'J ~ ~r_e.A 9 d+ a ;y, 7.A .~o,~L~i ~ ~~Y"An I }
<br /> .:J tai 5 + .l" d .Ii It .J.
<br /> ~ k ~ J Y-=b J 4'; ~ 5 l~s wly 4 .1` : ~
<br /> J ~ s z
<br /> 11 5 ty J t K w
<br /> 311 vial iC lyt{t~
<br /> :tic cj r tN~rt i ~a rrr_ izvtc t`~~,
<br /> 1z 'A
<br /> -110
<br /> (MAN A~t cnttc~): ~494o9D40 *~104866
<br /> w.\~ Mwhw a.,hwr n/irw~t wv r~"~r. i f! t \l~
<br /> 207 Ill?RTki ti~AI.DO GRAND ISLAND NE 68801 GRAND ISLAND.
<br /> _ N1,IlRASi;n
<br /> 7T11S 1~11:n lyl 'rRos'l-, mad,, dais 29TH _ \r 1, Ir_ DUNE. 9Q 1 (a,~n:NICH+DLS ' (HUSBAND F, ME NIC !t US&i1~iD _LLUU
<br /> hereinafler roiled TRUSTOR, whose addre%, it-, Z07 NORTH WALDO, GRAND ISLAATD,' NE,.:_ICHOL ant1
<br /> . ra itt a:rl T L 11 N , wit-c rdd7 r, -1065 V. , 11!i ST --SU ,100, p~A~~ T
<br /> and AVCO IiNAtJC'iAI. S1ikV1t'i,ti 1stTI "r[RN.\I 1(I\A.A1:, ltvl':, , a Neiirs►;t
<br /> NE Itl'Nllltl,AHl'• whoW yddrm k
<br /> 1425 NORTH WEBB...ROAD, GRAND ISLAND s r. ,,tram. IreleifuRcr'caB,d
<br /> 68803
<br /> WtTNl:SSf TI I: That Tru-,tor CRAN l:S. ('O\VI{YS. St;LLS AND W ARRA!Y!'< 1(1 l ktrtiT! 1 , t•. 'I ftllSl', W11.11 IYIlS'FH'f)f ti,\1 I NIfte foll.+winX drsrrihed
<br /> prvpcrty, situated in-- HALL._•-~ ~ ('aunty nrbras63:
<br />
<br />
<br /> logeturr with ail liuddim•s :Ind inllvtnenlrnh Flaw or hew.11ter .-revled the rt,wi :nrtl .111 swoons, :atonal:+. ,hddcs, storm s,1eh :Ind hfinds, :Ind ht`allnp, lirliting.
<br /> pleml+iae, vis, Oeclric, vcnld.,i ml., retrtlter:ltmc rn,) :ur•rr,11ditionfn} ecfulpnn•nt ltwd in ronncclfan ah001,1111, all it \thtih, tilt Ihy )turpr.q• „I ills Deal Ili
<br /> 1 masts 01:111 he drt•tned tit ti, told slllgccf ill 11:0 111•11 hen (If, and tilt hyl[•dif.ll,,i1115 mold a111mFICnnnCc, I.:1ldltllrir Ill ihD pf,•perlt ,IIMIt t' dyw'Ilhed, and .III
<br /> ,ftcvts, lancs, aflrys, pas ,y es, %I;rys, water,, wat,v cvurs ripltns, lil+erfaes ;Ind Irlliilrttes. t.llat,,t•ver the, tmio Irb,nl•iot' nI in rn\wist :Ipllrll,rntlnf and flit-
<br /> reversions and renimiidcrs, all „I uhith it wictred tit licivul.,licr :n the `•pfyrl,is,•,••.
<br /> TU HAVE AND 10 1101.1) flit above-dca•ril+td flremiscc, with tilt appurtrnanrrs :,Fill Iitliur., unlit lire slid It.•nrtiri,lrr, it% wrrr.<nrs and aisicns. tl•rcvcr, for
<br /> the purposes and uses herein set forth, free li,ntt all rights ,,In! !)Cl)efirs under ;Ind !h vhlm, ,+f arty liflnlc0ead 1 NVIltpltt111 I itttt ill rho S1.11V All Nrhrasl,.l
<br /> which may be enacted, which said riphii and hcncffllithe said l nrstor does liewhi cspn•„ Iy tvIcaw ;roll t\anes.
<br /> Trustor also assignt to Beneficiary all rents, issues and pmlirs of said premises, gfunlint; the IiOlt rn c•r,11cct anti uiw flit- slnnc, with or without takin,4 possessfttn of
<br /> the premises, during continuance of dufaull hero-oidcr, atnl durit.ig continuanee of-'Ludt d,rlault aurl,mii.itig lieneticiary to enler ut+.In sand pivmiw%and/or to c„Ifrs•t
<br /> and enforce the saint wichuut regard it, adequa:y or any security for the iudehledness hereby secured by any lawful meats intlullina appoinftnew id a receiver in
<br /> the min1,.• of any patty hereti,, and Ifl apply file sarlic less Costs and experow% of operation gild collection, inehlilink least ahle afloruey''s fees, upon any f l&bled•
<br /> ^ n,:ss in I,itd bumby, in such order as Bellelicfary way determilic,
<br /> r" I,OR Tilt-' PURPOSli Oi' SH(`URING (i) Petfnrnrrn4c of each agleetnent of Ttn;tor cofil;nurd hctcin: (21 Paynn•nt of file I,lincip:l suns with intvteia. as
<br /> Lprotided in Accordance with the icrim and prvvear,n+ of a Promissory Note / Loan Atifeentent (heivinaticr rclencd III as "prumiwiry note-1 dated
<br /> -Mg-19L a.9ga
<br /> rrTr herewith vNe,oted I,y Tilmor and payable to Cite urdcl If lirnelicfary, In the Principal limn Ill
<br /> a' S _ . and Ituvilig flit: date or its linal payment (luc,in -1/29/94 • to a+e%trnded.
<br /> ~Acfcrrrd or rescheduled by renewal of refinlnce.: Payment of any additional udvurtres, with interest thereon at- may hereafter be loaved by licncfiefury
<br /> r to Trt++tor in a masintuni sum of S-MI-3,1 _ within 15 yvari fluor tit: liatr Ill skis fired tit 'i rust: huw•cver,
<br /> this paranranh dues not constitute a commitment by Bcnefici:iry to ,Ftake Will 3dvanccs: (4) The puynleni of :tow nltgtey 1I1.1I ,Flay be
<br /> adt:un,.'etl by fhr
<br /> f)cne!witirv to Trauor for nny reason or to third l artics, will, Interest thereon, where the ;unnunls ;toe advanced to Iv„teet the security in aecord,mcr with thr
<br /> covenants u'' this Uerd of Trust: (5) Any rcncwui, refinuncing or extension of said prrnuissury note, or auv other upreement to pay which may be substituted
<br /> therefor.
<br /> ;All Paynicnts made by 'frustor mi the ohlit:amm secured fry this Deed (If' I rut t shall i,e uttptit•0 ni the Inquwmtt littler
<br /> FIRST': To the paynienf of la%,!, and atxtsmcnls that niay he levied and ussess.'J agwom .,fit pncnitws, insurance Premiums, repairs; and all nlht•i charges
<br /> and cxpenses aKreed to tits paid by file I nl,tnr,
<br /> S! r't)ND: `('t•r file payincill of ifttrtra true on wtd loan.
<br /> I ilr,tl+' I.ri llte (rlymem of prim w,il-
<br /> JO PRO"t f;[.'r Tlli? SECUPI' Y i1F.!tl-017, TRUSTOR(S) COVENANTS AND AGREES: To keep said premises insured against loss by fire and other har"ardq,
<br /> {:Wualty and contingcncir op the ful' value of all improvements (or the prota'tion or Beneficiary in such manner, lit such amounts, and in such companies as
<br /> 3Aeneficiary may from lime its 6vic approve, an,) that loss proceeds (less expense of collec(ion) shall, at Hentficiary's option, be applied on said indebtedness, whether
<br /> ,iOuc or not or to the restoration or said itnpruvenlttnv. In event of loss'rruslor will xl,e inuneth;ue unfree by mail if) the firne(iciary, who may make proof of loss Tram
<br /> made promptly by Trustor, and each insurance company conetrned Is hereby authorised Lind directed to snake payment for such loss directly tit the Iletueficiary inslead -or
<br /> 0 2a the Trustr,r, r;) fn pay n•' taxes and special assessments or any kind that have been or may be levied tsr ns0essed upon said premNes, and to delivery to Reneficiary,
<br /> n request of [lie flrllclic !try, the ial receipt flowing payment of all such taxes and a%wssmenti. (11 In fire event of dvraulf by Vrmoor under Paragraphs I tot 2
<br /> ve, Scncficlary, at its opt(cn, mi. place and keep such insurance above Provided lnr in force tbrouyhnuf Use lire of !his Deed of Trust anti
<br /> remiums and charges therefor; (b) p. said taxes and as~essmeuts without delermining file validity lherruf; and (c) pay such liens and all Inch dithu Kvhems ha1 1bc
<br /> t~etmed apart of the indebict.'ticss sect . _d by this Deed of I rust and shad! be immctliately due 4nd paynbie by Trustor to tirnclicials, (4) Tit Pay when due ally lien ton the
<br /> ,~~rr perty which is srnior to rb,r .Ism of Beneliciary arid, nor'Nithetanding tiny right or option granted by any senior lira or by any %ct iur Ilcnholdcr to permit the(`rfncfpal
<br /> Vitnce of such senior lien f )ncitmx, Trusfor will not perinif (lit principal balance of any senior lion tar invrealc above flit balance at the lime of the making (If ihIs I rust
<br /> Deed until this Trust Uccd Oa!l have been paid in full, (S) To keep the buildinr% and other improvements now rxuting or herearlet erected in good evmlition slid repair,
<br /> nott tofu nthc purpose (+f'1v wvoilc or any use of said premises contrary to rptrfctions or record or wunfrury Io law. loud Its permit Beneficiary it) tiller at all reasonable
<br /> rsteir Porting the prctn lv~ r!\rr,nvr ,fernolish ally buildfltg tlicrmn; to restore lnompt!y arid in a c.)d end t►arknwnlike mullet any
<br /> buf1dings which may be drnAac l or dexuoycd thereon, and to pay, when due, all claims lot ktbor p.'I foi mcd and nnatrnluls furnfshcd therefor; (6)'rhaf, if it signer of the
<br /> Promissory Note, he will t,;uv, promptly the indebtedness secured hereby, and perform all other Obligations in full compliance with the terms mr said Promissory Notc
<br /> iind rhtl Heed of Trust. (7) rhat the lime of payment Of the Indebtedness hereby Inured, or orany portion lherenf, may be extended or rrorwed, and any portions of the
<br /> renlisca therein s1mribed may, without notice, be relra40d (runt the hen hereof without releasing ur Affecting the personal Ilal+dlly of any )reason tot the priority of this
<br /> ell of 'I r us'. (Bj flint he does hereby lurevar warrant and will forever defend the
<br /> 1wlso of
<br /> Brie Arid posvcssitrn rtferrt)f against the lawful claims of any and all persons
<br /> II Should Tru%for tail to make any payinenl nt d„ airy art as heroin provided, flr If ally Lociilrn ur pnltetditi• It commenced WhIelt IIIJIMatly affects
<br /> tnefieLlry's Interest fn the 1'rcntiws, inter Ifruefictaty (or fnltfcc, but witliouf ,FI,lileation to do sit, and whhnut ni,U.•a to Ile ,btnu,n,d upon 'Irutfor.:Ind
<br /> thout releasing Twilm faun any nhllyalton llercundar. may make rrr till fhc same. and truly Pay, plirchasu, e0011VIII or ctunpromiu• anv t-ncunobfamV churl•e
<br /> lien, which in the iudg u.•nl of either Ito ufryct said Prn(krly: and in excrcl%Ing any such p„wt.•rs, Incur any lability and v%pend whatever amnunls in
<br /> he absolute discretion of itcncriciary or 'I rnslee chlorr may deem necessary therrlor. All sums It incurred ur vywmlm fry henrfiesary flr Trustee shall tK
<br /> Iliuut demand Innnedwitly due .,rid pavnbly I+y Tntslor, ,ftall tsar Interest ,t-1 late highe0( rate (h flldl h'll by IiNY, and ti 1:111 he Kt-tlfetl Il Clehy,
<br /> Should the Prensia;s or any part the(vtd t+e r.il,rn by reason alit' any corldemnalion proceeding. lerteriviary shall he entitled 1a all cfluopensatIon. awards
<br /> d other payments rhcrcfor, amt fit apply the •oannc flit floc indvIrtedneltit kcurvtf hcfrhv,
<br /> fly accepting payment cif any sum hereby te,7ored utter its duo date, or allot the filing fit' noliee tots lYfault and of elecllr,n lit WTI, Rcneneiorv 01311 not
<br /> aivc its ail ht to rrq:r ire plntnpt 11,Iwmrnt whir at- lit' ;lfl tither umat %I, Iwo, d, lit der 1.11k, drl:wln for allure in „I I,, , if 1-1 rot,et'd ill flit, it,
<br /> fly such notice of delaull and of elyclion tip wd. file any unp.Iid ba!;owv or t,nd uulclnrdnrss. 11 Bcnet,c,aty hfllds :my .,ddlrlt rtalrilek:t rtywforl arty' ohligaititm
<br /> fietured hereby, it may cof a" the sale thereof at its ril+fion, cithcr before, conlynllk+ranrrnasly with, alt thief the sale Is 1e1,ldc ht-lelrnder.
<br /> ...36.0474 (Rl V. 1 0'81) MC G!NCR AL USVRV 4.Aw
<br />