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PLEASE RETURN TO: <br />CATRINA DELOSH <br />PUBLIC WORKS DEPT <br />PO BOX 1968 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />This Space Reserved for Register of Deeds <br />LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />This License Agreement is made by and between the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, <br />a municipal Corporation, herein referred to as the "Licensor" and JOE T. JONES AND JACLYN R. <br />JONES, OWNERS, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee." <br />1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of this License Agreement is to set forth <br />the terms and conditions under which the Licensee may construct, maintain, repair, and utilize the <br />following described improvement which will infringe upon the public right -of -way dedicated to the <br />Licensor: <br />In connection with Stolley Park Road Reconfiguration; City Project No. 2015 -P -1, <br />Federal Project No. HSIP- 5402(5), Control No. 42812. To allow for the existing <br />driveway yard lights [Lt Sta 158 +79 and 159 +09] located within the public right - <br />of -way. Per attached Exhibit "A ", dated 2018/3/9. <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF LICENSEE'S REAL ESTATE. The Licensee owns the following <br />described real estate subject to the Licensor's public right -of -way to which this License Agreement <br />shall apply: <br />Lot Eight (8), Block Six (6), Kay Dee Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, EXCEPTING therefrom a portion deeded to the City of Grand <br />Island by Deed recorded April 5, 1983 as Instrument No. 83- 001607 records of <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />3. LICENSEE'S DUTIES AND RISKS. It is understood and agreed that the Licensee may <br />construct, maintain, repair and utilize the above - described improvement at the Licensee's sole risk. <br />The Licensee hereby waives any claim for damages against the Licensor, its officers, employees, <br />agents and independent contractors for any damage or injury that may result to said improvement. If <br />the Licensor, in its sole discretion, determines that any part or all of the improvement must be <br />removed or is damaged by the Licensor, its employees, agents or independent contractors working for <br />the Licensor during the course of their employment or duties with the Licensor, the Licensee agrees to <br />assume and pay all costs relating to the replacement or repair of the improvement. Licensee <br />
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