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<br />Return to: Mayer, Burns & Koenig, 308 N. Locust Street, Suite 306, Grand Island, NE 68801 -5984
<br />The indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust executed by WESTGATE PROPERTIES, LLC, A
<br />Nebraska Limited Liability Company, as Trustors, to DUANE A. BURNS, Attorney at Law, as Trustee, for
<br />the benefit of DENNIS H. KRUSE, VIRGIL L. KRUSE, and RONALD L. KRUSE, each an undivided one -
<br />third interest as tenants in common, as BENEFICIARIES, dated April 5, 2016 and recorded in the office of
<br />the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, recorded as Instrument No. 201602032 has been
<br />satisfied or otherwise provided for and the Beneficiary has confirmed that a Deed of Reconveyance
<br />should be executed and delivered.
<br />In consideration thereof, the Trustee reconveys to the person or persons entitled thereto all the
<br />right, title, interest and claim acquired by the Trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust in the following:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(NW1 /4 NE 1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6th PM, in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described
<br />as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4);
<br />thence southerly along the West line of said Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), a distance of
<br />Two Hundred and Forty-Nine and Three Tenths (249.3) feet to a point on the Northerly
<br />right -of -way line of U.S. Highway No. 30; thence Southeasterly along said right -of -way,
<br />a distance of One Hundred Seventy Nine (179.0) feet; thence Northerly along a line
<br />Twenty (20.0) feet West of and parallel to the Westerly line of Block three (3), West's
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Two Hundred Sixty Three and Six Tenths (263.6) feet, to the
<br />North line of said Section Twenty (20); thence Westerly along the North line of said
<br />Section Twenty (20); a distance of One Hundred Seventy Seven and Five Tenths
<br />(177.5) feet to the place of beginning, Excepting Old Lincoln Highway right of Way to the
<br />North and Except::
<br />Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW1 /4NE1/4) of Section
<br />Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the South right -of -way line of Old Lincoln Highway and 20.0 feet West, of
<br />the West line of West's Subdivision; thence South parallel to the West line of West's
<br />Subdivision a distance of 230.6 feet, more or less, to the northerly right -of -way line of
<br />the U.S. Highway No. 30 Overpass; thence westerly on the northerly right -of -way line of
<br />U.S. Highway No, 30 Overpass a distance of 63.8 feet, more or less; thence North
<br />parallel to the West line of West's Subdivision a distance of 196.4 feet, more or less;
<br />thence northwesterly on a line a distance of 36.4 feet, more or less, to a point on the
<br />South line of Old Lincoln Highway; thence East on the South line of Old Lincoln High a
<br />distance of 85.6 feet to the point of beginning, as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A"
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />DATED: April 6, 2018
<br />) ss.
<br />Duane A. Burns, Attorney at Law, Trustee
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 6 day of April, 2018, by Duane A.
<br />Burns, Attorney at Law, Trustee.
<br />GENERAL. NOTARY • State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. September 13, 2020
<br />