e%ufCJ f,eict,%, • r'l ,hall bear rn : :.est ai th' ra'r stl <br />truth to flit •,u,! note. untd 1,attf <br />Itra''he Ilrrfomc. hcrcts% .1%,1vn,, :ran,ter, and iCt, •;.er it, <br />the I cndct, to be applied !ot\,trd t!!t pa%r.:en! .,• !h; n,,+c , rd ,ill <br />%unt%,c:ulcj hcret'% In ,a%e of a detain'. In the perhll "Ilia. ^..v%' ,,t <br />all\ tat The ierltr, field :o'ld IlI01lN 0! 'his tlh4r :tin :' :r! . \r th ,aid <br />ntnr. a:i the ten!,. re%enuc, and In ;orle :a he dcrncJ .!roil the <br />said prenuses during ,u;h Anne .t, '1•.c r!debtedue,% sh•t'.i remain <br />unpaid. anJ the I ender ,hal, ha%c poster to apno'n'i an% arenr or <br />agent% It ma\ desire for the , urpo,e J• Iip,utlil. •.l.Id pfetnl,e% an,f <br />c\! renhne the same anal .Call:,;•: ' !L; tell!,. re,,era" an.t tn,onle. <br />an,t it tna% pa% oU, Of ,.11.1 IlhJnle, all c\pcjl :e. ,\1 reraar c ,,11,1 <br />PN1llhe% Mid 11e%c"AT11 , 0:Illlll„IJtI1 an,t c%per,c, L ^,t.•tt-.1 I:1 Tell! <br />1ni: and manattlng the s.un; and Lit ,1IPC,1II1 :j 'er'at, <br />Kt!an,e remauill..C. 11 a::%. •, N:.I; ;" .:,'. .,.\,rJ d ,h.trl:c <br />%a.d Indch!eJne„ <br />1• That the ,learn•, %vi NU hre'p 'e :, ::I' :I ", .„ •, ,•, ,tl• :%• <br />,it hereatier erected on a,% riope:. . 1r,, r,..1, .na% b: rc,lr.r,•.: <br />Isom tltne tat lime h\ the 1 ender aeaul,t :sass h% fur and ,,this <br />ha)-ard,. ,asualtle, and ,orin,.cna :r, n .,!I .tt oujit, and for <br />pen,id..I, ruse\ be req--cd t'% the 1 Caide: .:•t.t %%rt! r,I% ; iomptl%. <br />MICI1 doe. ,1;••• pre+l, x111, ,11. •1 !'. :u,.It.u•,i , ,1•:,v: for P.1%tzleu, <br />of .%have. tla, 1., ^ee ;' f• :ad. t:Iai+It „,tsar' \` ;1,•IT.Ui„ ,11.11 he <br />,algid :n onipa: e, appry :d h\ ",, I , .1. 11;_1 It1i <br />1er.:••,tl, 'licit,,. ,!'a” he I•6,1 ,,% I, ,d; .. ,t hair mia,hed <br />,'rn a „tp •th!: <br />rLe I ernlcr` In t%en o .. , (t.. .t•; .. ,1, id, a'. n, ,r <br />t%% .:a.. .. 'h, t end. •!, . nta• .ti: •i,s . „ .,t .,..,1: <br />'. {'I,t r•% Hl,rro.•%ir .tr:d e.t.F ... a:�._i .. 1'.t i:\ .. ..: et t'.d ., <br />a: :u d -c" "I 1 'r tic 'a\ ^1;. for -AA <br />I c•nd� ;t,l , . �: R,,:.. %rr .u:d +!:r 1 rode: <br />!hereof. 111.1% he <br />l: ' ;id b\ the 1 t...dc i,•he !:, iJ:., :h: <br />ne,% hcrets% ,:,., e,. , . h. .c., •,,,ttir :..,t repair ,,'t chi <br />ptc,pert% Jam,lg:d In c %r:,: „! ►o :r. :.,, % :': !'I, u:,trument ,,I <br />,,titer tran\hi t\; [, ?rc' t1k cd: ,,tit'\ :n 1%111 :eui,hntini <br />of :tic lndebu'dne„ se:ured hcreh%.....'whi :1:!: and Interc•,! or <br />the Ht'lIIR%er 1:1 and TO an% !n•r.T.tr_. (.,Casa, :. Jf.: ,tijI• <br />pass It 'he p_ :i:!l.t•e7 , : CI.i':'ei <br />if'_t: a %aJ,f:•10!IAI .ind i :it.I: ,._., ,'. ;•.1\ :ni :l <br />Ihc' Ii. •T, •1'. . Y, ^eat, .111,1 '11 ..... t I V-1, • -Acl !!r; <br />nn•nt, tint• filorro\%er here t,y a,sipns r., flit. i t' .I. r .1:. <br />re %cnue %. ro%alue,. rteh:% and t'e:1e!Ir1 a „Tull,: 'tic Mitts% %er <br />under aity and ali cut and 4a, !ea,e, on km'l p :r:u•t, uttli :I.t. <br />?fight to and re:e•pl :o! file %atlne ,ind .1; ;•f\ :heir :., said <br />indebtedness as %%cll More a% after de`.t: ;n :tic :%,ndinon, of <br />this m%trtiment. and the l ender :Ila\ o T a�rt s;: ,uc 1• -,r and re, ,vi <br />tray sir,h paynlcut, \%hen due .ntd pa.�,.- ::c -,I . -h,dl not he re <br />al: llctl ,%, to do Ill„ ,t„te ;ara; :T : -. .:are an- :%f j •me gull <br />.rd I oid upon relea %c of :he, tn,:'u::1e: , ~ <br />10 That file Horro %%er wilt keep the r•:aiLr.:lzs upon %aid preml,e! <br />rn ,toad rerair„ wnJ neither :oni nit nee p rr n waste upon .aid <br />[ar/d, nor suf."cr ;he said prern;bes !I, be 11\.112 fur am• aoawful <br />�t,l•�v%c . <br />I <br />890= 102757 <br />12 [ilk! Hoerr -er further aciees that should this Instrument anJ <br />flu• min sr:nitti) hcreb\ not br eligible for Insurance uridv the Na- <br />tional Hou,lnc AO %%[thin eight months from the date hereof <br />;afincn %tatcrncnt of any of the Department of Housing <br />and I rban D %etopment or authorised agent of the Secretary of <br />Hou%Ing and Crtan De%ctopment dated subsequent to the eight <br />nlorah;- tine from the date of this Instrument, declining to insure <br />%a:d nore and the, mortgage, being deemed vonclu,i%e proof of <br />,u,h tnel!glbllny z. the I ender or holder of the note may, at it% op- <br />tion. declare all sum, secured hereby unntedlately due and payable. <br />N,,'\%IthstanJing the foregoing• this option may not be exercised <br />t,\ the I ender or the holder of the no:e \then the Ineligibility for <br />ni,tlran:e under the National Hou,ing Act is due to the Lender': <br />ialhtic to cmiz the morteage m%uran v premium to the Depart- <br />ment .,1 tlou,ing an•1 t rban De\eopment. <br />i t i ha: it :' r Ho-,\\%e : :at:, io make any pntnratn of money <br />I,eo:ime ,are, or tai.'s !o :onform iIJ• and comply <br />% %r1, a.n-• ,,t :ht' conditions tit agreem,,rlls- :%,wa :n,4 m this instru- <br />,ncr% it 1'• ti!t; Mitch it ,ccute%, the;: the :Wire principal sum <br />.t :•.I ,, :sited Interest ,hall ,1t Off” beCOme due 3!7• r r%syable, at the <br />c'e,:ion of the I ender <br />I finder ,hal! ell e non :e :,, 13ono%\er prior to a:,eOcration <br />breath o: am covezmni or agreement fit tins <br />rl tOr n, a;c0er3:i,,n under paragraph 12 <br />a;+ph:able lair 1o%ide, %•ther,%;10 T,,e nonce shall srecif% <br />1.0 'ht delauil. tbi'he aot,,n rcquired UI :UTe the default; to a <br />!.1':. n,,! !c•„ than 10 da%% tror, the daft : :he not Y 1, given to <br />tt •s:,•t% ,; M,: :h the default mint F.ra :used: and tJt that failure <br />,,.•i :'• ::tetau!, %,n or before the Este ,pecifieJ in the notice <br />a:1 a,:Cler :irT,,11 of t!ne %Mini% -siv1-rd -t- tlhil instrument <br />ale ; the Property the nou:e v' ail 'as;,tr- itt!orm Horto%%er <br />he 110111 To fetnsta :c after a,Celerat:, n and the right to bring a <br />„11,11 .t,t,an to assert the non- exicteroe of a default or any other <br />le'et.,i of Holrower it, atcMcratlon ati,1 sale. If the default is not <br />a lICJ ,,it 111 before the date specified in the nonce. l ender at its <br />tt,. +n rll•g retautre 1111 ned ;ate ravment in full of all sum% %eenred <br />h\ <br />[Ili, msitument %%ahrut *fitrther demand and may invoke the <br />P., %%tr of ,ale and any ottner remedies permitted by applicable lair. <br />I ender ,hall tic enlided to Collect all expense% Incurred in pursuing <br />+tr rc•' :ivAtei pro%Ided in this paragraph l;, including, but not <br />n '.,i !t,, rea,onablc attorneys - fee,. and Costs of title evidence. <br />N-ci of %ale I% ;n%okcd, Trustee shall reC.xnd a nonce of <br />:1•, :a,ll ,Dint% m uhrch any part of the Properly Is located <br />and -ha:i tnit�: copse, of ,ugh notice zr. the manner prescribed by <br />apph,at,l : :a.M• it) Horri,%\e•r and to the ether persons precnbed b% <br />app h,able law liter the ter.::,u9ietii• ray applicable law, Trustee <br />,hall gl%v pnbh: notice ail save : 1:`te per %on% and in the manner <br />pre%,nhed by applicable la:.% Irusfce; %%nhout demand on Hor- <br />io %see, %half set! the Property at public auction to the highest bid - <br />Jvr at the ttme and place and under the terms designated in the <br />notice of %;zq:. in one or more parcels •itn3 in any order Trustee <br />determines. .'Trustee may postpone sale' of all or anv, parcel of the <br />F °j,,perty by, public annocr.%;ement at the time ani Tliace of any <br />- rc %bush scheduled %al.t. irndet or rs designee may purchase the <br />Property at any %ale. <br />Upon receipt of pa,mcnt .cy z.k pr• -. ce :bid. Trustee shall deliver <br />11. char :1 the f'icml%e,. t +r any p tit'. tier`,, -,f, t•e :onderrncct to the purchaser Trustc'L �: t,'_ c:tntirytng the Property. The <br />under the rower of enuncnt dpma:n_ IN— :Lcquued for a public rue, • :,'recitals in the Trustee's: dord' shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />the damages aWatdtetf.. the Irrd.ceds for rlZc taking of, or the cor- r;r uth •,: t lle statements- nt itft, therern :. Trustee shall apply the pro- <br />oxicration tot su:h acquisdton,,; to the extent of the full ;!rmtl ;,nr,ar; . .xeds of the sale in the following ortjrv;' 'W to all expenses of the <br />rn&btedne;s upon tines nWrunlrnt and the note u►hrCh iC k �Q,�t +.s ; :,v , .� :ife.. :eluding: but not lintitcd to. Tnt:--#'m'i fees a, fxrnnttcxk by <br />secure remaining unpaid, arc hereby assigned by the fiorro % -er to. : .Iijp:tzcabhc law and reasonable attorneys* fees; (h) to all wmb <br />the Lender, and shall be paid forthatth to said Lender to be ap- iie'vured by this Security instrument: and ici any excess to the per - <br />plied by ncc latter on account of the next maturing installment% of: ,tort or persons legally entitled to It. <br />such indebtedness. <br />Page 3 of 5 \ HU0421430T <br />r. <br />I <br />ti <br />�I <br />I <br />