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i;ittited "Power of Attothoy <br />IWO ot6: <br />Exiaarr A <br />CFN: 20140757330 BOOK 29373 PAGE 4118 <br />ton Trust Netional Assoiiatiom ottin itsAnciMdtai capacity but solely as <br />fikA. 60 .141taitiri Mortuagelnitt Mortgage:PassMirougfrCertikatesteries <br />206-14 - OurSeent-tothelrUsr:Agreeliie;it date0-a9 jefoaty 42006 <br />#gn*tgtooTrost, National A..3spciato, tIn itorom#01 400,0p, bpp'$00* <br />citkerik, N.A. as^rrt4tcg to totrola.MortgagelreSt.Mortitage preieMir0004..c.iartiO Series <br />• 200674 .ptirS4erittOthe Of:3;01,2006 <br />Mininejtori:Trust National Aggiletition, not in its Inch*Itral capacity butsololy asr gm= trustee to <br />dink, NA as TrOgtOe to Wartari.X.STrtist Mortgage Past-TtirotigkeartifiSeriesbr* <br />POrsuarg 0 tile TrtistMreerriert de* AS 01000, :po5 <br />wington Trust, National:M=4010k pot:in itOriCroildt4t capeCittboitOizilv aSititagita.0,steg <br />Citibank NA. as Trustee to Lehman 1 crerttficate*i series vos <br />prAiont to: tlierrtistA0reernentilateci as of MgaSt-1, 405 <br />WiftpH.Ntp!:11 NO000 its mividoet ctpat4 but Solely as gigiAggxitrustet to <br />Qtibak, NA $1) tq Lehman XS Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certlikatek <br />pursuantto ttIO'Intit AgmeolOot-rd00 200$. <br />1 ; i l t i k e i r x i t b n Trust, N a t i o n a l Assodetion, rot In i t s : i n c l i v k l u a t c a p a d t y but SOI* as, ;as,10 <br />Citite0 N A asleus'Weto XS mist Mortgage pafohrougfi CerUflcate <br />oiirSuart to the 7:44 V,41.eetnent dated as at :Novenlber 4 2005 <br />W1***Onlikjit4 Navapai:/*POtiO, okiti capacity but solely a gggittoOttrusteelo <br />btinant NA.. as 1'i:wave:to ibitatkan **Tilksk. Mortgage P4011*Ot.Oh:tersitotet‘ Serials 2005- <br />10,patuant to the dated as,Ot 40.5•• <br />wurhitton: Trust, National :Association nOtInits individual:capaCitTotut solely as Atictle0ot trOteelp, <br />.dtpaok,' NA. as Trustaoto LehrOtrit XS Trust MOrtgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series too*, <br />1, pursuant to <br />. . <br />t h e I ut Veen:tent dated as of January 1, 2006 <br />ViTtingtbri Trust N*tiorpt not In ts imitvid*-001C14" but scielYA3s:VOZZIM:truStee to <br />C itjbon k as Trustee. to Lohman )14 Ingot MOit14.000.:Paais: -Vorilfloattai.Sories 2006- <br />5, pursuant tO the Trust 'Agreement dated:4040 1, 2900 <br />WilMingtenilreSt-NatieneriA%Wittion, at irtAt4 irKtividual capticity to <br />otiteak,NA as Trustee to Lehman XS That Mortgage Ptiss4hrough Series <br />Our*trint0:0te,T:rttstVr;earnerlt.dOted Asa t, 2406 <br />WitrOin9tQn must, National Af,4Ocia#On not Kilts individual tapacity but solely as offigssto trustee to <br />Citibank, .k A. as 'trustee io Lehman XS TrirstMoirigage'PaireMitor.rgfrcertifitaterr; Series 200S <br />9 pursuant tO the i reernentdatedasofhitte 1, 2OOs dated <br />Wilmingtod TrUst, National' Atsmie*, not inclivi0ai:cepapity b4t Soli* 'truito <br />Otitenic MA. as Trustee to Lehman. XS Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series <br />pursuant to thalbiltAli*einent :dated as of August 1, 2006 <br />201802147 <br />