'CID LS 21.0695
<br />hoctioa 1. •
<br />No impraveaenta planed upon the Premises by Lessee shall become a part of the realty.
<br />R838R4ATION9 PR26R RIGHTS.
<br />• Section 2. '
<br />Lessor reserve& to itaaif, ita. agents and contractors, the right. to enter the Premises
<br />at such times as will not unreasonably interfere with Lasse+`•s use of tae Premises.
<br />S. Lessor reserves (i) the exclusive right to permit third. party placement of advertising
<br />signs on the Premises, and (ii) the right to construct, maintain and operate new and•exisring
<br />facilities (including, without limitation. trackage, fences, communication facilities, roadways and
<br />utilities) upon, over, across or under the Premises, and to grant to others such rights, provided that
<br />Lessee's us. of the Premises is not interfered with unreasonably.
<br />C., This Lease is made subject to all outstanding rights, whether or not Of record.
<br />Lessor reserves the right to renew such outstanding rights.
<br />Section 3. pAYMRNr OP RENT.
<br />Went (which includes the annual rent and all other amounts to be paid by Lessee under this
<br />Lease) shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of /marina, at such place as shall be
<br />designated by the Lessor, and without offset or deduction.
<br />Section, 4. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS.
<br />A. Lessee shall pay, prior to delinquency, all tax.s levied during. the lite of this Lease
<br />on all personal property and ieprovwnts on the•Prasises not belonging to Lessor. It such taxes are
<br />paid by Lessor, either separately or as a part of the levy on Lessor`s, real property, Lessee shall
<br />reimburse Lessor in full within thirty (30) days atter rendition of Lessor's bill.
<br />8. Tf the Premises are specially ed for public Lsprovaeeats, the =anal rent will,.
<br />be automatically increased by X24 of the full assesaaent amount.
<br />Section S.
<br />This Lease does. not include any right to the use."at water under.any water right of Lessor. or
<br />to establish any water rights except in the rue of Lessor.
<br />Section 6.' 'CARE AND D58 or PmQ9SS.
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<br />=EMIT S
<br />201802171
<br />A. Lessee shall use reasonable care'and caution against damage or destrgction to the
<br />Premises. Lessee shall not use or permit the. use of the Premises for any ualairtul purpose, maintain
<br />eny nuisance, permit any vests, or use the Premises in any ay that creates a hazard to persons or
<br />property. Lessee'sball keep the•Preaises in a sate, neat, clean and pr■mentable =audition, and in
<br />good condition and repair. Leasei shall keep the sideielks and public 'ways on the Premises, and the
<br />walkway& appurtenant to any railroad spur trank(s) on or serving the Premises, free and clear free any
<br />substance which night create a hazard and all water flew shall be direct;ed'hwsy trial' the tracks of the
<br />Lessor.
<br />S. Lessee shall not permit any sign oa•the Promisee,* except signs relating to Lessee's
<br />business.
<br />C. If any iaprovaent as the,Praaises.not belonging to Lessor is damaged or destroyed by
<br />fire or other casualty,. Lessee shall within thirty (30) days after such casualty, remove all debris
<br />resulting then/graft. It Lessee tails to do so, Lessor any remove such debris, and Lessee agrees to
<br />reiaburs. Lessor for all expenses incurred within thirty (30) days after rendition at Lessors bill.
<br />D.. Lessee shall comply with all governmental laws, ordinances, rains, regulations and
<br />orders relating to Lessee's use of the Premises.
<br />A. `Without the prior written consent of Lessor, Lasses shall not use or permit the use of
<br />the Premises for the generation, use. treatment, manufacture. production, storage or recycling of any
<br />Hazardous Substances, except that Lessee may use (i) small quantities of common chemicals such
<br />adhesives, lubricants and cleaning fluids' in order to conduct business at the Premises and (ii) other
<br />Hazardous Substances, other then haaardous wastes as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery
<br />Act, 42 D.S.C. SS £901, al leg., as amended MOW). ). that are necessary for the conduct of Leasee•s
<br />business at the Preelees.as specified in Article I. The consent of Lessor say be withheld by Lessor
<br />for any reason whatsoever, and may be subject to conditions in addition to those set forth below. It
<br />