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ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />State of California } <br />} ss. <br />County of San Luis Obispo } <br />20010'7352 <br />On - / a- v , 2001, before me, e# /I 't n �� . o/ <br />a Notary Public, ersonally appeared a &_ o el c Pc_ i- z <,2a r/ c (- <br />personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to <br />be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and <br />acknowledged to me that /she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, <br />and that by +4s/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf <br />of which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />Witness my hand and official seal. <br />........... AL EE p <br />CommJ 1262689 r'N <br />Lf" • NOT ARY PUBLIC•CALIFORNIA San Luis pins County +..� My Comm. Expires May 4, 2004 "a <br />State of California <br />County of San Luis Obispo <br />Notary <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />} <br />} ss. <br />} <br />On �fb�lftp� �o , 2001, before me, <br />a Notary ersonally appeared tJc, w / a i9 . C_ r /c r <br />personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to <br />be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and <br />acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, <br />and that by his/hew signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf <br />of which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />Witness my hand and official seal. <br />• <br />ALEEN REID <br />N Comm. A 1262689 rrnn <br />NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA U! <br />San Luis Obispo County .. <br />MY Comm. Expires May 4,2004 t <br />Notary <br />