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r <br />1� <br />I <br />89-102663 <br />ca► 1 sun, c►liml to the ground rent%, If :my, next title. plus the prennunts that will inxt become .lite and payable an <br />policies tit tire anti other hazard in %urance covering (he properly , plus clie% and a%sesslllents next title till the property (till <br />(1► esroftule'd hi, rile Uolde•rr less all sorts alrcadt pald thercior dis Ideal by the number of months to elapse before tine t I) <br />month prior to the .late %%hen %uch ground rent., prenuunls, taxes and a% %e%%incnts will become delinquent, such sums tit <br />he hold by Lender in trust tit pay %aid ground tents, premiums, tares and special assessments; and <br />(hl All payments mcnut►ncd in the prec. ding subsection of this paragraph and all payment. to he nutde under the note <br />%ecur.M hereby shall be addt:d together, and the aggregate amount thereof %hall be paid by the Horrower each month in a <br />single payment to lie applied h) the Lender tit the following items in the order set firth: <br />all ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hailard insurance premiums: <br />(ll) interest tin the note secured hereby. and <br />(111) amortization of the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of such aggregate monthly. payment %ha P. unless made good by the Burrower prior to <br />the due date of the next such payment, constitute an event of default under this mortgage. The Lender may collect a "late <br />charge" not to exceed four cents k * t for each dollar (S1) of each payment more than taftccn 0 5) days in arrears to cover <br />the extra expense involved in handllarig delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the pay ments made by the Borrower under la) oL paragraph 2 preceding Sh"01 exceed the amount <br />of payments actually made by the Leader for ground rents. taxes and assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may <br />be, such excess, if the loan is current, at the option of the Borrovxcr, %hall he credited by the Lender on subsequent payments <br />to he made by the fio ►rrower, or refunded to the Burrower. If, however, the tnnnthty payments made by the Borro\\er under <br />(a) of paragraph 2 preNcding shall not be sufftceart to pay ground rents, taxes and assessments or insurance premiums, as <br />the case tray he, whrtttl c rune shall become due and payable, then the Borrower shall pay to the Lendceany amount necessary <br />to make up the def ictenc y , on or hetd\rc the date when pay tncrl2vG such ground rents, taxes. assessments, or insurance M—miums <br />shall be due. If at any time the Elv m,«ser shall tender e:* tht, Lczder, in accordance with the provisions of the nc�tz•'seeured <br />hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness rcpre z. ,:4 tht?iby , t~he l -ruder shall. in computing the amount: of such in- <br />Jebtednc%%. credit to the account of the Borrmser,Lrr)' lei 47N7e rtr"rllaipinp „-the funds accumulated under the•isions of <br />ta) of paraeltaph 2 hereot. If there •!r V N: a deCiul•r under au,> of the prosssa4�ns of thu. m %trument resulting in a public sale <br />of the premises covered herehy . or rt:'t . lender acquires ONo property stth% :rwise atiCt,�r• default, the Lender shatt apply, at <br />the time of the commencement of ouch, proceedings, or at the tone the &kiNrty is othcrts,ise acquired, the balance then re- <br />maining in the funds accumulated under (a) tit paragraph 2 preceding• as a crsc:it against the amount of principal then remain- <br />ing unpaid under said note. <br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rents, taxes. assessntciits. v+ af;r rates, and other governmental or municipal charges, <br />lines. or impositions, for which provision Itas ntrt t- cta madc hcr,in'C'N-rc. and in default thcrecof the Lender may pay the <br />same: and that the Horrowcr will promptly deliver the official receilrc% therefor to the Lender. <br />S. The Btrrower w elf pay all takes which may he toted upon the bender's mucrc %(. in said real estate and imp-1 wements. ; <br />and which may be levied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby (hut only to Ov extent that such is not prohibited �= <br />by law and only to the extent that such will not slake this loan usurious), but excluding any income tax, State or Federal. <br />imposed on lender, and will file the official receipt showing such payment w nh the lender. Upon vtotatton of this undertak- <br />mg, or if the Borrower is prohibited by an) law now or hereafter existing fnarn paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid <br />tares. (Ir upon the rendering of an) coup decree prohibiting the payment by the Borrwaer of any such taxes. Air is such law ; <br />or decree prov ides that any amount %t► paid by the Borrower shall be credited on the wart. the Lender shall have the right ' <br />to give ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premises, requiring the payment of the debt. If such r-ettice be given, <br />the said debt shall become due, payable and tiillectihle at the expriation of said ninety days. <br />6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for rn this instrument, then the Lender. <br />at its option, may pay nr perform the same. and all expenditures %e► made shall he added to the principal sum owing on the <br />above note. shall h;. ,,..-cured hcrehy . and shall bear interest at the rate -set forth in the said note. until paid. <br />7 That the Borrowcr hcrcb% assigns. transfer. and %ors over to the Lender. to hre applied toward the payment of the <br />note and all sums secured hcreb% in case of a default in the performance of any of the Corms and conditions of this instrument <br />or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to he deri%ed from the said premisc- daring such time as the indebtedness <br />%hail remain unpaid. and the tender shall have: lF -wer to appoint any agent or agents it : z: y distre for the purpose of repairing <br />said premises and of renting the ame and coAlecting the rents, revenues and income., and it may pay out of said incomes <br />all expertscs of repairing %aid premises and necessary cummisstons and eirpense% incurr d in renting and managing the same <br />and tit - collecting rentals therefrom, the balance remaining., If any. to he applied tow,ird the discharge of ,aid indebtedness. <br />ft That the Borrower will keep the improoernen1% r,au existing or hereafter erected on the properly, insured as may <br />he required from time to time hs. the Lender agaimt loss by fire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies to such <br />amount,. and for such period% a% may he required by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due, any premiums on such <br />rrt%uran.e provi %urn for payrnent of which has not been made hcteinhefore All insurance shall be carried u► companies ap- <br />prened by the Lender and the ItiOicies and renewal% thctcof shall he held by the Lender and have attached thereto Io%% payable <br />t Iau%c% in fh:,ir of and in town a.cep(ahlc Ill the lender In event of to %% Mirnower vvill live unmediate notice by mall to <br />the Lcnder.who May Make pnNlf of lo%% it not made promptly by Botitlwer. and ca.h inwrancc utmpanv o mcerned i% hcrc•hv f�}( <br />aulhorlred and directed to make peymcnt for such lo%% directly ti, the tender m %toad tat tr thi• liommet and the Lcndcr <br />wind). and the imurarue proceed%, tat any pact thereof. flay he applied by the Lender .11 it% oplirlr, rather to the redu.tton <br />,rt the indehicdmc %% hcrehv secured In Io the rc,lorarltln or tc11.111 t`I the prt,perls Il.rnl-11901 In t wni art iorc.lo%ure of Ihf% r.j <br />111%Ifumte111 r•r ther tran %err ,•t title i,%the tcmrtgarcet prtrlte•ri% In r.tii,guj,hnte'n! t,t the inllch!talnc %, �c't ofcd herehv. Al ttylit ��, <br />w'.. .Ural ttdrr,•.I „i Ili” I 1n attd to afn tD,1jr.11nc pr,•. thou it'. 1nttC 41.111 (,.l••, to lit, (`II1.11.t %1'1 „I 1'1.111Ttt <br />.1 ', .n.rt .,11,1. foil ,r . tit u, i I Ili: {veu lit . •I the. 1, ­4 .1. „ • 1i`• .! ,rt3 ail '11" , f. • hr. •al r ,hp. , ldc: <br />r!., char, r ` ,t 1t••f t••,%, t r„y, L. f „!t1 t., Ih• 1 t 10't .,1. I.f. lit, It 4, ;rid '%lh tit. . ,,t <br />I: •:r ..., r ,.tact r a:,. • ,.1 .,I' a t -, r.r , r,t` •.rt.f I iron n •I. ! ' ., .1i L., r� „ •! <br />01111► 41141 ill •• <br />