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20010'7386 <br />dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender' sjudgment,precludesforfeitureof the Propertyor other material <br />impairmentof Lender'sinterestin the Propertyor rights underthis Security Instrument.The proceedsof <br />any awardor claim for damagesthatare attributableto the impairmentof Lender'sinterestin the Property <br />are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restorationor repair of the Property shall be <br />applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensionof the time for <br />paymentor modificationDf amortizatiomf the sums securedby this SecurityInstrumenlgrantedby Lender <br />to Borroweror any Successorin Interestof Borrowershall not operateto releasethe liability of Borrower <br />or any Successorsm Interestof Borrower. Lendershall not be requiredto commenceproceedingsagainst <br />any Successor in Interest of Borrower or to refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortizatiornf the sums securedby this Securitylnstrumeniby reasonof any demandmadeby the original <br />Borroweror any Successorsin Interestof Borrower. Any forbearanceby Lenderin exercisingany right or <br />remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptanceof payments from third persons, entities or <br />Successorsin Interestof Borroweror in amountsless than the amountthen due, shall notbe a waiverof or <br />preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrowercovenants <br />and agreesthat Borrower'sobligationsand liability shall be joint and several. However,any Borrowerwho <br />co -signs this Security Instrumentbut does not execute the Note (a "co- signer "): (a) is co- signing this <br />Security Instrumentonly to mortgage,grant and convey the co- signer's interestin the Propertyunder the <br />termsof this Securitylnstrument;(b) is not personallyobligatedto pay the sums securedby this Security <br />Instrument;and (c) agrees that Lenderand any other Borrowercan agree to extend, modify, forbear or <br />make any accommodationssvith regard to the terms of this Security Instrumentor the Note without the <br />co -si er's consent. <br />Subject to the provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes <br />Borrower'sobligationsunderthis Security Instrumentin writing, and is approvedby Lender, shall obtain <br />all of Borrower'srights and benefitsunder this Security Instrument.Borrowershall not be releasedfrom <br />Borrower'sobligationsand liability underthis Security InstrumentunlessLenderagreesto such releasein <br />writing. The covenants and agreementsof this Security Instrument shall bind (except as provided in <br />Section 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br />14. Loan Charges. Lendermay charge Borrowerfees for services performedin connectionwith <br />Borrower's default, for the purposeof protectingLender's interest in the Propertyand rights underthis <br />Security Instrument,including,but not limited to, attorneys'fees, propertyinspectionand valuationfees. <br />In regardto any otherfees, the absenceof expressauthorityin this Security Instrumentto chargea specific <br />fee to Borrowershall not be construedas a prohibitionon the chargingof such fee. Lendermay not charge <br />fees that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br />If the Loanis subjectto a law which sets maximumloan charges, and that law is finally interpretecko <br />that the interestor other loan chargescollectedor to be collectedin connectionwith the Loan exceedthe <br />permittedlimits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reducedby the amount necessary to reduce the <br />chargeto the permittedimit; and (b) any sums alreadycollectedfrom Borrowerwhich exceededpermitted <br />limits will be refundedto Borrower. Lendermay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal <br />owed under the Note or by making a direct paymentto Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the <br />reductidn will be treated as a partial prepaymentwithout any prepaymentcharge (whether or not a <br />prepaymentcharge is provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptanceof any such refund made by <br />directpaymentto Borrowerwill constitutea waiver of any right of action Borrowermight have arising out <br />of such overcharge. <br />15. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connectionwith this Security Instrument <br />must be in writing. Any noticeto Borrowerin connectionwith this Security Instrumentshall be deemedto <br />have been given to Borrowerwhen mailed by first class mail or when actually deliveredto Borrower's <br />noticeaddressif sent by othermeans. Notice to any one Borrowershall constitutenoticeto all Borrowers <br />unless ApplicableLaw expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shall be the Property Address <br />unless Borrowerhas designateda substitutenotice addressby notice to Lender. Borrowershall promptly <br />notify Lenderof Borrower'schangeof address. If Lenderspecifiesa procedurefor reporting Borrower's <br />changeof address, then Borrowershall only report a changeof addressthrough that specifiedprocedure. <br />Initials: <br />dM -6A(NE) 10005) Page 10 of 15 Form 3028 1/01 <br />