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Y <br />r. <br />F <br />�J <br />off <br />I <br />tiI <br />Excefpb From fntmnd Revenue Code <br />3er. E3E ►. _ 4 (--or Taxes. <br />It arty, r fJ=.'Jzbo •t : :,y any tax neo!ectr or refuses to <br />pay the sate at.'u 6..TwIHts amount (including any infer - <br />est, addirongl antcULt, W:N!ctr A tax, or assessable penalty, <br />together wit!r any tats " iV, Accrue In 111alon thereto) <br />shall be a ilen M ft"M a ;ft J1ild Sates =:rT &I property <br />and rg.Ms top 'il,.tet!6t"er real or persa-z.. = e!enoing <br />to such Patten. <br />r <br />Sec. 6322. Period elf Lien. <br />UnPoss another data is 11,W.ug8y fixed by law, the lien <br />Imposed by Section 6321 shall arise at the tima the assessment <br />Is made remit snail continue until the liability for the amount so <br />astetat7 let a judgment against the taxpayer arising out of <br />SUCK Batik:!) is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of lapse of Ume. <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purples, Holders Of Security tn- <br />tereeb, MeshanWa Llenora, And Juid mnt <br />Lien Cireditoia. — The t.rn " dosed by section 6321 shall <br />not be valid As against acy PJ111ser, holder of a security <br />Inbrul, mechantes liemr, crt.j%inont lien cred.tor until notice <br />thereof which meets the requatments of subsection (f) has <br />been filed by the Secretary. <br />(f) Plea For Fllifrg Notice; Form.- - <br />(1) Raw For Filing - TM nonce referred to, In sub. <br />eeclkn (a) shell befiled- <br />(A) Under State laws <br />(i) Real Properly - to the case of real property. In one <br />office within the stars (or the county. of other governmental <br />subdivision), as designated by the laws of such State, :n <br />which the property subject to the hen Is situated; and <br />(ii) Paraonal Property - in the case of personal <br />Property. whither tangible or Intangible, In one office <br />within the Srste (Or the county• or other governmental <br />subdivision). as designated by the laws of such State, <br />in wh:cti the property subject to the lien Is silaaled; <br />or <br />(8) With Clerk Of District Our!- In the office of the clerk of <br />the United States district court for the judicial district in which <br />the property subject to lien is situated, whenever the State has <br />nolby law Aesignated am office whichmeetsthe requirements of <br />Subparagraph (A). or <br />(C) With Recorder Of Deeds of the District 0t Columbia- In <br />fed allies of the Recorder of Deeds of the Oistri cl of Columbia. it <br />the property subject to the Len Is situated in the District of <br />Columbia. <br />s <br />3 <br />e: <br />Z <br />0 <br />so <br />n <br />0 <br />•lie <br />m <br />r <br />63 Doc lmef11 <br />99 X2495 <br />Cre11M1!_ _�.�a <br />STATE 07 NESRi.SKA. SS' <br />COUNTY ,fit- MALL 3 <br />'89 HAY 16 AH 9 46 <br />R1 Situs Of Property scsg,. Tif %'en - For purposes of <br />Paragraphs Ili ari —4. 4.�Fz pLtgsla!ibtdoomedtobesituated- <br />(A) Real Prc;e.:, - ::r the use of real property, at its <br />physical locaon, tr <br />181 Personal ft-," - to 00 Fria of personal property. <br />whether tangible or Inlangib'.e, r7, N residence of the <br />tarpayer at Su time the notice C` fir, lfited. <br />For purposes of pq -sgra;h(Z } {B),the at;c9 eofacorporation <br />or partnership sfaS: be deemed to be i`s :face at wtvc` ttie <br />principal executive Ica of the business is tomme a"tt'!ss <br />stsi:enee of a taxpayer whose reside: cs s .._ ter.^ !:-.Jf ; <br />S" w" shall be deemed tobeatThe ,µi;2 -za <br />M) Form - The form and cn,1" :t the notice <br />reamed to in subsection (a) shall he mscritled by the <br />Secretary. Such notice shall be valid notwithstanding any <br />other provision of law regarding the form or content of a <br />notice of lien. <br />Note. See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even thoigh notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br />1. securities <br />2 Motor vehicles <br />3. Personal property purchased at retail <br />8. Personal Property purchased In cEsual sale <br />S. Personal property subjected is mmssory Len <br />Real pro.*A,*y tax and speetals,55essment liens <br />t Reside .ri p'i.V7 rly subject to a mechanic's <br />('eri U'-CA' :Jn itFylrs and improvements <br />8. A1tGr.;r,�o!mrs <br />S. <br />certain ,r c a ^ca contracts <br />10 Passbook tars <br />(o) Rel0ing Of Notice. = for purposes at itds <br />section - <br />(1) General Rule. — untessmt'•ceof Ilan isretredit) <br />Cii manner prescribed In paragragh i41 '.:ring the required <br />'XIVi o peflod, such notice of lien shat Wrested as filed on the <br />Wh isirwh!eh it Is filed (In accordance with subsection (1)) after <br />the ft aieailon of such Wiling period. <br />(I F% For Flling. — A. notice of lien rehkd <br />i ,�Wl rO :•rig perlOd shale be affect :ve only - <br />iA$ ,f - <br />(1) such notice of lien Is refiled In Me office in which the <br />prior notice of Ilan was filed, grid <br />(Ii) In the cue of real property, the fact of raffling is <br />entered Ind recorded In an Index to the extent requital by <br />subsection (f) (a), and <br />(8) In any case In which, 90 days or more prior to tha data <br />of a refiring of notice of Len under subparagraph (4), the <br />I! <br />1 <br />O <br />SkZary received written information (i4 the manner <br />Prescribed in regulations issued by the Secretary)' <br />concerning a c zn;;.e is -a taxpayers residence, if a riot °ee <br />of such Ilan Is rlra'°95`r accordance with subsaetl :n In in <br />the State in wM0 rrx-residenci is located. <br />M Required Reffling Parted. — to w case <br />Of any notice of lien. the'rfTM "required raffling period" mears- <br />(A) the one-year per. "ra 30 dayr after tie exWatron <br />of 6 years after the dale ct "ie astettmi:,t ^f the 'tx.>!Fd <br />12i thaone- yeuperloderdinprr�Ntharr {/rUrns!E1•i�s. <br />r "' the close of the preceding required W. -IIfr fxned 1cr <br />rl `gate of lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or, <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />to Relem Of Lien, — subject to such <br />rez'dLlwls as the secretary may Prescribe, the Secretary shall <br />ise.e is ,.v !i Goats of release or arty lido i,iioosed kith rspa:tto <br />ary i :-w7al revenue tax not later than 3D daySSftsr the day on <br />Wftf&l <br />(1) liability Satisfied or Winfera2tie • The Secretary <br />finds Oil Me habIIlWcrtfte amo.mlassested, together with ail <br />Interest In respect t NO11, has been fully Satisfied Or has <br />bec::ce fagally unenforceable; cr <br />fl) Wod Accepted -TMre !slur.- Jahad(a lit ia «etary and <br />axxytrat t y him a bond that is corldiCOned up 1rt!C f c),mant of <br />the .mount assessed, tcatner wit* to c91? l:? qxc, A <br />thereof, within the time fleteldeed by law (ineiudjr., u y <br />extension of such time). and t0f It In ucordann with sx;!t <br />requirements 3101119 41 terms. conditions, andform 01the bond <br />and sureties tAerean, aO may to Specified try such regulations. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of, Returns and Return in- <br />formation. <br />W Clsela>zute 01' Certain ReWna a( d <br />Return lntarnietian.For Tax Admfniairskff <br />Purpottet — <br />(2) tiottoot. lUofwountO foutstandinglion. - itanoticeof <br />Len pas bon tied puauaril to section 6323(!), the amount of tM <br />eutstard rtg cbfigation secured by such lien may be disclosed to <br />arty person rr10 furnishes satisfactory written evidence that he <br />has a ijptt in the property Subject to such Ilan or Intends to <br />Obtain t ii }ht In such property. <br />r <br />�s <br />ri <br />j� w <br />r <br />r <br />�s <br />ri <br />j� w <br />