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90� 104867 <br />NXXM NAL TERMS : <br />M MYMf iN'lTAMACCRUAL OFT FINANCE CHARGE: liven though 1 do not have to pay mote than the regular scuttled tractably, payment. I bare d I <br />to peaty lira grMtlb� _ awing to you m full at aey time or in part from time w time. It lire Ietrl[ng Institution that buys my conlaact computes the finance daily. <br />A Iceow "m fifie3�c� tr}!I fye less if I [[take an early pay[nent. aced it will be nigher if I pay late; I also recognize that any necessary<aqusb at to my It <br />cbage will be nefTecUd tiny final bill: A also know that the simounts shown ort the reverse stile for the Finance Chap, Total of Payments. and theTi tai S ce a[s <br />bored og the assumption that you will receive each of the payments exactly on its due date: and I know that there will be no rtefund if I prepay there is <br />refund if I in charged on a fiddly basis. If the lending institutiop does toot compute the finance charge daisy. and if t prepay the whole amotmt, will refmtd <br />to me of the fimutce chmp £interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial [method. and the amount of m rebate w, figured on the <br />scheduled andamounts of mmyy monthly payment and not on the actual dates and amounts of the p that I pay to you. i know that a tefi. f less than Srr.00 <br />will not De. I `tttty voluntarily prepay: the araatat I owe in full or in at tarry tittle If l�mak�e a <br />you, part, partial pmWyrneat, I rrrust c true rtraire my re gular - <br />paymrpatt I have paid [ill amauna owed. <br />ABO *KNRAMES:( SET. LERHEREBYDISCWMSALLWARRANTIES EXPR ORIMPLIED, <br />A91L,ITY RTrtESS <br />OF ANp FOR +PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES SELLER <br />FUSS WITH A SEPMATE WRITTEN LWrED WARRANTY,OR SERVICE CONTRACTMADE BY R ON ITS <br />OWN t L1F ) I have rind. in detail. the separate "LIINM R'ARRAMIr which accompanies this contract. It expI*6ts the conditions circumstances in <br />wltiiclf the is will be....7s �ed or replaced. A take notice of the thnitations on the warranry, and t p� p rt:ctr»tnize [liar y��� <br />which applies to the only aalatg as waxaney or service contract. (c)1 have read, in deoril. the separut "LjM WII1riSTALLA7ION <br />if i.-s caatract. H exptaias .tmrdrtiwrs and ci.�cttmstauces in which the i d the sir6ngg. acoeswries. and viii be redtx�. <br />take notice dtbe limb the 1 <br />on warranty, and t <br />particulariY maize that any implied warranty w c applies to the installation lasts only tang as the warranty or <br />serviceconowt. <br />lR1nER NARMMIII 1M1T" ellt>Awo� laze t YM or 1ff asSWW stall tN limit" h W do alld mown oilier t11e 11 PK U111E1 <br />WHIM T ga11111 a tie lm I my <br />yu elci "tuts ad ruetlits otter No trtllgotY stall M In RN of all riles er noleft,° <br />Meihr Ialr. <br />. <br />ALL MIWACM RIRII YE OT 111A1ANiEE1 =110 COM11=1101,•M015ti1RE FORINI M 01 FROO WOMCTS MOT 6MM.ANtEEM ACAMIST " <br />' <br />1K IM LIMA c11MftNI L <br />�SEIARAX "Il <br />: • 11111 UW31lWAMtf" *III tS A SEPARATE ERiREM iMSM MEN£ PERTAiRiIB SOIEIT *=AM= MOOM OF <br />in iACESEITER CIE►� AI• °LREIEI WARRANTY" MS 1EEII KIM= TO EACR RESPECiME NO IM COW t11TN TNIS MIL PACESETiR'S <br />11 YEAR LIMID NMRAMiI AML -TNE FIK MOYISIONS RECARIIM6 t;OM1ENSATNMI 110 ,1101 Apply TO S OIK <br />Fu ft. TM Pae$SM Cet,eratiell NO REPM MTATNIN OR WARNO OF ANY ONO OR MATURE WRATSOEYER,11 OR IMPLIED, ®RN RESPECT 1•'� <br />IN ENtIR1Y SAiMICS i COIM.O 01 MAY AC 1!Y USE OF THE PROW(S). I otll mlallt tlat any en fly sadols NMent Igor a dallier it <br />fachrsti iocMlieM, let oet tiolihli d, Nle ter. aM Ipaliq of imolatioll in my 1ee1e. Ne particular site ant of oq tie. Cle trNe ei RoaUtr of <br />alatnetiell of Mine, EY %atticohr lift sryie�ilaolMr of epeninjs in EI Metre, proper IoonitarillA of theroNSgt ttin . clilutic ceMitiel�s atN togtin <br />H lei Mee1e. aM altar Nt type of eoerjr tcatlaolel r Mgtillj seA aft eaMltieoinl per'atos. � �j �_ <br />. <br />ta•lelrlt <br />SPEC11M,0RDER GOODS: i know that you have measured city house and its openings so that you can make the ucts [o fit my particular house and that the goods <br />probably, will act fit an other houses, so i know that 1 cannot cancel this contract at any time after the period of " given tome by law in which to cancel. Af* that <br />legal period of time. I know that i have tite obligation to pay you in full the amount owed. <br />1 COMMENCEMEN'TOFTHE FINANCE CHARGE: The fin an charge (interest) is estimated to start wi n 34 days of the date of this contract, except in the event <br />you complete the installation of the goods and services on another date. en the finance charge f interest) will gin to run on the date that t sign the Completion Certificate. <br />The amount of finance charge (intemt) may be more or less than the mount disclosed depending on th amounts I rimettness in <br />pay you and my retaking p.-S—merns. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAIMNG TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND Y REAL ESTATE: 1. 1 ise to keep my house in g and keep it i:.>- .:..:,l for at <br />least 80'X, of its replacement value by buying a fire and extended coversge surance policy. The insu ce company must be appmved u, policy rc�ss have <br />a beneficiary clause which says that )ou are to be paid if there is a loss. The - nsurance company m t agree that it wi6 net cancel my tc [thou first telling you. I <br />authorize the insurance to direct4 for loss. You <br />company pay you any can ch se to use this insu cc payment to either repay any un ow oar or to repair my <br />house. i have the option of pravnding property msurwe through an existing poll or through a licy independently obtained and pal y . I also promise that <br />1 will riot allow anyone else to it ens on my real estate without 3. 1 <br />place any your wit permissro . promise to pay all taxes, assessments and other bar es on my real <br />estate when dire. 4. i promise to timely make all payments on my prior loans secu by my 1 estate. l also promise that.l will not ext , ene gnat loans <br />without your written permission. 5• if 1 do not insure my house or fulfill my ether ob atio to my real estate, then you cola do it fix me y t but oar do not have <br />to). If you do pay any of [hest obligations for rot, 1 agree to pay you back on demon s interest at the highest lawful contract rate rot til ppay you back. <br />these amounts will be added to my debt to you which is secured by my real estate and use, 1 know that if you decide to buy insurance for me at you do not have to <br />obtain any homeowner or liability insurance. <br />MORTGAGE: i hereby grain bargain, sell. convey and mortgage to you, as Mo agee. real estate and house located at my ' Add "4sign ed n the side <br />of this contract as security for all amounts due to you under this Installment Sal . Contract. <br />DUE ON SALE: If 1 se.1. lease or give my house to anyone before f have fully p rd all l owe u er this contract. you can declare all that 1 we undo tthi con <br />-. <br />_ <br />at once and I agree to immediately pay you that amount. payable <br />— <br />DEFAULT i will be in default under this contract if: 1. 1 don't make a paym t when due: Or 2. 1 reak any promise 1 made to you to this contract. or 3. Something else <br />happltas which causes you to believe in good faith that I du not intend to pay ou as prumiscd. or 4.1 fault on any obligahortcfor which am using my home as collateral: <br />.1 <br />or 5 Something happens to my house Which threatens your rights, if any rn it. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and you de ad full payment, 1 underma that you have the right to forcdow the mortgage 1 have given to <br />you and to bave my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you. Befit my house i% sold, )oar will do a that the law requires. 1 understand that if you hire an attorney <br />as <br />to assist you in the enforcement of rights. including tie sale lawsuit, l <br />; <br />your of m ousc or a agree to pay y u for reasonable attorneys' fee% and for other related expenses <br />such as court costs, title searches and money you expended to pmt tiny house, if you are allowed to co ct such amounts bylaw. <br />OTII1rR RIGHTS: You can choose not to enforce any of the righ under this contract as often a% you want vvjthout losing them. M you can delay enforcing any of the <br />- rights without losing them. You can also use any rights now or the future given to you fry law. \\ <br />DELAYS: 1 know you <br />that will use your best efforts to install t products i am purchasing on my house. but la understand that In scone situations you may encounter <br />are <br />delays that a caused 6y strikes. weather conditions. lelays u have in obtaining materials. or for other reasons at are tkyond your control. 1 will not hold you liable <br />R ; <br />for such delays. <br />REQUEST FOR FALL PAYMENT: If Ian) in default u cr this contract, you can declar. all that 14,,6% r under this miser pavnMc at once. I ,Free to pay <br />that the <br />on amount at maximum contraoual rate allured y law until the amount 1 ewe you its Paid I oho know that yi tan Suet o.e the mortgage I have peen ro )4111 . <br />ARBITRATION: if I have a dispute or claim with ya concerning the quantity, quality or perfomtance of thepnxlucts, understand that myy dispute maybe submitted <br />to and settled according to the trtediation•arbitrab - gram that may have developed in my community. 1 also know that )decision made by an arhitratow.) would he <br />entered in the cotin having jurisdiction over me an oar. <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the windows, iv ' work. siding, brick and other rnaterials that haul ut he re noted by YOU art this installation have ND salvage value. <br />When you remove them, you can haze them for [ever purpow you want. <br />SPEkUL SITUATIONS: Due loft uniquenr s of some of the products that you sell. I understand Itrat in special situations Afar Regional (iffice may have to review <br />l <br />artd accept ibis contract. duct understand that its sale occurred in my home and that you and I may not have had all the correct 1 fumiation Important to this transaction <br />at our fingertips. I give you my consent to c et any Obvious amts that may have blank,, in <br />occurred when the this contract WVre completed <br />IiNVALiD PROVISIONS: If any provision r(f this contract violates the taw and is uncnfotceable, the rest of the timtrrr[ will be valih if any pan of thy- contract requircc <br />payment-of more interest than the law pe its, then-,you will only have the right to culled frinu me the amount 41f intrust which t r law allows you to collect. <br />COMPLETENESS OFTHiS CY) CT This contract can only, be changed if bush you and r spree in writing <br />'NOflCE • <br />ANY HOLDER OF THI CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT iS SUBJECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND D FENSES WHICH THE <br />DEBTOR COULD ASSE AGAINST THE SELLER OF GOODS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HERETO OR WITH <br />THE PROCEEDS HER . RECOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMO�INTS PAID BY THE <br />DEBTOR HEREUNDEO. t <br />, •_ <br />" INSURANCE CANCELLAfION: if 1 have requested insurance in this purchase, I may camel such rtquc,t for msurdn�c f,ir any tea,uti stltiLn fifteen (15) days £lien <br />. the date of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this u+ntrua in witting. 1 know chat )he catwellauun Of tn4 col—dg'e ,III Ile alranged with the lnsutarli:e Garrlcrt,l <br />- anA a fidl . refnt><! of my prt?mitlmfs) rc thff y,jIh appt,. al:L f:u ut:t �txra.° sill !� { ::;fit:ci r,: thl. c. :Irtra:s i • . <br />" <br />PLEASE NOTE: If 1 have reqquested insurance or ihi%purchase. I will rrceiw within thirty 130; days a tcitliwato of rn,tu.rn.e rn„ir tartly 0c...urh,ng IV tn•,uranec, otcrrge <br />1 kfxrw <br />that if there r% any crnfllct in the coverage or the language of the cefhfucte of in%u11"iw and the tollow,ng No:r.e of Pr.,pr,st d Ill,uralite IIWt•.� ale u,•.cred only t„ <br />the extent stated in th fallowing Notice of Proposed In,utanee 1 also know that 1 hose Insurance u,teragc wily if 1 hdic hreb charged h,r a• <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE y <br />1 take notic t either Credit Life or Credit At cadent and 11calth limilame. of tit +th. aril he applr.ahl: a, this h,,t.Lfn.rm %,t lc` 1 •.r+rtdtI ••rl tit- f01't: ,, ,lac ,.nly it <br />1 have chosen' y signing the reiluc,t flit sift h msuraur. tfri, ni,urancc writ on1v ctncr the pnm,n :Igr,it: the rcyu; sr :,t th; : , .t r +r c.r, tit rtG:.,F iU.ur.ultt h, :.rr <br />Subject b ac ptanrc by the insurance enmparty, the miivran :e will he effectoc d, wt n sL.: du,l it if t wotrnr :, Only I,"i ru, numlrtr ,.r 111,411 It' :,1rrr rt.. cttc4tltc lt.tle cynal <br />[o the num r Of ntwrtr ly payments. 1 understand that this partr;ular 1 urin;: lu.w ne,t par•' ,st; t, ^.t ra_,c t „= en: Fs•t fca p I.,rs wa that duru,g It, ;, p ,::,! „t +;o:c ! <br />will rat h cans in:utdnte cuvttare. All bcnrtd. anti pn%,cdl of the msutarr.4 :tfif 1-e 1'.11i V •ar t•r t".'I tar,.r ::_, :rt ur.r,tuu. + :: ,f it lit-, . - OW It,•t Jhrcnt ,tc. t .,once: r <br />P. <br />[I thL- a etrt of its mtorits and any' baLui:e m dl No p:,yahle it, rue; 'The• milt ,1 .,nn,o,.r .,f [_r,_itrt f,fe Imo _r =.e :•. 11 .:rr•ar3r a; t } :,uc.l f•= s t _ th, heat •I f'd:r, : : :,t- <br />dcsira <br />C£1 <br />�Ul <br />11 lire .er. lire Insurance es lib II.e. :uoonut of ca.11r If mthly paylaulI a k: Ile( Uletl tt. tfav I•.nr. It I :m; in,n :i .- .:++h +l_lt , r +I•: tr..;sttr =• , ! ',., t: •, :rr•t t :t,;l. <br />T u)•er. and -.ichatcfri, ill s ign: dthcnyucstforCmditLifeIwiiiainc till1-- fit. �+Ir;�t,;u.,.n. <br />.tic.;lt,rtiu:fit,% hrc•,lh; ,.t. ..!u• ..•.Lc <br />clfmnatiorot,rwriturclr u,Jstatcduittr mama «.CIK,h,hOrkTnlfi,d'c.ttCdtr• toil! nEan. iFf:. r( tL• f:,,:, r.:, rr ,tt + :it :_rt,,,,,,,,;,,,;,,v -•t} h,.t;.• :t :n; :.,,y,}.•,.,..,,., <br />1 <br />t <br />- <br />- .._ .. i,r cathdsy -ltdt all; f0allvfl4t:lyd4f intury wit Owl; ruly I u.r !r ” r,.uF: 11 <br />n. iuth (ntal d for nr.•rc thin fu tt;cu 1141 .,. l -, :., n:ed t,= :n .•.•y,." -„ - .: <br />i „nsc,upu J.n, !, h•rr th - c I'll, ;13..•t +•,. r+ • f • r- i.•, I at,() krha Iflat r <br />Ginnat obtain any Insurance from %uu if I am oscr 6S )ear. of agv Grd fy. n h otsuruu a,yc rawt pf „s idea u. tit. Aare[ i "1 Imo a ni „imam <br />ambrtit of coverage syhich will mil ,pay Irr st.nre caste, the e•nlire amount Ili t r....• . ' ,. ,+.• <br />- : <br />, , .a ,r -_: -„ - <br />•, ." l.. <br />krr +w that an) stn( me! a11�•nud tlr e +tc„ 411 Ili_ .n,u,entr t., :rl.r,rr .t,ill'till f,- , yiLa r. <br />1 f V tit -C�raJ t�r..rleul. '1 t 1 t . :... - lip. <br />t,dr eny ,Ire1InC l ins usr % Erefulan;. wilF r- niuo:'r.! r., e, :c :r tit, n +dmxr pry •. r,t +tat•- ..a .. 'r:r. 'if fit <br />filly dr,.rt.' :rj, a;. rah.:,. rt . :ra• Itt1F. ,l;•ut:,rtt 1,...; ;it,41-hitt•v tF,: „r ".tr,.rr.,_ . it -. i ... .. <br />