h Emin and domain "r I'll •s nC•rl v e• :,,.tnt•,i .,,, :. n'VPri +atau, awes; d.(me,tP; doll Olhrf Oily n•Crls ., •, ,,pl ,rn•. 8�l1 `� ^f
<br />( ondemn 1, n vii a ,. r,nallef {'•; : e•e.ts , ' ( +nneel "on do
<br />J O e1 t lak,n,),,ItbPprppprlyrrp; ill ^t`,CnT,nloirtniteYailaO.O', noon :,,u(Iamo,p,onLCnIr"i;ha.,t". llllpd.11dvq,t• „n };.i,mmpntf ' aP[`p,attnand
<br />prPSpr111(•
<br />in is n'yn parry any m bun fir p,oc PCM figs ten(} .hall also nP en I pled In rna!te tiny Lemp ton*..,sP n• srtt!pmo n1' , (.••part I,cf, 161 Ill Such taking V, dada tp> In Ihit
<br />rvPnT env Pofl',,n pf Thp Prppprr ,4 se taken or dninal gall Lendtti Shall ha>p Utp option ,n •IS Sv'e a,'d M-tolrh• d,si'e von t; .Ipp,v al! Suit rI,OCeCd9 J)lCr o0duLl,ny
<br />Ihotelf;m all l casts andMornsPS rncu'tptl by inn U]anO: tine t%,ih Sucn r t0. delis up.,n.lny m40hIP•] ^pssSCrvied h(•h'ny and m Sa•Ch a,Qeir AS Lender mly dt!tCrmmp Pr t.
<br />apply an such Proceeds site• su( h Jeducl,ons ill the rnsturltion at Iha PIOPOTty upon 9uch rondd,onS 115 tendm ,ray :fplCrm,ne Any aDP�,CatiOn of Proceeds to
<br />mtlebtednOSS snlll not erl£nd pr poslppnP Ih0 due Cato at env patmonlS undp[ O,C Note ;' cunt any at,lat,if thereurhter of hrrCUnder
<br />7 PettofmaBCSby Lender. Intheo.ontotflmrotvor s fadurot opel tnim any Ot lho Co.enentS herein or maleany L ,j),nientsiell redhereby OrdanyaCtillakenry
<br />legal proccedingconTmonCepwh ,cr,materially J1feris Lendpt s•T,SQTOSl ,h lhr °rnPnrty lf+ndPf may,ml3 * +urn disc rFtipn put tV nn OUl Ophgation lO dO SO anowthoulnatiCtl
<br />loot demand upon Borrower and without rolfttlsmg Borrower from Any ohhgallon.dtl any ICI whir h the BOnOwet has agreed nut fad8IO C1C> and may also dOdny OtnOt act rt
<br />deems necessary to pfnt£f.t 1hP security hereof
<br />QOth)tvar Rttad Immed,alftly open ;iphland therefor t+y tender pJv 10 Lander all rmG1S and p%pposp9 mCUtrCtl find Sums
<br />expended by Lender In tonneGtiu :•wdnlhnOxMC ,sit by Lenmf -I of ilia forocimnq t -.91115 Iogalhor Veth,nterp9t ihereonal The rate provided in the Note wh,Ch Shallbeaddedto
<br />the indebtedness secured hereby L.ondef Shall not mC,if any Personal nab,Illy bocluSO of anvtnu)q ,1 may d0 Or OMIT to [1O hereunder
<br />8 Efwn%of Oetaldt. Tito tollowmg shall Constitute an event of dOfaull tinder this peed of Trust
<br />(al Failure to pay any installment :)t ptmc -pal or mlofeSl ar any other sum sechtt•d hereby when clue. of failure to pay whoa due any other Indebtedness of
<br />00 80ttuwOr to Lender
<br />(be A breach of or default under any vrov,Sion contadwd ,n the Note his Doers of Trust any document which socur .S the Note and any other
<br />encumbtance, upon the Property
<br />(c) A wnt ote•ecuhon or atlaChmeol r]•, 11il4•'C.;grproC,,ss Shatl be entered against BOrnWer Wh,chWWI becon,ea lien On the PIOperty Of any portion
<br />!hereof of interest therein.
<br />(d) There shall be filed by or .1ga.rim EiOrrOwet on achon under any present or futuro federal state of other statute law or regulation relating to
<br />bankruptcy. insolvency of other rt? I[ ef• o[ dPatyty, 011hereShallbn appointed any Trustee vac ewe! Of tAI-r . atOtof Borrower orotallor any part of the Properly at
<br />the rents, issues Or profits Ihetr!,jf, Or B(p rume, shall make any general assignment for the be ^elit Ol rr<),4. `leis
<br />(e) Tttf.? sate transfer a9�lftninenh conveyance or further Pncumltt,ince at all or any Lvart of J. any interest ,n lhF Properly
<br />inyotunta7ity w•.houl The a ■press Written Consent of L ender either voluntarily, of
<br />ft I +Burrower is no) an,nd,v,diral file sale Iransler ass,gnmont cons eyani -e fit en,• —L' -'apCe of more than per CO,)1 of (it a cotpotalion) its
<br />Issued and outstanding stoop or (,f a partnersh,pf PprCenl of partnership interestf.
<br />9 Remedies; AcceNrathm Upon oetault. In the event of a ly fve, a If Default Lender may declare all indebtedness secured he,ebl' 1O be due and payable and the
<br />same shall thereupon tyara fie due and payab!O w'tlh0111 arty pf0senilnernt; demand protest or notice Of any kind TherealrtarLender maw
<br />(81 De' r` andthalTruSteee •erc6elft@P�ISeFN,•lG6A :.E grantedhpre,n and Trustee Shall thereafte• cd CSe,F arrower sinlp•estIn The Property to tie Sold
<br />and the prOte Ws to be distributed. all in lltvi mA-nvr pr v,jcz . if the Nebraska Trust D,3pds Act
<br />tb) Either in person fie by agent with Or witheul brig ].f17 any at lien ,,t Prn(PeJ,pq ON M' a receiver topo•nted by a court and Without regard to the
<br />adequacy ot,ts security ent4•"-jot n and take pos3essian otthC( :.,perly Oran, padthPrr•Of •n Ic jwrinamportnthendmeolthe Trustee. and d08eydC19 which
<br />d deems necessity Or r!e<,,! yCfe to pfe%efve IhP value mark Plah,'dv or tentab,Lfs of the Property br pat! thefeOf Or interest therein increase the income
<br />therefrom or protect t".t> sevjnty hereof and Wdh Dr wdnmul ta•mq pp95PSa -•.tit ll lnr p„pefty site for or otherwise collect the r ents.,SSUOS andpiOfitstherecif.
<br />including th OY@j;ast e, and unpaid anyappiythpsamfI IPSSCOStsapdpxppnat• snfpperabonapdcoliect irninciud,ngattOrneys lees uponarlywidebtednesS
<br />sec uf@d befetIv. a]!, sactl Order as l ender Friar rfeterm ma Tbp entpr,nq upiln .'rid taking pis%ess,on Of the P,ope/ly the col!ectlon Of such rents Issues a:,d
<br />prohtsanriM eaprftcabonthereolasatOresa,d shah norcurnvrwaiveanydefat ,'1(••per•cetitl Pfau' fhereunderormvandateanvactdoneinrespons etosuch
<br />d@faU11 Of pUTSdar,T f0 suefi,t,.Qti[e Of detlull and nO1W,Ih5ta!'4.riyinp COfiTdh,ap( (- ,n pOS4P5iS0!'
<br />'if the Ptopefty Of the collection receipt and application of
<br />rents -55U05010101113 Tf!isirly. Zr lendeF shah bP Cr•htn•d h ?,: c;r- sp Pt P,v t'gnt prnr'ded 1, r .!• a ^v Of The Loan Insl,umeritspr by :aw upon occurence Of any
<br />event of de"avlt MCludirq me r..,4ht 10 C ■PrC,se InP Vowel ,: ”. sa ;(o And
<br />(c) CriTnc rice an action to forec test• ^t s, QPed +,1 T • rst ds a mortgage atip-n. a wr elver fir We( '! i 3' f '
<br />r ento•cC any Jt The covenants hereof ,
<br />NO remedy herein conlieT *e9 upon n r reserved to T lu S• fPj, L"l-jo r, s,•, tendpd to PP er r ills, ve iA any rimer rented it !-err i;+ -h /taw provided Or permitted butenchshal)be ! ;t
<br />Cumulative- Shall be in a6,711,On to every other remedy C. r4 " rie,aur'jt, •,i apw br horeaftef r•v,shnq ill raw ur . n Pqu.N :' a -r hlalute and maybe exercised concurrently. f )
<br />independently or Surcessrvoly
<br />10 Tnedw. Ttle Trustee may resr, n at an I me w moot cdu SP "n, 'A_, fA,-jN : , � �•_
<br />shall not be q y er at a „y t n'e and w; ' o„ f cause appon» n Successor or substitute Trustee Trustee
<br />enfOreen[entrAltR 4171 rf.r s r . gtlamegQ urlrl@ss Cult 10 art :bnablP nPghgP ^Yp Ci vent, ;I p•rs(ontlu.: f ar :� 5:4in not he requited to take any action In connection with thn L _
<br />'•,tr T:'• e•, wets' r.Omprp;af:nn of pxpenseb wt`ich may het associated therewith in adddmn Tiostee may
<br />twome a purchaser at tiny sic of the Property (Itrd,t,,al Or under trip power of sale Bra•••.+T t.,m,r,n nostpn ^p.!pp SLIP M lR r af4 rOrGon aline ptOpetty a4 provided by law
<br />Or son the Property as a wMele Or in separate parcels or lots -
<br />11 Future Advances. Upon reQ MSf of Bnrfowet Leander may a! rs„. :•oj ;,C, fit_4ye e4rf'tir>na, and f, :” It, ddvanc es afid rradvancer, to Borrower Such advances and
<br />feadvances with interest thereon shsiigr,, secured by th,t Dp#ia fit T, a•. ^r. j,mr >r.;p, !tar poor [•.T: !!.^ -. :r; ;
<br />Of ITa• •nJi'[•!r;1nPSS sP.cyfPd by this Deed OI Trutt not n .
<br />efud, ngSumsadvancedtoprotectit' Ps ffC'.r,lv,•Tn•,sDepIQ #Tre,ot.. • a,., rh• •,.,Pr,,,,nf•.rar'mr,P„•,r• ,•g
<br />greater whir hevens
<br />I., MiseeManeoxs Prowwons. i
<br />(a) Borrower Not Rticatted. E %!ens 3n --e ;hp emp k'• ;) \p'rhPnt fir •., FVhf.(ahon f'•f arr,c rtrtation of the toms sec ured by this Deed of T•;rs! granted by
<br />t.endet 10 any successor in interest of BOn.�we! Snali not uep T 3•!O rP,PaSF ,nary manner the f•ilbddy tit the nr,gtnal EtonVwr;•' d "Z Borrower S SI(CCOSSOt9 ,n
<br />rntofe5l Lender shad not bCfequyPd ter onimenCp pros pod, urge against sot h suc rt•ssut or re4 f-e topxtend time for payment), r 1`erw,se modify amortization
<br />Of the sums secured by ins 0eeeL it Tn,s[ by reason of hey Oen+a•, ds made fly 1hp Or,q,nal 61•-•Jwet and BOrrowtir 5 sliccess ^• "3 ^ Interest
<br />(b) Loodens Powers. W: 7^ cat alter hng1NEI I. abd, tyofanvw hp, Pe" P.3 n6ablef':r the paympnth f,myobl,gation herein mentioned K,:rizjiaffecting
<br />the lien at charge of this Deed C!r 'east upon any portion r)t trip Plopeellf licit IlInt. riner tototerP' eabedaSsec- 1,!y10,ThefullamountataKf^ 4j_'oblrgations.
<br />Lender may from time to t.m..P, arc) without notice r,: tn,tiase any Persgn so f,ahtP ru "land the matu•'1y Or aITer any of 1110 terms. of any scc• obugahons. (tif)
<br />grant other indulgences ( +vlreicateorreconvey (I. -ojedsed or wr 01""',01 JT an,, I Me at tender S (,f,t,(jns any parcel portion Or all Of fhe Property
<br />(v) take orreleasoanyotnei O• a,7.lit,onal secu "ty for any r «' iv.,n ne,e,n ^,PM'•, ^Pd _ °:f."4CcmpOs" bon% or other arramp -m nits with clobtorsm relation �e
<br />thereto - , •
<br />[cf fFOrbearaneeb Lender Nola Waller a,
<br />law shall not y rfoFpea•arce Uy Lenorr'n rxp,c's,ng ar.,r • >i1;•ur •Pmrrjy hereunder or otrerw•se aftOrdeo by applicable -
<br />of be a waiver of or P /PUutlQ inp PVf ": $e of acv sutK •.qht ry rP:+I<•,••r_ :T r e ptbcurnment of In5ufa nto Or the pay man? of taxes or other i,ens c'r charges by Lender shat[ not be a Narver of LPnde' S .'i,f`rlre accelerate inb rnaltintr .f" ndf•btPmnes'b Sec ut„d by '"o. Deem of Trust
<br />(dl SUCCeaaOfy and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several Liability; Captlons. T ^e cc.e••ahlS ann agrecm,ents herein conta•r•ed Sha!1 O.'+ffi And the IgntS
<br />hereunder shall inure to the respective Succ(-SSCfs an0 ass -.'s _it L ender and Eo,•awer 5,5••:-:• I', the Prov,s'uns ut paragraph B , e• hereof Fes' covenants and
<br />agreements of Borrowers hall b'P:O,nr and several TnP rdpP; ^! ,ihd !`CJd,ny; „[illy T,d.egt.rlCr•< ;err, S Dept) ul t h,st are !Of LOr,ier e�ce ,}pl r a ^d are not to be
<br />used to interpret or detme the -pn :, s o
<br />ons heref
<br />let Rpueattor NOtlCes. Te•P pd" es her -,-y request that a copy Of an., r ;'ft :N Y.f yela•u+• rpre„nder and a c'rpy of any notice of sJ :P'•EIe(;n4'fi'tin mailed to
<br />sac to be give this D@LA Of Trig }.a;'L ^e atldrei5':+N'ap•th above in ThC maM e• D'e9C.,. 1 tS Yappticaotelaw Except for any other ndhceiP.gur +QC tr ^ +�?V'd;]phGablO
<br />law 1000 given m anotbef ma7 ^c.•" any notice t,,Ov,ded for ,n Ih.S Deed OI T•,,,SI.S" a r3e j,ven :: t^J,! :. ^.q shoo ngbce by cerLh ?d -mail addresseC.co ins oche(
<br />parties a! Me address Set f-i^,P,:GJvo -
<br />Any notice pf0■rdem for ,n :r. efJcEd or IfysiVial; fie deem-00 to nave been gwe^. to o3r•ow!fr'm• Lender when q,ven m the ma ^%.er designated herein
<br />It) InSPIK11100. Lender m3y make 6r cause to be made reasonable entries upon and F',!)Peclj:)nsofthe Properly prov 'ded that Lender shall give Borrower
<br />notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders♦'!7,Ter9St in the Property
<br />3'• 144COnWyarttf. Upon payment Ofan Sums Secured by this Deed of Trust Lender shall requestTrus,,se!o reconvey the Property and shall Surrender
<br />•116 CMC aP'trust and all notes evidencing rpdebtedneSS set wed by this Deed of T,uSt tp T •vstPP T rustpo sfdT fec DOvP, y the Property without warfar,ty and
<br />without - Charge to the person or r]Cfsons legally enM :ed tnOrClo Such person Ur pefi orris shall par alt costs Of'feco'dahor, rally
<br />(h) Personal PtO Pe rty, SeeurityAgrNment. Asadd' hohaf sec. u,, ly for the paym enl•,tr- e`lg0fC all fixtures equipment and other perSof'ol Properly used
<br />,nD)eCtt real
<br />under aSode Slid lltheLentiefunderthnNebraSkJUn ,to,mCommpfC,ai :C ;:r;0 T hi s, nSt• um- n! Shall be construed asa Security Agreement
<br />under said Code end rho Lender shad via re 2: tie fights and tP'nPd,0S of asp(. ured parry ,.n ;a, 5a.1 rip 1p , 9!•!•dn !O tfir rights anm rC i+Cd,''S.]cPat£d under
<br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Dm■d of Trust
<br />[•I SowrafaM( Sy. fr, trip event that any pto .'s,pool:h'%DeedclT•uml iinn,c/w,IharD = ;a ✓r! :awnrarp! t •P7,nrald :e;r,.•.pcv.SeJ'•T ^dC• :Cab :eswl,
<br />p0"11,0 Of Or'0 otl716, the CPeh' 1cT f ^et ah frtpf O•e,s,o' -, of !tile Deed at T'US! or the Note wh, ; 4, -ar. he q•vPn r -ftp( t w.fl Out • „P, -,.,; G L•'��!C•On arid! ' Ill �.
<br />s ( jo!e flip dp(fa'ey i•, be kr, reraMe
<br />(1•:11 •, ctrl ties NrPt ufOm ih-4 ih•0.y t/ T rs1 rep fl3!P w••!te^ above r. t f\
<br />� ftso� S Concrete CO.,.
<br />(
<br />�- `.'-'�” - -• its r're��i.jent ,vl
<br />(f ,fr•,nr, te,�
<br />