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After recording, return to Mark L. Brasee, Fraser Stryker PC LLO, 409 S. 17" Street, Suite 500, Omaha, NB 68102 (402) 341 -6000 <br />CONSERVATION EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />201802661 <br />THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT AGREEMENT ( "Conservation Easement ") is <br />made , 2018, by and between the William V. Wolbach, Trustee of the <br />William Vanarsdale Wolbach Trust Agreement dated February 2, 1993, as amended ( "Grantor "), <br />The Platte River Whooping Crane Trust, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, with offices at 6611 <br />Whooping Crane Drive, Wood River, NE 68883 ( "Holder "). <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee simple of certain real property consisting of <br />approximately 380.59 acres of land more or less located in the Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Premises "); and <br />WHEREAS, the Premises possesses certain open, natural, scenic, agricultural, ecological, <br />archeological, historic and educational characteristics of particular public value; and <br />WHEREAS, Grantor and Holder recognize the value and special character of the <br />Premises and acknowledge a common purpose to conserve these special values of the Premises; <br />and to conserve and protect the special plant and animal populations on the Premises, as well as <br />subsurface and surface water resources and to prevent the use or development of the Premises for <br />any purpose or in any manner that would conflict with the maintenance and preservation of the <br />Premises in its current, natural, scenic and open condition; and <br />WHEREAS, Grantor as owner of the Premises, on behalf of its successors and assigns, <br />intends to convey to Holder the right to preserve and protect the special conservation values of <br />the Premises in perpetuity. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and the mutual covenants, terms, <br />conditions and restrictions contained herein and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) <br />paid by Holder to Grantor, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and <br />pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, and in particular the Conservation and Preservation <br />Easements Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 76 -2,111 - 76- 2,118, as amended, Grantor hereby voluntarily <br />grants and conveys unto Holder a Conservation Easement in perpetuity over the Premises which <br />is intended to run with the land as a real covenant and is not personal in nature or in interest, of <br />the nature and character, and to the extent hereinafter set forth. <br />Form 1412027v6; 09/12/17; 1790474.5 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />
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