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200107489 <br />(e) °Lender' if "lajor Rart?age <br />Lendertsa 5 7,VCmi ,g Coax r, aii On <br />err'nn' d and P'i'ano oadz.- Ne laws of Wyolai no <br />Latdersadazsais 2320 Care, AverCC- Ne77ar'n2, Cheyenne. WY 82001 <br />Lcndc- ¢ thr bcn.huary under this Stc..It, Ins:rumefu. <br />(D) "1 nt i, fl r v 'f. G .7 17 T,1° ',burance Company <br />(17 "Nme" mcaas :he pmmismry no' ^simxd by berroucr and dated July 23. LL001 <br />T'aeA'ote sates Nat Borrow'cr owes Lender( a e NCndt =d Tin ousiid and no /!00 <br />Dollars <br />(l] S. S 10J.000.00 ) plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in regular Periodic <br />Pz ?mcns and m pap :he debt in fill not later than Adgust 1. 2031 <br />116 'Trnperty" mean, the pmperry that is dcacnbcd below under the heading "T :ansf ^r or Rights in the <br />Pre s. <br />((F7 °Loan' rreans the delis c-ldcarN by the Sox, pies interest any prepayment charges and Iatc charges <br />a,der :hc No!,, a:d all mans dnc order this Sultan, ]nstmrc:"it, plus interest. <br />Ili) 'Rid,," meats all Riders to this Secvam Instmment that arc uxecuted by Borrower. The fallowing <br />Rider.- sre to be executed by Burrvwvr [.heck box as applicable]' <br />_� AdjSahle R:uc Rider Cendeminium Rider a Second Home Rider <br />1 Balloon Rider l Planngd Unit Dtwciopmaot Rider L 1 -4 Family Rider <br />u:\ Rider V 11.1d,lle Paymeat Rider Cl U(herts) [specify] <br />(1) ",kppIicable Law" mcm:s all cnntroll(ng applicable fMcral, state and local statutes, regulations, <br />a,vnances and administrative tales and Priers (that h,,, the eff¢t of law) as well as all applicable final, <br />- appealable indadal opinions. <br />(.f) "C,ammarit, Association lines. Yees. and Assesemcnts" means all dues, fees. assessments and other <br />chsen the: are im,osed on Borrower or the Proper, by a condominium association, homeowners <br />ss, la Son Or simil,r orgsni,auea. <br />Flectranic Funds Transfer' means am :rooster of funds, other Nan a transaction originated by <br />'heck d:ait. or similar paper instmmen . which is initiated through an clmtronic terminal, telephonic <br />innmmcnt computer, or magnetic tape m as to order, imshue!., or au iorize a financial institution to debit <br />or ctad t an accent. Such term includes, bat is not limited te, point -of -sale transfers, automated teller <br />:n::chine transactions, mrsb,m initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automaild clearinghouse <br />(L) "&.craw items" means Here it,. Nat are 6eseab,6 in Section 3. <br />nl) "llisec71nnro1ss Proceeds" means any compensation. settlement, and of damages. or proceeds paid <br />v am third party (otha than insurance Proceeds paid under the coverage,, described In Section 5) for: (i) <br />dance to. Pr destmaion of, the Ptopert yt (ii) condemnation or other taking of all or any pan of the <br />Property; (iil conveynvice in iiec of !'ondemnafaln: or (iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the <br />vu'u <br />e and!dr conduion of the proper'. <br />(N) " >Iortgaer Insurance" means itlurmm pmtttrirtg Levticr aga;nst the nonpayment of, or default on, <br />the Win <br />R�CTG2.. J w. = _70208 �� I <br />1,2115 Z Form3029 1101 <br />