<br />�«» ��� � �n� � �
<br />A. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by the Second Promissory Note of Trustor in the amount of 6,000.00
<br />in favor of Beneficiary (the "Promissory Note'); and
<br />B. Payment nfall sums advanced by Beneticiary to protect the Trust Estate. The indebtedness described in paragraphs 4 and B above is rcferred to as the lndebtedness
<br />This Second Deed ofTrust the Promissory Note ot Trustor in favor of Beneficiaiy and any oiher instrument given to
<br />evidence or further secure the payment and perfonn~^cv of any obligation secured hereby are referred to collectively as the
<br />- Loan Instruments
<br />Trustor covenants that (i) Trustor holds title to the Trust Estate and has lawful authority to encumber the Trust Estate,
<br />(ti) th Trust Estate is free and clear of alt Iiens and encumbranccs except tor easements restrictions and covenants of record and
<br />the Deed of Trust from Trustor encumbering the Property dated on or about the date hereof (the - First Deed of Trust"). and
<br />(iii) Trustor will defend the Trust Estate against the lawful claims of any person.
<br />To Protect the Security of this Second Deed of Trust:
<br />1. Payment of Indebtedness. Trustor shall pay when due the principal of, and the interest on, the Indebtedness
<br />and all other sums as provide in the Loa Instruments.
<br />2. Taxes. Trustor shall pay each installment of all taxes and special assessments of every kind, now or hereafter
<br />lcvied against the Trust Estate or any pari thereof, before dehnquency, without notice or demand.
<br />-
<br />� Insurance and Repairs. Trustor shall maintain maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insuring �
<br />Improvements constituting part Trust Estate for such amounts and on such terms reasonably satisfactory to vB*v^nvimr. So
<br />-' D deed y n compliance ith,kvinoumnovnquimm`*moo{�*R�tDn�
<br />�nnus�,pmpvny iamvoun��y^ firs' v o �rumv,m" mortgage, ^uo,w
<br />vf Trust u, mortgage shall L= sufficient msatisfy the requirements of this paragraph 3 relating to insuranee.
<br />Trustor shall promptly repair and replace the Trust Estate or any part thereof so that, except for ordinary wear and tear,
<br />the Trust Estate shall not detenorate In no event shall the Trustor commit waste on or to the Trust Estate, or commit, suffer or
<br />permit any act to be done in or upon the Trust Estate in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. Tmmn,huU pay and
<br />prompt's' discharge at Tm,mr'o cost and expense all liens, encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or assessed against the
<br />Trust Estate or any part thereof.
<br />4. Actions Affecting Trust Estate. Trustor shall appear in and contest any action or proceedi rporting to
<br />affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shall pay all costs and *npenses.iuv|wbo8nmtof
<br />evidence of title and attorneys' fees, in any such action or procccding in which Benefieiary or Trustee may appear. rrTmomr
<br />fails to make any payment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in any of the Loan Instruments. Beneficiary and/or
<br />Trustee, each in their own diseretion, without obhgation SO 10 do and without notice to or demand uport Trustor artd without
<br />reteasing Tnistor from any obligation, may make or do the same in sueh manner and to sueh extent as eithcr may deem neeessary
<br />to protect the security hereof. Trustor shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Beneficiary, pay all costs and expenses
<br />incurred by Beneficiary in connection with the exercise ty8,ocfidu,ro[ the foregoing rights, including without hmitation costs
<br />ofevidenee of titic, court costs, appraisals, surveys and attorneys fees.
<br />5. Eminent Domain. lfthe Trust Estate, or any part thereofor intercst therein, be taken or daniaged by reason
<br />of any public improvement or condemnation nm or in any other manner including deed in lieu thereof
<br />(°Cvodvmna/i^u~)' or ifT,usw,receives any notice or other information regarding such proceeding, Trustor shall give prompt
<br />written notice thereof to Beneficiary. Trustor shall be entitled to all compensation, awards and other payments or relief thereof
<br />and shall be entitled at its option to w*m*nc^, appear in and pmm=u,e in its own name any action or proceedings. Trustor shall
<br />also be entitled to make any cornprornise or settlernent in conneetion with SUCh taking or damage.
<br />o. /w of Successor Trustee. B orficimy may, from hmem time, by vw�m instrument executed
<br />' a5 mailed T and �� in the County in which the Trust Estate i,|oum� and by
<br />and acknowledged by Beneficiary, o m m,�r ��u
<br />otherwise cornplying with the provisions of the applicable law "fthe State of Nebraska subsntute a successor or successors to the
<br />Trustee nanied herein or acting hercunder.
<br />7. Successors d Assigns. This Sccond Decd of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of and binds alt parties
<br />hereto, their heirs, legatees. devisees, personal representatives, representatives, sucessors arid assigns. The term '^B,nx§d*ry shall mean the
<br />owner and holder ofany promissory note given 10 beneficiwy.
<br />*. Merger, Consolidation, Sales or Transfers. Trustor covenants that Truster will not av||, transfer or
<br />otherwise dis e of any of the Trust Estate. In the event that Trustor sells, transfers or otherwise disposes of any part of the
<br />*826-5279-3871.2
<br />2
<br />NIFA HBA Loam/Forin H
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