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r <br />ADDnriONALTERMS 94--=-104904 <br />>9tlal/1YMENTAND ACCRUAL OFTHE FINANCE CHARGE: Even though f do not have to paymote than the regular scheduled monthly paymmt. l have the right: <br />to pmm thew oe lmtount owing to you in full at any time or inpart from timetotime. If the lending i nstirution that buys rriy.contract computes thi finance charge dally, <br />S& wilfw less if 1 make an early payment, and it will be higher if I pay tare: I also nxog�tize that an necessary adjustment to rosy total finaaoe <br />eted ra my final bile: I also kttaw that the amounts shown on the reverse side for the Finance Charge, lbtal ofpgmeu%. and the Total Sate Price an: <br />on the asatmptron that oa will receive each of the payments exactly or► its due date: and t know that thew will be no refund if f,ptepay, because there is <br />itodwt `to adimd ifI am =on on a basis. If tluee lending i>LSntntion does not compute the finance charge daily and if 1 prepay the whole amount. you refund ,. <br />tome untanned of the%awc, c (intet+est) by the accolffiin �adtns known as the actuarial ntetirod; and the amount of my rebate will be fi on the <br />rschtdtkd dotes aetouats of =monthly payment sand not onthe actual dates and amounts of the p paymtems that 1 tray to you.i YnovE'tbat a refiindafiess SI.O(I <br />t • ._ will not be made. maymplundnfy prepay the amount I owe you. in fall or in part, at any time. tf 1 intake a partial prepayment, I must continue to make y regular <br />payments until I &M -11111 amounts owed. <br />IwPO#Wi>1 p' ABOVTWAfNWMES:( s) SELLERHERESYDISCLAIMSALLWARRANTIES ,EXPRESSEDO IMPLIED, <br />OF AND R I name FOR 7R, PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND.SERVICES UN SELLER <br />FURNISHES' WITH A SEPARATE MM M LNMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY ON ITS <br />OWN BEHALF (b} I read, in detail, the separate "T.IIHI I FD WARRANTY" which omp�tes this tract. It <br />L 411 lQ IN the da+►5 e� warrant <br />wbicit die ■IatMttOes�tei • will, be repaired or tepiwed. I take notice of the limitations uo n the waaaniyc and 1 warrant <br />tfrtacb Vplies to the goods only as long asthe warranty or service contract. (c} I have egad. is detail the rep trax ST ATI h`TY" which. <br />if made. accompows this It explains the cone itions and circumstances in which the ' on of tttl_. si si accessories, gutters will be redone. l <br />tsil;e ostticeflfihe li:mitanioas vntatanty and I particularly recognize that any implied �yy apFm W "" siding lasts onl as long as the warranty or <br />servicecaofract_ <br />FmNITER IE! MARRMiE Teti solo laity naMy' ap�iest yw � loos > dWI M fiff" to of iEilts ad mom tl * toipras 11 ypr LIINTED <br />MIMI IM rsk * to alo at t room 10111 ft Ceehaet. r! eTC6sito I" a d reloodw 11ow tM Wrtlrraey shall M to on of I t>be riRAts or ra WIM <br />MO sMa NARRFACTIREB EiRINN NE GOARAKIBI ABANIST CONOENSAtION. tiMSNRE F�Ti(N OR FROR. AAE. KM BUARANIEEO A6A 0 <br />OK I$$ Afl= CLNiATiC <br />. REAL TBU SEPARATE "11 /EAR WARRARIY" WNICN a A f1EFARATE NRTTIFII 11911 MENT PERTAINING TO WMACTUREO PROONTS OF <br />THE MCESira CORFDRATtOII ANO NNICN MARRANIor OAS KEN KIM= TO EACN UMCflME BUYER IN C ON Wltll TINS SALE PACESEiiUI <br />11 YEAR IIMiD NARAAIfi1 ANd 1NE F MARANIG CON111MATION DD NOT any TO SIDING. <br />Forth, Tlo lacesoltot TITMK UWATION OR 1RAROW Of ANY ONO OR NATURE WMnO . E1((PRESS OR INFUEO, WRH RESPECT TO <br />1NE ENERGY SAYAN4S 1 COULD NAY ACINEME Dy OF RE FRODIICT(S). t uaNtstiM flat aiy eeerNl salieEs I y achinte is NpeMaot opals s oaoier of <br />faehl:, leeletltllj, lot at Italitol b, tM type aM Rllaliy of nos IAN to illy Moro. Ule particular sl 1111 style of my bolo. tM typo of "ality of <br />coatrocttoo of ley Mar my partieeiar lifo style, the of tl�poetaypl to ay Moen, prop[ oleolterlog of the settilrps, ctiaatic coMitioes alts taeatieo <br />N ay heloo, ad x1011 1111 typo of IWO eel U"d fill e� ail! air caNlfiooiig purposes. <br />t attire t:Eanrle <br />SpECIA"RDFR GOODS: I know that you have measured my se and its openings w that you can m e the products to fit my particular house and that the goads <br />ty will not fit ar rather houses, so I know that T cannot canoe is contract at any time after the pail oil of time given to me by law in which to cancel. After that <br />period of time, i know that I have the obligation to pay you in the amount owed. <br />COMMENCEMIENT OPTHE FINANCE CHARGE. The finance ch a (interest) is estimated to s within 30 days of the date of ceps in the event <br />Ccompete the installation of rite goods and services on another date. finance charge (in . will begin to run on the date that 1 s amp tton Certificate. <br />Camount of finance charge (interest) may be more or less than the am t disclosed dependm n the amounts 1 pay you and my ti i in . g payments. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND EAL ESTATE.: I t promise to keep my house in good ai n it insured for at <br />least 80% of its replacement value by buying a fire and extended coverage ins nce policy. The nsurance company must be approved by oar d the li have <br />a beneficiary clause which says that you are to be id if there: is a loss. The in urance comp must agree that it will norcaneel my po cwt ins you. 1 <br />authorize the insurance company to pay you directly for any toss. You can choo to use this surance payment to either repay any am 1 e u o to repair my <br />house. l have the option of providing property insurance through an existing polio or thmug a policy independently obtained and paid t by a1 promise that <br />1 will not allow anyone else to place any Liens on my real estate without your wntt permi ion. 3.1 promise to pay all tyres. assessments and other charges on my real <br />estate whet( due, 4. 1 ptvmise to timely matte all payments on my prior loans secu by real estate. 1 also promise that 1 will not exte w r c ge any <br />without your written permission. S. If 1 do not insure my house or fulfill my other ob at ns to my real estate, then yoi► can do it for me i oar wan (bar ou o have <br />to). If you do pay any of these obligations for me, I agree to pay you back on detiia lus interest at the highest lawful contract rate n nt n ' pa ou back, <br />these amounts will be added to my debt to you which is secured by my feat estate and Ouse. 1 know that if you decade to buy insurance It me t u d not have to <br />obtain any homeowner or liability insurance. <br />MORYGAGE: I hereby grunt. bargain, wit, convey and mortgage to you, as Snort gee my real estate and house located at my "Address." designated on the other side <br />of this contract as security for all amounts due to you under this installment Sale. Coni 't. <br />DUE ON SALE: if 1 sell, lease or give my house to anyone before i have fully pal all l acv under this contract, you can declare all that 1 owe under this contract payable <br />at once and i agree to immediately pay you that amount. <br />DEFAULM I wig be in default under this contract if- 1. 1 don't make a paymen when due. if 2 1 break any promise 1 made to you in this contract: or 3. Something else <br />happens which causes you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pay y as promised; c 4.1 default on any obligations for which 1 amusing my home as collateral: <br />or S. Something happetts to my house which threatens your rights. if any, t it. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and you dema full payment. I on rstand that you have the right to foreclose the mortgage I have given to <br />YOU attd to have my house sold to repay any anxwnta I owe you. Before y house i; sold. you II do all that the law requires. I understand that if you hire an attorney <br />to a silt you in the enfortxment of your rights, including the s31e of my use ar a lawsuit, l agree ay you for reasonable attorneys' fees and for other related expenses <br />such as court costs. title searches and nutney you expended to protect y house, if you arc allow to collect such amount, by law. <br />OTHER RIGKI'S: You can choose not to enforce any of the rights u r this contract as often us y want without losing them. Or. you can delay enforcing any of the <br />rights without losing them. You can also use any rights now or in t future given to you by law. <br />OFLAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to install the uus 1 am purchasing on my hou but I also understand that in wine situations you may encounter <br />delays that are caused by strikes, weather conditions, delays you ve in obtaining materials, or for oth reasons that are beyond your control. t will not hold you liable <br />for such delays. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL PAYMENT. if 1 am in default under is Contract, )-can declare ail that l owe tiller this nm'+ravr ppeyahle :o once. 1 agree top -} you interest <br />on that amount at the maximum contractual rate allowed by 1+ until the amount I ocve you is paid. ( alsfi k 1,w itlat you can burrlose the mortgage 1 have givcn to you. <br />ARBITRATION: if i have a dispute fir claim with you co emng the quantity. quality or performance of t • products. t understand that myy dispute may be submitted <br />to and settled according to the mediation - arbitration progr that may have developed in my community 'I al know that any deo non made by .:m .libitfatlttts► would be. __ <br />entered in the coon having jurisdiction over me uW yu <br />SAINAGE VALUE: 1 know that the wrndows,'wl'W k• siding. brick and other materials that have to be rem ved by you far this installation have NO salvage value. <br />When you remove them, you can have them fur what er purpose you want. <br />SPECIAL SITUATIONS: Due to the uniqueness o some of the products that you sit. 1 undetsurd that in Speer snuatu,ns your Itegu•nal Office may have to review <br />air! accept this contract. 1 also understand that this le occurred in my home and that you and t may not have had al a ctirmci infnrmanon impiinant to this tramachon <br />at out fingertips; t give you my convent tv ro^ec any obvious errors that may have occurred when the blanks in th contract were completed. <br />iNVAUD PROVISIONS: if any p(oviuce of t contract violates the law and is unenforceable, the rest of the contr. c will be valid. if any part-of this contract requires <br />payment of more interest than the law permits en you will only have the right to collect trim rte the amount of int st which the law allow, yotr tit collect. <br />COMIPLETENESS t)>E THIS CONTRACT is conhact can only be changed if both you and I agree in wtituig <br />NOTICE I <br />ANY HOLDER OF THIS CO UMER CREDIT CONTRACT iS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIM AND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AG NST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED RSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PRiTCEEDS HEREOF R COVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCE D AMOUNTS PAiD BY THE <br />t <br />HEREUNDER. <br />DEBTOR <br />IN.4S.ita�1 CE C-ANCA t. SON t flare irnuesscd,inswdue rn this purchtw, t may cared such request for in,m rncc tot any •astir. svnhn fifteen I l5) de }s from <br />tear_ date oaf thin contract by rtutifvitti ou or the holder of this contract in whting.'1 knnty that (fie cantAT: Oil for irry c1, ee sriii too p with thr i"Nuiaainc twittli.i <br />and a full refund of my prentiunit togeUEcr with applicable ffna nt c charge will be credited to ilifs'ccmtf ni <br />PLEASE PHYM: If 1 have regUe cd insurance inth1. purchase. r war receive within thirty IAftt day, :ttclIII1 :?,-rat In,utan.e it it hilly dt cribing the iif urame urvcragr. <br />tutguage the certificate of msurence and the lollocvinie N,1hcc of k'Tt,pned lnsu r..c that 1 am soscred or only h. <br />I know that if there is anyy' cone t to the coverage of the of <br />'the extent stated in the fidtin ng•Notwo� of Prvposcd lnsurance. 1 alms liftow that 1 have insurance coteragg 1,111} if 1 hart been chatycd r it <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />«f <br />1 take notice that eat r Credit ! dr it Ctedlt Ac: ident and Reatth InsuriECc, tit tooth, will he arlphceble a., ►hi. 1114,111mt: rat Sates fontuct the rescrw vide wily if <br />l have chosen tt by stn g the request for such n.utensc this insurancc sill only s„c'cr tb rat lm - 1_liin� ti:, rfyitc.t at thf so a file cash d} ' tot mwran :c ahnwn <br />tfcsb.r <br />Sub ecttc• aco ept: +nor tt1� uisut ul�r coulpu y. the inwran4. i& Tie efteeove as of tooday and wit! I:,nnrtuc only tt r the number of rrionthc after : e .l.1:r <br />r -L,tr :• =: i L c f : :t ! t Ili ';t fi_ tv�fnfnt._ .Lhd tit i rrt,nlr• Itr.11 t�1n�l 1•t in :re t <br />.t <br />rIl lh^- number of itio v patWcnts i urlt avEnd that this partit ulat U)SUlarrte nl tr on ptLr <br />twill nett have any In r n c .4; C "tai'C. All rfinCflt and rfmcci1`_! +f lll•_ InSUrl rat C i�Ltl it �Iit rr: t E � i E fi,n,1T llI :,T1Li It,r tit LF i itr� hJt: � ih: iFt.fd1 tf�fif ice!,•._ { a- t: }T. :.E <br />tt � <br />tit the extent ily it tntcrrcts anti any tt;lfaMI? will I pa}*vah :C h• T Cho Irf+!lal inif.unt of C"rtaJtl I s: tr,,ur till' ; -nil; an_.• :urs Iryf,Ir.,T is : rl'a} the i:'!.,s. rt tit: r..c I,E• <br />f tI:- tt ( a i' •(ri i.t'_1 :t ,lf• <br />(apt <br />u. <br />theieafrer. the in ntTk171, " rC.I *%1'. the uita,tlllt l•t Calm lT iitliEhl. ra-.IliCn1 rill a ` lovilU tt ,t Y!1 rice L.I it i lair , i IE4 (•E.lrr„r; t,ry [hi IJ.inI Il} <br />ltU�Ct. havC f'S•ti,.all'nCti the („ii fC hit Iff tL,;nran \; alil tq ft :'t : ?. :r. 111 Fti ('.1- ..1 +'!: r':ll'. .�,Ilr il,at• Et�.1Et: fl il•1:': 1'i IS.E•'i.tit' `� +!�iC : +r t: Eli- :�'f,` <br />. .. :it {t al lse il'crU,L'tt <br />c'ht11lnail:rll•. ualltnE.14I::Id 513!cli ra lhC gla(fLOke lk•Ii:4 :'Tt :ttrll. d ?t' d•tt'1111• :. :oat, any.} ttCaili [ {!i :jifa, %� :�.;I: -y;" [.HIP;,;S Dot ln7E'f ••i C.1. :r n::.r.tEr•. rn;7 :. t.: <br />..1r . <br />._ <br />firri cash f1.t Ill.ti l III tidally Ih -aMcd lint• mall10E,1f% r/ s._k , �'• t4 hit: I i••ti .,+ :. f' t �r :Ci 6ur1 •rl�'t!.,t..t r r! t 1• r•. I �- l,; ..,ili.i if,•rrl .t;•crrt +c �t <br />=[jt,' I kninif that 1 <br />to li r, h fn) It n.ii•1flty ft.t ,.tilt: Quo- rnurtctiJ 1111 c,•II,c:Utnr J-1- is' of III'.* In.p 1K');,�Qy t�t7i1 in 1'f %t tCit th�Nt}!, ,ISt �•E �• 'r• .t.. '''I!I,t alul <br />canrtnt nb aim tiny rnxurancr from fou if I alit over 64 years of ULC todJ },and 1 �o knott' :that IIte rosurarce f.4esage trrt 1 if If d Its tot• I I f it Itirl lilts a II IA%tiltuHI <br />ainouat f fovctne vilikh will not pair in slime uast-t. fli -tithe nmnunt it t t+ r }IIO. it : =- !._ ¢" : ,} xn_I tc =. a c+s *_f;t t•` . - - t,,..� !. i <br />•n <br />r.. '.: } Ir,'r c' . <br />•i <br />krt•ts If- to, .3111 unr•.ra JIV -uf : M Mx: a•« fft;' m :utsr._c �_•i i(aXi' :v,ll itt!!: h }: r'r�, }w i,.ra If t!.:. err- 1.t1!ntr<.* , .... . 1...' E'- <br />� . <br />.1,!.-..111 -. ti,.7.11f.1•tt 1 ll tl.ta!f..e Vfrfl;l:.f,ll, x`111 t`:' rl•;1 /1te l:',1 t,- Uri' ,tr lil•- tt ril.t:a f i'1a ..If� ,.t 1'. i. -•t �>l ,, 1,. r -':'.l T.• .. ' ) !I t <br />! •. {' , y : T,'.t <br />tulle dct,.rthn.,: nr: ,/:.n1.t1.:x' .,,.,at::, h Ih; fnla'au.c 1' L..t•Ad ; i!!: 'tli•tf.,fi ; , 1 r r,. .. ai . <br />