89- 102739
<br />t If I cutler rru,nrrtl nulrlgilge u,%ur;incc X. it condition of making the loan secured by this Security instrument.
<br />j [)tnrtturr %hall ray the pfemlum% rctiutred t,: maintain the insurance to effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br />In %uran. a termtnatei, to a,101daitc4 w ith ftorr •tour's and Lender's %rlttt:lt agreement or applicable litty.
<br />8. Inspection. I cutter t +r 11% ageirr Inw. make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower notice at l he tinny of 1r rrior ft• ;ui t,l %pectic %n specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br />9, Condemnatinn. The ptticceds of aria im ar d•or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with
<br />any conden nat,ort to othct taking of any part tit' 1 1to Property, or for conveyance Ill lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and %hall be lit lid to 1 ender
<br />In the went of a lord taking of the Property. the proceeds shall he applied to thw sums secured by this Security
<br />instrument, %liciller or not their due, with :Illy excess paid to Borrower, In the evrnt of a partial taking of the Property,
<br />unless Borrower and hander other%t%e aprec In writing, the sums �a %weft h% this "Zomirity instrument shall be reauced by
<br />the amount of the rroicceds ntllophed by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br />before the taking, divtecd by (h ,the fair market %clue of the Property Immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br />paid to Norrek%er
<br />If the Property c, ahandorted by Borrower, or ref, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor :infers, to
<br />make an award or settle a churn 1i%r damages• horn t%cr fail% to respond to Lender within 30 days after the data the notice is
<br />green. Lender is authorized to co)Ilect and apply the pros reds. at its option, either t.• restoration or repair of vile P'ZsTpexty or
<br />to the sums secured by thr, Secunty In%tnuiicnt, %het her or not then due
<br />Unlcws Lender and Borrower tit her %Isc agree In %riling, any application of proceeds to principal shall non; expnd or
<br />postpone the due date oftht: monthly pay nncnP. referred it) tit paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Relt;ased; Forbearance By Lender tint a Wahw. Extension of the time for payment or
<br />modification of amortiratiotn (if the %unit. secured by rills Security ln%trunicrit• granted by Lender to any successor in
<br />interest of Borrower ;hall not operate to relca%e the hthihty of the original Horrower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />Lender %halt not he required tit) commence proccctfings agrumt any %uccc'tivo r in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br />payment or otherwise modify amorttxation of the stuns secured by the. Secunty lnarumeni by reason of any demand xnade
<br />by the ongmal Borrower or Iit)rr :•wcr' %successor% fit Interest Ali% forbearance by Lender In exercising any right or remedy
<br />shall not hen waiver of of preclude the exact %e of an,* right or reined)
<br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and several liability; Co-signers. The covenant% and acreerrienrs of
<br />this Security limirunhrnt shall hind and benefit the %uccc%%or% tmd a % %lgm of Lender and Borrower, subject to the prof isit'nc
<br />of paragraph 17. Borrower'%co%enantt. and agrcentents shill be print and %cteral. Any Borrower who co -signs this Security
<br />Instrument but does not execute the Note (a) 1% co- signing tht%Secunty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey,
<br />that Borrower'% Interest nn Cite Property under the terms of flits tie, urnt, Instrument ;fib' it not personally obligated to paY
<br />the sum% secured by tills Secunty instruniem. and (c) agree% than f ender and any other, Borrower may agree to extend.
<br />;
<br />modify, forbear ot, make any accommodation% %fill regard to the term% of 1hik Secunil,'Insirtnment or the Notre wain,'Nut
<br />That norm er'sconsent
<br />i =.
<br />12. Loan Charges. If the Itian % ecured b% tilts St•ruro% Li%frunicttt is subject to L law which sets maxinfunii. loan
<br />. -r -
<br />chara,c,, and that law is iti„iliv I"tcri:i`ctt:d %,: thin ilic irikfc,t ,,r t+tin•1 Itian Whinges collected or to be cotieetect in
<br />- -
<br />connection with the loan exceed the pernnticd lutw%, tile•,, (,,I ,try %itch loan charge shall tie reduced by the amount
<br />necessary to reduce the charge to tine permuted htnit, and lb) .tit) sun►% al ready. collected from Borrower which exceeded `•
<br />permitted limits will be refunded to lit+rro %er I cir+lcr tr,n , ht +„se t4, make this refit xd by reducing the principal owed
<br />under the Note or by making a direct IiA%nicrit to Ht+rtn%rr If a iclund reduce% principal. the reduction will be treated as a
<br />+fit
<br />partial prepayment without any prepayment hatge under tile• 'stone•
<br />13. Legislation Affecting 1,ender'% Rights. 11 rn,tctntenl or expiration of appinr,atile law's has the efWl of
<br />:
<br />rendering any provi%icm of the Note or ihi% Se, linty limmi voil uncntorcrable according to it%terms. Lender, at'itsOPttor„,
<br />i `: • '
<br />may require immediate payment ni full of all %unt% %etuled h) flits sic,unty limiru vent and may revoke any remedies
<br />t
<br />permitted by paragraph IQ if Lender exercise% Itns oPI11111. I envier 01,111 Like tits steps specified inthe'second paragraph of
<br />try
<br />paragraph 17
<br />14. Notices. Any not'ce to Hortowcr Prot ulctl form Ill's ♦r, urrt% (nstl unncnt %hall He given ttw delivering Is or by
<br />mailing it by first class mail little%% applicable Ia% iequuc% list- „) .u'othct nicfliod 'the nonce shitU he directed to the
<br />Property Address or any other address Borrower ttc%ignatr% h% i11•t1t,• i- 1 ender Any notice to Lender shall he given by
<br />first class mail to I - endet's addre%% stated herein of any nItier adder %s 1. 11,IrI tir%'f;n.ltc% by notice to Borrower Any notice
<br />provided for in this Sccurfiy limItinient %hail he deenu,i 111 h,, i v been) nr1. ITT Ill er, + %rr , +t Lender when given a% provided
<br />in !his paragraph
<br />IS. Governing law; Severability. i ht.. tic, tinny In %U tinlrnt .11,111 ht „%t r nett h) IE•dt ral lav,, i.0 the ta% of the
<br />jurisdiction m which the Property t% located In tile• c%cnt 111,11 .,,IN plt• %1 %1••11 „r elausc of this Sccurim Instrument or the
<br />Note conflicts with applicable la%, %itch conflict 01.111 ntn ,111e,t other I :r„ %1.11 +n. fit tht% Security Instrument oirefie Note
<br />which can be given effect without the conflic11119 111—l-f,+n 11, tills -ill 'fit- Ill— i%n1t% of this Sectitfit ling1 •ument and the
<br />'
<br />Note are declared to be se%erable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. llt•rrt,wel %halt he green line ,1+ntt•rnte4 ,tai % ,,i tilt- \etc anti of this 5ecur(q' fttisfi•Csrnrent.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower.
<br />It Al t,I ,err% parrof the Piopierr; or and
<br />Interest in it is sold or tran%f'errcd (or if a henchc'al nficre%t in Ilnrh,%%rl 1 . % „I,I ,,r t r,nisti-i red and librriiwer n nn:r a natural
<br />person) %tthout Lender'% prior %riiten con %slit. 1 ender 111.1). .11 u% •• fill, .11 It•y1111 r III nrltthatt• pnygrc•Iit m filly,.ifall sum”
<br />secured by this Security In%trunicnt 11,1 %c%Cr. tills ,ipUt,o %1.111 111,1 In ..r1, im it 1,% I i 11,Ir1 it c+terc'se i% fir, :- 4hf.4stcfj b)
<br />federal law as of the date (of lilt, Sccunry Instrument
<br />If Lender exerctsc%tar.IIpti, %n. Lender %hail ti,%c Ili irrt•%(-II1. -11., • t •it, , IT 1.tt1--1, 111• r1„ it-vshaItprotidt.- a.peri(d
<br />Tit not less than 30 day %front I lie datc the TIM ht e t % TIT' lnerr(l fir rit.ulrd %%1111 „n %I.1 It 1i „1r,•%t• s 11,11%1 P.1% I)t%i,n1” %ccured by
<br />t his SccurIty In %trumeni If Mirrc+ %ci i:ul% it P.,r Ihcsc %urnst,i, :.r',, 111• ..tail 01.1 rill, 1•rr1, ;i ! ender may m%,+keany
<br />remed'espen )IIled by Ihts4ecurtty Instrument %iihout ti,tihce 1,4.11. -,• „r ,1, 111.11.,1 • :. It „1r• %to r
<br />1$. Horrower's Right to Rein%trte. II It1,rn-%cl ifIvel%,er1.12 1, '•n ,1111 •111 11••11 „%%, , %h -111 11,1%1 tale right to ha%e•
<br />enforocmcni fit ihi%iccurif) Instroincnt
<br />diunnnnul ti fit any inn„ 1•,,"r 1 • 11„ , to In • r ,.,, L1.%r..t %,1.11 ,fiber 1st n1it1 : +%
<br />apph,ahlr i.n% tt,a% %Pcufy flit It 11M Ifenn fit t hct,•10 s.11r nl 1114 Ih„I.r1t% , .,1 .,, „ , . .. , ..1 %.ill .0•:11d ur this
<br />all
<br />Security li,sttumctil ITT (h ) (lilt ii, oll,1 lull c:nu•nt 1nl•+r,111i. fill. S.- �11Ili I ",lion• „ It• itr, -11 f)1t1 Itornuttc.r
<br />.
<br />.irk
<br />rndsr all saint. % Ili, h tarn % „riot ►.t ,tut ontlrr rl,,, s, ,, t, . r .,, �,.,, r „I ,,, ,�. :!eras %r.
<br />tilturtcd 'tit i tirvs ant. .Irt,'titr ,•t al,% .dhrr , ,•., n.uit•, ,•r , •r.. IT! 1.1,
<br />Sc,.rftt. Instrument. ,nti,t,lii,f fill, �1,d 1un,;••c1 n -.1%
<br />11.d•!• if it r .. I , •, i% I , rutrl 'u F.�'-
<br />rr,►s mahFh r,•t(tir.' ,,, .is,tire th.►t ittr iota :rt 11. %,rit,,. ,.1 I . .I t' u,•f lb,rr ,u, r- 1:
<br />- 01
<br />,its .1ti ,r „ r.n •I,.• un , 1,.11111 h. th •. ` . •,r.1% , I t' ,, - „1 Y•..
<br />14••11•, + %m, %
<br />ti
<br />»!'r ...rNt � ,. 1 ,ttu..r .
<br />-- - 11..1'1., tat,,• r .
<br />. ,rt1,.1 11, ,,.., 'i .r,,.,, ,,,, . +,',. •I•, .t;
<br />