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NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST 89-102688 <br />(With Power of Sale) <br />Amount of First Instalment $_ 4a5 ,• QQ _ Amount of Other instalmonta $ 485.00 <br />Total of Payments $213D D- First instalment Due Data _ JlJne 30 19M <br />Number of Monthly Inatalments _tw__ Final Instalment Due Date May 30 X+i(104 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 1i day of �_._ _,_ __ M. lg 89 <br />between Eu ere J. Budde and Radene J. Sudde, husband and wife <br />whose mailing address iir RL . 1 Box 188 -Ca x i'o, Nebraska <br />as Trustors, .___ John M. Cunn i nahan,, i L • �� _ _ <br />whose mailing address to :war2V0 T urad�Island,�NeL?ras a 68802 ,_ <br />as Trustee, and Norwest Financial \*vb.rWka.. Inr, • whoop t7a:1j :^ address is � �,_� ?3?�i Webb Roild <br />rind_ A and NE 68802 ; as Beneficiary, <br />WITNF.SSETII. Trustors hereby irrevocibly.-grant, bargain, sell, and cenvvy to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following de- <br />scribed property in _. . _... -.__ - ...... —Hall _4 -- — — -- - County, \ebraska: <br />The Westerly 1125.415 feet of the Northwest % of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 23, <br />t.� <br />Township 12 North, Range 11 Kest of the 6th P.M,, Hall County, Nebraska•, excepting <br />to <br />tract previously deeded in Cook 152, page 725. <br />tr; <br />Together with tAinomentis. hereditament_9, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents, issues and <br />profits thereof <br />1 <br />This conveyance is intended for the purpose of securing the payment to Beneficiary of.Trustors• promissory note: of even date in the <br />amount pfntwr- N-0 . m <br />Payrne•nts- <br />-bevo <br />„wi of is repayable in the number of monthly instatesewts stated above. <br />The amount of the instalment payrnent_s due on said loan is stated above The first and final instalment due dates on said loan are stated <br />- <br />iT_ <br />abnI'°. !'a }T+: t may be ,nude, rri advatiir to any amount at any time Defauit in making any payment shait, at the fieneficiarys option <br />and without notice or demand. render the entire tang, _-td balance loan <br />-:- <br />of said at once due and payable. less any required rebate of charges. <br />To protect the security of thmi Deed of Trust. Tmt-or cove=--its and agrees <br />`tip <br />1. Ta keep the property in good nM•idition and repair. wz <br />p Gkr�riii ro v:astr thereof, to r�^aplcte any building, sttuctctre• or improvement <br />being built or about to be built tbir:ron, to restore building, <br />• <br />? <br />prompt;'• ion% structure or improvement thereon which may be damaged or <br />destroyed; and to comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property. <br />2 To pay before (bel:i.gquent all lawful taxes and assessment,, upon the property, to keep the property free and clear of all other charges, <br />liens or encumbrances impairing the security of this i)eed of Trust <br />3 To keep all buildings now or hereafter erected on the property described herein continuously insured against Cass by fire or other <br />hazards in an amount not less than the total debt secured by this Deed Trust <br />f +3' <br />of All policies shall he held by the 80- fteficiary, and be <br />in such companies as the Beneficiary may approve and have loos payable first to the Beneficiary as its interest may appear aril then <br />tiS, <br />to the Truster The amount collected under anv insurance poky may be applied upon anv indebtedness heresy secured in such em• er as <br />the Beneficiary shall determine Such applicatvti,,hy the Beneficiary <br />shall not cause discontinuance o” any proceedings to foreclose this <br />Deed *(Trust or cure or waive any default or notice of default or invalidate any act done purauant to, such notice. in the event of foreclosure, <br />1, <br />all riALtirof the Truster in insurance policies then in force shall psesa to the purchaser at th�> tcrecioA�re saye- <br />p; <br />4 To rbtain the written consent of Beneficiary before self -X., conveying or otherw:,;,e traa6erring' the property or any part thereof and <br />any sia h, sale, conveyance or transfer without the Beneficiary a <br />irrtten consent shall constitute a default under the terms hereof <br />5. To defend any action or proceeding purporting to offect the security herekn5,�)r,he rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee. <br />6 Should Truster fail to pay when due anv taxer'. asse.smer..�s, msur:inee, premiums,. Liens, encumbrances or other charges against the <br />property,- heremabove described, lierexciary may pay the and the amount so pa,-6, with interest at the rate ;wt forth in the note <br />secured horebv. shall he added to und; tvrcorrir a part of the de±=;eicwred in this Deeed of 7!7,;n! ai permitted by law <br />iT iSN ILMIALLY AGREFD THAT, <br />I Ir the event an • ..t <br />y portion of the propE•rty:�us taken or damaged in an •e�rinent domain proceedir;;t, -rk,w entire amount of the award <br />or such portion thereof ac rnav be rieces ary to :iuity sati>fy the obligation eevured hereby. shall he ,aria rn lienrficiary <br />said i'trlgatiim to be applied to <br />2 By accepting payment of anv ;um secured hereby after its due date, leneficiary does not waive its right to require prompt payment <br />when due of all other sums so rpcured or to declare default for failure to so pay <br />3 The Trustee shall recon%ey all or any part of the propertv roverid by this heed of Tru•:t to the person entitled thereto. tin written <br />request of the Truirtor and the Benefciary, or upon satisfaction of the obligation secured and written request for reconvevance made by <br />the Beneficiary or the person entitled therein <br />991 G84 4NE:i <br />L L J <br />L I <br />t.� <br />to <br />tr; <br />k.. <br />L I <br />