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Lxk ;61 • <br />LEGAILDFfitaalza <br />A tract offend comprising the Northerly One Hundred Twenty (120.0) feet ofthe Westerly Seven <br />Hundred Tvhenty Six (726.0) feet of the South 41 Rode of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SE1/4) of Secdon Fmeteen (19), Township Ten (10) North, Range <br />Bleven'(11) West ofthe 6th P.M.,lexcepting t +efromt, ho Westerly Tiddy Three (310) het of <br />said tract being previously convoyed to the 01y of Wood River, together wltb, a tract of lard <br />cosaidsing a part of the Southwexat'Quar'ter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SR1 /4) of Section <br />Nhietee n (19), Township Ten (10) North, Range-Bleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., said tracts all <br />being in Hell County Nebraska, and being t000ee particularly deserted as fofows: <br />Phst to ascertain the point of beginning, s Srt at the southwest oornar of said Southwest <br />. Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (SW1/4); thence naming northo r, along and upon the <br />west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWl /4 SE1/4), a distance <br />of Six Hunched Seventy Six and Five Tenths (676.50) het (41 Rode); thence deflecting <br />• right 90°42'25" and running early along and upon the north line of the South 41 Rods <br />• of said Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (SW1 /4 S131/4) a distance of Thirty <br />Three (33.0) Poet to the ACIVAL point ofbeginalog, said point being on the easterly right • <br />• of way line OkWainut Street, which is, Thirty Three (33.0) diet east of(meeaur d <br />perpendlcarler to) the west line of Bald Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter <br />(SW1/4 SB1/4); theme deikedog >a0 90'42'25" anti taming notthery►, along and upon <br />said easterly right'ofway►line of Walnut Street, Which fs, ThirtyThree (33.0) feed east of <br />(measured perpendicular to) the wust line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SWIM SBI/4), a distance of Sixty (600) het; theme detecting rlglrt 90°42'25" <br />• and rap jog may, pared to the uarttfine Mudd South 41 Rods ofthe Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quartet (SW1/4 1131/4), a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty <br />Six (726.0) thence dediedlag tight 89 and raming southerly, parallel with the <br />west Nee of said Southwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SEI /4), a distance <br />• o f S k t y ( 6 0 . 0 ) f e e t t o a p o i n t on the north lire of said South4l Rods ofthe Southwest <br />Quarts* of the Southeast Quarter (SW114 SBI/4); theme dedectttg right 90°42'25" and <br />• rig westarlyodong and upon the north line ofaald Soath 41 Rpds oftbe Sontiaveat <br />Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SBI/4), 'Whim= ofTldhty wee (33.0) filet; ' <br />theme deflecting left 90°42'25" and numbs southerly, parallel with the west live of said <br />• • Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1/4 SBI /4), a distance of Orbs Hundred <br />201801862 <br />