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1 1049 . <br />9 <br />.t Assignor hereby covenants and warrants to the Assignee .that (a) Assignor has not executed any prior <br />assignment of the Lease or of its right. title and interest therein or the rentals to accrue thereunder: (b) Assignor has not <br />performed anyact or executed ar�y instrument which might preventthe Assignee from operating under any of the terms and . <br />1 condhiohshoiw*, prwhichwoutdiimittheAssigrteein such operstieon:( c) AwignorhasnotacceptedrentundertheLsasefor <br />1 any period subsequent to the current period for who mat= already become due and pa pbk (d) there is no default now <br />extatingundbrttm . and( e) Assignorhasnote xecutedorgrantedanymodificationoramerximentwhatevefou Lease <br />either Drafty orb writing except asset forth in Schedule M and thatthe Lease is in full force and effect <br />9. IT iS MUTUALLY AGREED WITH RESPECT TO EACH LEASE THAT: <br />I- Assign mherebygmftpwmiuWnioA =*FmfocobduW.butiidpri wiomcruW.alIrents,!mres,deposrt� <br />and profitsfromthesaid PremismandtoretaiM and useanyenjoythesame ,butreservesthe fthtto revoke such permission <br />start time withorwithoutcause,bynoticein i to Assignorbycertifiedmailsentbtheaiddresshereinalbrprescribedfor <br />sending notices. In any everit such permission to shall be automatically revoked upon debut% by Assignor :in the <br />paynwntotanyol theObligationssecuredherebyorin the perbrmanceofanyobligation .covenant,agreementherein,insald . <br />mortgage or deed of trust, in the Lease or in any of the Obligations secured hereby, or in any securing document given in <br />connection dmmwhk (all of which will be referredto lserdwas "Defautt'g. In the event that the-Asognee should revokesuch <br />pannbWonoralterdmoccunwmofaDefauKtheAsftnee ,mayatitsop0maiternotif ationl*Assignor.bycertifiedmaiLto <br />the address hereinafter preserved for sending notices, dined or all of the of the Premises to pay to Assignee. its <br />a�ertts or its atlom%ik such rents, issues, profess, revenues, d rights and benefits as may now be due or shall . <br />herein alter become dm and Assignee may collect the same. The atlidavit or written stelement of an officer, agent, or attorney <br />of Assignee stating that there has been a Delatiit ehal I constitute conclusive evidence thereof. and any to rant to other persons <br />Is authorized and directed to rely thereon. The Assignor further agrees, that in the eventthe permission to use and retain the <br />rents. income. Issues. deposits andprofits„ should beterminatedor upon the occuranceofa uetauikto Immediately turn over <br />to Assignee, atthetimeandinthemannerrequestedbyAssignee, all securitydepositsorothermonlesdeposited by Lessees <br />of the Premises in accordance with the provisions of the (sons. <br />2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 hereinabove, upon or at any time after a Default, as defined <br />hereinabove.the Assignee. atitsoption, maydeclareail Obligationssecured hereby immediatelydueand payable. and may. at <br />its option, without notice, and If any such Obligations be secured by deed of trust irrespective of whether a declaration of <br />default under saiddeed of trust has been delivered to Trustee thereunder, exercise all rights and remedies contained in said <br />mortgageordeedoftrustand without regardforthe adequacy ofsecurityfortheObligations hereby secured. either in person <br />ot with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiverto be appointed by a court, enter upon, take <br />of, manage and operate said Premises of any part thereof, make, enforce, modify. and accept the surrender of <br />twin and evicttenants, f ix or mod ify rents, and do any acts which the Assignee deems proper to protect the security <br />eitherwith orwitttouttaking possessionof thePremises, Initsown name.suefororotherwise coilectand receive <br />uesand proflta, inctudingthose pastdueand unpaid, anyapplythesome, lesscostandexpensesofoperationand <br />including, but not limited to, payments for wages and payroll taxes, compensation of managing agent and other <br />nt costs and expenses. real estate taxes and assessments. water, sewer. and similar charges, insurance and <br />mpensation premiums, ground rents, customary real estate commission, and reasonableattorney'sfees and court <br />costs, upon anyObligationssecured hereby, and in such orderastheAssigneemaydetermine . The entering upon and taking <br />possession ofthe Premises. the collection of such rents. issues and profits and the application thereof as aforesaid, shall not <br />cure or waive any default or waive, modify, or affect notice of default under said mortgage or deed of trust or invalidateanyact <br />done pursuantto such notice. Assignor hereby releasesany and all claims which it has or might have againstAssignee arising <br />out of such collection, management operation and maintenance, excepting the liability of Assignee to account for amounts <br />collected and expended by it <br />3. The Assignee shall not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor does it hereby undertake to perform or <br />discharge; any obliig�aation, duty or liability under the Lease, or under or by reason of this Assignment Assignor shall and does <br />hereby agree to indemnifytheAssignee agalnstand hold it harmiessfrom any and all liability, loss ordamage which it mayor <br />might incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment and of and from any and all claims and demand <br />whatsoeverwhich maybe asserted against itby reason ofany alleged obligation or undertaking on its partto perform or In the <br />discharge of any of the terms. covenants, or agreements contained in the Lease, should the Assignee incur any such liability, <br />loss or damage under the Lease or under or by reason of this Assignment or in the defense against any such claims or <br />demands, the amountthmeof. including costs. expenses and reasonable attorney's fees, together with interest thereon at the <br />highest rate set forth in any of the Obligations secured hereby, shall be secured hereby and by the said mortgage or deed of <br />trust. and Assignorehall reimbursetheAssigneetheretorimmediatety upon demand, and uponthefailureof Assignorsoto do <br />the Assignee may declare all Obligations secured hereby immediately due and payable. <br />C. iT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED THAT <br />1. Until the Obligations secured hereby shall have been Paid infull. Assignor covenants and agrees to keep leased <br />at a good and sufficient rental the Premises and upon demand to transfer and assign to the Assignee any and all subsequent <br />Leases upon all or any part of such Premises upon the same or substantially the same terms and conditions as are herein <br />contained, and to make, execute, and delivertotheAssignee, upon demand. any and all instrumentsthatmay be necessary or <br />desirable therefor, but the terms and provisions of this Assignment shall apply to any such subsequent Lease or Leases <br />whether or not so assigned and transferred. <br />2. Assignor shall. upon request of Assignei% furnish it a complete listas of the dateof the request of all Leases and <br />other tenancies of the Premises in such reasonable detail as may be requested by Assignee. Further. if requested. Assignor <br />7 <br />r <br />shall deliver to Assignee executed or certified copies of all Leases and other written agreements, correspondence. and <br />memoranda between between Assignor and Lessees and other tenantssetting forth the contractual arrangements between them. Such <br />requests may, t e made at any reasonable time: _ <br />3. The failure to list any specific leases under Schedule 8 hereto, shall not invalidate or affect in any manner. the <br />general assignment of rents and leases provided for herein. <br />et. <br />L 4. Upon the payment in full of all Obligations secured hereby, as evidenced by. the recording or filing of an <br />instrument of satisfaction or full release of said mortgage or deed of trust. unless there shall have been recorded another <br />mortgage ordeedoftrust in favor of the Assignee covering thewhole or any partoftheleased Premises, this Assignment shall <br />become null and void and of no effect <br />q <br />0. <br />