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1 <br />L <br />52•A•• -REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE —eWrth Tax Clauccr ' 89-102621 nufl,•,m i :�,lriil „;,t, tw1f Will,rn fit, 1"Ohl <br />0. <br />• <br />KNOW ALL MIEN BY PRESENTS 'I'h.rt };11E i }• ''�1`Lr ; }I t. ;ll1l� ;)i t. t;1 lr• 'Ira.}; }lt,� <br />. usband an,l '.life <br />of Hall County, and State of N obrask a , ua eonvidetatlnn of tho Rain of <br />Forty Two 'i'housand an no /130 DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do herehy SM. and ('ONV :v unto ',ink (if Doniphan, Doniphan, ebraska <br />of r all. ('aunty. State of Nebraska tho following described premises Situated <br />In Hall County, and :+late• of Nebraslta , to-wit: <br />Lot Six (15) Acres _':” econd Subdivision in Section Pwo(2),c <br />fo.•mship 'line (9), i.orth, Range Ten (10)9 ,,rest of the 6th r..., <br />:!all "�owt,y, :'ebraska. <br />r , <br />The intention heing to vnuvov hcr-� -b,; .tn nr ?e u% i maple. including all till- rivitts of homestead artd dnwor. � <br />TO HAVE AND PO f`3ty 11.13 Ant­ &vat n,o+ alwne (It ,irlhrd %kith rill the a rlrprrrtenancew therminto belonging. unto %the said. <br />mnrignaec. lad and to Fi:a I`c•t or their he frti and a „u r,9 furrkrr. linwided always, rural these presents are ul*on, thij espTesy <br />«�ndrtlon that if the sar4 mmlg3Jnre-1, hi-i. her or their hear,, rxtwuterrs, adntini-Mators or a-k9igns shall pay or cause tan N- <br />I ;:a3cd to the said mortgagvi-ks), his, her or their brat +, viwi-utor,. adnimist •ator9 or a +9r, r.,. the principal arum of S 421, 000. ;] <br />payablean follows, taiwil note dated .-.Jay 19,1989 for Forty T':rb 'rhousand and no /100 <br />lue October 28,1989. <br />with interest accesrding to the tenor and .•ffert of the- trn.rt,:a :..r, %% rift* it tnorrrt „on' not. l.e•aring tarn date with these presents <br />and shall pay all taxes and a „u—nii- t, Ie%o91 upon ,.ud n•.d 4-Aafe. and all fahe•r fax—, Iv%ie•s and as.9essment,s levied upon this <br />i <br />mortgage ter The note %%htch Ihrs me•rigage• li ,Qavea tip ,e9 un• 1x• the .one 1..•e•orne•s delinquent, and keep the buildings on <br />said premi,cm insured for !-he sum erf a 42 DOD 3) lo.., if anv, payable to the ,aid mortgagee•• then these presents <br />to be void. utherwrst• to N, :Ind remann rn 611 force <br />IT Is PURT'N}Slt AGlthl•:la f 14 'I'Lat if the• ,aul rnortgagf.r ,hall fail to l.ay ,ru•h taxes or procure such insurance, the <br />said morfr agvv may fray such taws and prmitre ,uch an,uranve. anti the ,urn v. atlkance91, aath interest at per <br />ernt. shalt l:K- repaid hv said mortgagor, .end till, mortgage :hall slams .a, ,rf urm for the a.ame. (Y) That a failure to pay any <br />of said m ney, either prmcrpal or interest. aht•n the auee Inrorn.. slut•. or a farlurr- to comply with any of the foregoing <br />agreement.-, shall cause cline• whole %,urn of mom•y herein .,eeurerl t.. In coon du.• and a•4111e1•lihle at once at the option of the <br />: morlgagtr• <br />Sa(ilodl this' 1 9th (lay (if , 1 `• {` <br />Jet,rrne :,f it �� Z� r. -ri <br />STATE OF .... : :. 'a;A A ............. County of lia,ll ................. . <br />The:!1pregoing instrum.ent., twits acknowledged hetore me 29th. ,')ay-. Qf.. Jay. <br />..... <br />+ f” r'ti'.',i,'g.G' ;..ti!!'. :%.}'ti '•FyYr wan iE�ta � •'OS'll `v, UsDanc711Z •'ffy,'I�- <br />Signature Person Taking Acknowledgment <br />ataxy . <br />- Title <br />STATR OF J..raeere•af nn nunt•rit-A tnslr•x and frlevl for ra•eord <br />Ce�,rnty j in the Ilo ; ;a5te r of 1).ed, (lffa .• ..f ,:rid County the <br />flay of I`.+ at u'alf•aIc and•� ?tI. <br />And m Ilf -A ,( <br />1l.'r •'f Ita4v {o <br />1,. 1 a, a•:•1v <br />7 <br />a' <br />R <br />r <br />